Hetalia Kink meme part 11 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:04

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 11



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Part 8 anonymous April 20 2010, 18:16:56 UTC
Alfred crept silently wearing nothing but his pajama bottoms into Arthur's bedroom one night, closing his door and opening Arthur's silently so as not to alert Matthew in his room. He was late enough that Arthur would be lying in his bed and early enough that he was not yet asleep. He didn't want to know what Arthur might do when surprised from his sleep by someone who might be a burglar in the near complete darkness.

"What is it," Arthur had sat up in his bed and asked quietly after Alfred had closed the door behind him. The voiles were affixed to the posts in his four poster bed, so Alfred could see that his eyes were bright and leeched of colour in the darkness.

"Dad," Alfred began and stepped right up to his bed. He didn't know how to ask of Arthur what he wanted. He had thought about it and decided there was no delicate way to put it across. So Alfred tugged his drawstring pants below his hips and let them fall around his feet. Arthur's eyes flickered downwards, following the motion, and Alfred knew what he would see. He was already half hard as he left his own room, and he felt his cock twitch at Arthur's attention.

Arthur looked up not a second later, face contorted with outrage. "What is the meaning of this," he hissed softly, clearly mindful of Matthew's presence the next room over.

Alfred whispered soothingly at him as he pressed him into the mattress as gently as he could manage while being resisted every step of the way. And, oh god, though Arthur muttered viciously at him and his thin shoulders strained against Alfred's hands, he could not get up unless Alfred let him up, and it was the most arousing thing ever.

"Daddy, daddy, my daddy," Alfred was vaguely aware of chanting, utterly mesmerised, as he leaned closer to mouth the sweat glistening in the hollow of Arthur's clavicle, and to let Arthur feel his now full erection through the thin silk covering his waist.

Arthur made a choking sound at the back of his throat, so Alfred lifted his head to look at him, and what he saw in the wide eyes was something akin to horror. Fear, denial, rejection. Alfred released him and backed away slowly. His erection was flagging already anyway. He grabbed his pajama bottoms and left, but not before hearing a faint sob behind him.

In the following weeks Arthur wouldn't look at him, not even when he spoke to Alfred. The few times he had managed to catch Arthur's eye, his mouth twitched, just barely, as though in pain. Alfred was almost inclined to think that Arthur might have thrown him out of the house if not for Matthew's sake. He was also beginning to think, and with growing conviction each day, that he was never going to be satisfied with anything for the rest of his life.

One afternoon, Alfred had wheeled his bike out of the garage and was working on it in the bright sunlight when he felt eyes on his back. Looking behind and up, he saw Arthur staring out at him from his study's window. Alfred realised with an itching, self-conscious sensation he wasn't used to at all that he was shirtless, and as he was squatting down, his loose jeans were probably halfway down his ass and revealing his black briefs. Their eyes met. Arthur's throat worked, quite clearly even from Alfred's position on the ground, then the curtains were abruptly drawn.

The same night, Alfred visited Arthur's room again. This time, Arthur did not question why he was there. After a few moments of silence, Alfred asked, almost meek, "Do you want me, Dad?"

Arthur beckoned him closer.

When they kissed, Arthur's mouth was dry and his face was almost feverishly hot. His hands clutched uselessly at Alfred and they were trembling. It wasn't very good at all, but Alfred didn't mind. "Why do you want to do this?" Arthur hissed as Alfred started to draw up the hem of his shirt. He sounded angry again - he always did, but there was also an undercurrent of fear. "It's okay, dad. I just do."


Part 9 anonymous April 20 2010, 18:19:29 UTC
Matthew's most vivid memories of his time at the orphanage didn't involve Alfred. There was a man who visited the orphanage every now and then, but who wasn't looking to adopt. The caretakers always welcomed him with open arms, and Matthew later figured that he was a patron of the orphanage. He had tanned skin, and very bright green eyes, and somehow Matthew had caught his attention. Matthew, who barely spoke loud enough to be heard. When the caretakers were not paying attention, the man would sweep Matthew up into his arms and carry him into an unused room.

Outside, everyone simply addressed him as Uncle, but when they were alone, and only when they were alone, he wanted Matthew to call him Papa.

When Matthew was good, he would present him with sweets and touch his cheeks and mouth as he ate them. Matthew did not think much of it, because sometimes visitors to the orphanage would also say he was cute and touch him. Sometimes, though, he would ask Matthew to sit in his lap. His arms and torso would be lightly patted and Matthew thinks he may remember a hard bulge beneath his buttocks.

