Hetalia Kink meme part 9 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:02

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 9



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Under the Darkness anonymous January 12 2011, 02:30:12 UTC
Dear reader!anons, this is my first time writing a fan fiction. Ever… I ask you to please be gentle but constructive criticism is very welcome.
Today was the day Latvia was going to get what he wanted. He was tired of all the other nations not thinking him strong and today he would prove them wrong. How would he prove them wrong? Well by taking a pet… a slave that he could control. And when the time was right he would present his little slave to all that had thought him weak.
Now what triggered this thought in Raivis was that a couple of weeks before at a world meeting Mr. Russia had once again been terrorizing him and Mr. Russia had decided to comment on how even now that Raivis was independent that he was still small and weak and could never overpower anyone. Then Ivan decided to comment on how easy he was to dominate. That and the years of abuse that had come from living with Ivan unleashed all the anger that Raivis had been repressing all those years. In that moment all the nervousness left Raivis, he no longer shook and he did not stutter. With a new fire in his eyes and a manic smile on his lips he glared at Ivan until the large man shivered and looked away. Even England who had been presenting his argument at the time cowered at this new side of Raivis as everyone present did as well. And when Raivis went home and destroyed a room with only his bare hands he began having thoughts of controlling another.
Raivis had worked hard in the years of his independence and now he was strong enough to do what he had always dreamed of. He wanted someone who he could control, to take out his anger and rage upon. But most of all he wanted someone to care for and in return that person would do anything and everything for him. Oh yes he had considered his brothers at first but after some deliberation he decided that no, he didn’t want his brothers to love him like his pet would. The next option was Sealand, the micro nation that thought himself indestructible. Latvia had had feelings for Peter for a long time and now, he decided, was the time to act upon them. A part of Raivis’s mind screamed at him for choosing such a demanding and rebellious slave. And besides, Peter had parents who would undoubtedly come meddling in his pets training. But Raivis shook the thought off, assuring himself that when the time came to convince Tino and Berwald of his innocence that he would whip up some quick tears and feign a frantic search for the missing Peter. And all the while his little Peter would be safe at home desperately awaiting his master’s return.


Re: Under the Darkness Ch.1 Part 2 anonymous January 12 2011, 02:34:24 UTC
But all his day dreaming couldn’t amount to the preparation and planning he had been doing in the months leading up to this day. This day was when Peter would be coming over to Raivis house for a play date. Raivis had all the necessary preparations’ in his house. He had the heavy sedative that he would put into Peters lunch to knock him unconscious, sure it had cost him some big money but what was that when he considered the alternative to the drug? He knew he couldn’t just hit his little pet over the head, that may damage him and Raivis certainly didn’t want to break his pet even before the fun started. Raivis even had a special room for Peter. A room made completely of steel with no windows and a heavy iron door. Raivis knew Peter’s body was made of steel just as his fort was and Raivis wanted to make sure that his pet couldn’t escape.
And so that brings us to the present. Raivis is in the kitchen stirring a large pot of thick stew when the doorbell rang. He set the spoon he had been stirring with down next to the stove in a milk white bowl. “Hello Latvia! It’s a wonderful day today to have to hang out isn’t it?” Peter chattered enthusiastically to his friend as Raivis opened the door to let him in. “Yes Peter, I suppose it is. Why don’t you have a seat in the living room while I finish cooking us lunch?” Raivis lilted to Peter. “Alright then, hey why don’t you come in there with me? Are you hiding a surprise for me?” Peter asked with a wonderful light in his eyes. “You’ll see in a moment Peter… just have a seat and you’ll get your surprise later.” Oh you’ll have a surprise my dear pet… a surprise indeed. Raivis thought as Peter shrugged and left the kitchen. Raivis waited a moment before he went to a drawer and selected a vial of powder that he put in his pants pocket. Then he went and got to large bowls from another cabinet and chooses two spoons from a drawer. Then he placed the bowls by the stove and the spoons beside and he began to ladle the stew into the bowls. Then Raivis pulled out his vile and poured just enough of the contents to be sure that Peter would fall into a deep sleep but not die of an overdose into one of the bowls. Being careful not to mix up the bowls he placed one of the spoons into each of the bowls and he brought the bowls into the dining room to the table. Raivis took his seat in front of the untainted bowl. “Peter, lunch is ready!” Raivis shouted in the direction of the living room. He heard a fair amount of shuffling and then the door swung open and Peter sat down in front of the only other bowl of food on the table- the tainted one. “Wow Raivis I didn’t know you could cook! This smells delicious! Let’s dig in!” Peter yelled enthusiastically. Raivis agreed and began to eat his bowl of stew calmly; Peter began to wolf the stew down like a starving man in the desert. “Say Raivis this tastes a bit salty… I-I’m starting to feel a bit weird…,” Peter said as he laid his head on the table and fell into a deep drug induced sleep. Raivis grinned as he looked at the young boy oh what fun he would have with Peter! But of course he had to train him before the real fun could begin… he would have to train Peter to trust and believe him inexplicably, believe that Raivis and only Raivis loved him and owned him, and of course that Raivis was his master and that keeping his master happy was the only important thing in the world. Why? Because Peter would love master. Raivis couldn’t wait for Peter’s training to begin.


Re: Under the Darkness Ch.1 Part 2 anonymous January 12 2011, 03:54:18 UTC
Ooo, I do like! Snapped!Latvia is scary haha. More, more ^^

As for constructive criticism, the only thing I would really suggest is to space out the paragraphs and dialogue so it's easier to read.

Will be waiting for more ;D


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