He was never felt below the waist, or asked to do anything more than sit, but the secrecy of the whole thing made Matthew feel ambivalent about it. Much later, putting the memories in the context of his adult knowledge left him chilled to the core. He locked them up somewhere in the back of his mind and consciously limited his recall, like a wound left to fester untouched.

As you have probably realised, the creepy man is the fandom's pedobear. :DD


Part 10 anonymous April 20 2010, 18:24:22 UTC
It is so obvious in hindsight Matthew doesn't know how he failed to see it before - the way Alfred crowded Arthur at the kitchen counter, reaching around him for dishes and seasoning. The way Arthur flushed with embarrassment - Matthew hadn't seen him do that before, except perhaps with Francis. And most of all, the way they both checked his face to see if he thought anything was amiss. Actually, Matthew thinks Alfred might have wanted him to see, to suspect. The way they shared a glance when he feigned indifference, conspiratory and guilty.


Matthew has a view of the two of them from the side. Alfred's muscular legs are hung over Arthur's shoulders, and the older man is thrusting in and out between them. Matthew isn't noticed yet, not over Alfred's grunting - typical. He has a fight or flight rush of noradrenaline, and this time he chooses not to hide.

With a loud cry he didn't know he could produce, something primal and angry, he rushes into the room and shoves Arthur off his brother as hard as he can. There is a confused shout from both of them, and a yelp when Arthur rolls onto the ground. Matthew jumps onto him and flips him around, raises a fist but stops there. This is his father, his father, his father who was fucking his brother, but he doesn't think he could manage to hit him. During his hesitation, Alfred has gotten his arms beneath his armpits and lifted him off Arthur.

"How could you, how could you!" Matthew rages at Arthur. He hadn't ever thought that such a thing could have happened to Alfred. Arthur reaches up to him, face stricken. Matthew slaps his hand away and runs from the room.

"I've got him," Alfred shouts to Arthur behind him. By the time Alfred catches up to him on the stairs, Matthew has got it figured out. Matthew presses shaking hands into his face and keeps his back to Alfred. He can't believe he did what he just did, and it was a misunderstanding. He can't believe how he thought for even a moment that Arthur, who was past his prime and spent all his days cooped up in his study could force down the school jock, Alfred. He couldn't understand how the truth of the matter was somehow worse than his misinterpretation.

Alfred moves to stand beside him, lazily jerking pants up his hips. Thankfully, he doesn't talk, and Matthew just concentrates on breathing hard until his shoulders aren't shaking and his heart doesn't feel ready to pump out through his ribcage. What follows is a feeling of numbness. The horror, he feels, will set in later, when he's ready to scream. For now, he lowers his hands and looks at Alfred.

Alfred looks back at him. "Want to watch?"

Matthew doesn't reply, but Alfred apparently takes this for an affirmative, and drags him back up the stairs while muttering, but, you know, you can't have him. Arthur is in his room, fully clothed and pacing. He stares when Alfred marches Matthew in and pushes him into Arthur's armchair. Arthur starts when Alfred moves to disrobe him, and demands to know what happened.

"Let him watch, he'll see that I don't mind," Alfred says into his ear as he pulls the pajamas off. And, "It's alright, Daddy," when Arthur protests. Alfred pushes his own pants down and lifts Arthur onto the bed. Arthur's wide eyes meet Matthew's, and he somehow manages to nod his assent.

Alfred pushes his fingers in and out of Arthur's asshole and leans down to kiss him until he is only looking right back at him. Alfred smirks smugly at Matthew. Then, he pumps his own cock a few times, lifts Arthur's hips and presses into him, just like how Arthur was fucking him earlier. Matthew cannot avert his eyes from the disaster on the bed. These are the two people I've known all my life, he thinks.

My family.

"You're mine, Daddy," Alfred is saying as he thrusts, sounding almost pleading. Arthur's eyes are screwed shut, and he seems almost to want to disappear into the bedding, but he sobs a reply when Alfred reaches around his waist to stroke him.

Father and son couple on the bed, and Matthew thinks something intangible and already fragile has cracked and shattered around all of them.

May I know what you thought of it pls?


Anon from First Fill anonymous April 20 2010, 21:50:49 UTC
This request just keeps giving. May I ask if you are the first anon to claim this fill? Because, if we there's a potential third fill coming, then… wow, I may have to set up camp in this thread.

Fantastic fill. I loved all of the background in this, slowly building up to the reveal at the beginning and end, with this nice sense of foreboding. Particularly, I liked the bit with Alfred pulling Arthur out of the way of the car. And, the relationship between Alfred and Matthew was also well done, subtle.

And, one more thing. The last line. I can't pin down exactly why, but that is just excellently, emotionally phrased

All around, superb job, anon!


Re: Anon from First Fill anonymous April 21 2010, 00:48:30 UTC
No I'm not, haha.

I'm glad you liked it, anon. I was inspired to write after reading yours, actually.


Re: Part 10 anonymous April 20 2010, 22:25:26 UTC
Ooooo, I enjoyed that. It's just...dang, so many things I want to comment on, but nobody wants to read a wall of text so I'll just say that was pretty awesome in a morbidly fascinating sort of way.

Canada. Ok, I'll focus on Canada. Poor, poor kid- first Spain, now this. Everyone in the family is broken, and Arthur apparently has a shameful kink for incest, and there was France, and the family background, and jeez.

I liked this; could you tell? :P


Re: Part 10 anonymous April 21 2010, 00:54:57 UTC
I'm glad you liked! I was worried it would be unrealistic to have everyone so dysfunctional, but my muse told me to write it like that.

recaptcha says: estonia regulation. wrong fill, i think


OP can't believe her luck anonymous April 22 2010, 14:53:41 UTC
OP is really late for this, and really sorry that she is because OMG SO GOOD. I'm so so lucky to get two excellent fills for my prompt ♥

I loved your Alfred; I'm fascinated about Alfred being the most interesting character in both fills, the most complex. I like how you fleshed him and his life out before going on why would such a person do this, and you made it work very well. I specially enjoyed the seduction in two parts (with that interlude about him mending outside and being checked out by his dad from the window, which was SO HOT I can't blame Arthur, really); it was such a powerful scene, specially after Alfred's short road to finding out what he wanted. Another excellent scene was when he brought the girl home to fuck and kept wishing his dad would interrupt (instead, he traumatized his poor brother, as always ^^U)

Their childhood was very itneresting, and Arthur felt like a really well-rounded character with his own motives and thoughts and views. His penchant for incest was an excellent touch. Francis appearance was a really good idea, and how did you know I also ship FrUK? =0_0=

Matt, oh dear, Matt. I really like how you made him and the reason behind his reactions and personality being so mellow too. OMG, Antonio, you asshole. It's interesting that Matt later on relaized what had happened but still hasn't told anyone, painfully realistic. And his histerical violent reaction at the end, but his mostly submissive atittude toward his brother, which seems actually the only thing wrong with him, apart from that latent repulsion to this. It's his relationship with his brother which leads him into Al's and Arthur's perversion, but any other way, he seems well-adjusted in a way Alfred's never been (at least when we look inside his head, to the outside world he appears compeltely normal, or yet, better than normal; also painfully realistic, the darkest parts of the human mind and desires are usually really well-hidden from outsiders)

Finally, that end. That was so good, the oozing wrongness of including Matt as a voyeur and closing the tight circle around their family unit against the world. Whereas Matt was kept out and voluntarily escaped in the first fill, here he gets trapped into the insanity. I'm so glad I got such two different and awesome fills! That end was also fascinating by how expertly Afred gets hold of the reigns in his house and gets everybody exactly where he wants them

Thank you so much, anon ^^


'spooning legal'. I'm afraid not, Captcha, father-son spooning is illegal everywhere I think


Re: OP can't believe her luck anonymous April 24 2010, 08:21:38 UTC
No, thank you, OP, both for the fantastic request and your well thought out comment.

You seem to have caught every single idea I wanted to put in, and that is the best compliment anyanon could pay any authoranon. I am still a bit blown away by it.



Re: Part 10 anonymous April 23 2010, 15:04:54 UTC
You want comments? Geebus, Anon but this is hot. I absolutely adore the way Alfred just asks if he wants to watch. HOT DAMN.

I also like teh way they stick to calling him Daddy.


Re: Part 10 anonymous May 1 2010, 02:08:53 UTC
THIS is honestly my favorite fill on the meme. Just... everything about it. The ending... Arthur's character... the background you built for them all. adfknd it was all brilliant~


Re: Part 10 anonymous May 5 2010, 22:34:26 UTC
Oh god anon, you wrote this so damn well! I second all the anons above. The twistedness of the whole situation is perfectly described, you can feel it clearly in the air; and all the reasons behind their actions explain their dysfunctionality very well. A very good creepy fill it was, gave me this feeling of disturbance that this kind of immorality can be somehow arousing. so glad you posted it <3

(oh you, I think that because of you I'll get some kind of incest kink for Arthur [and him only cause the idea never appealed to me that much with anybody else])


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