Hetalia Kink meme part 9 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:02

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 9



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Sweet dreams... part 3/? anonymous January 29 2010, 15:44:48 UTC
Francis awoke to a loud 'harumph!' light suddenly blinding him. He felt Poland stir beside him, waking up as well. He focused his vision on the figure standing at the end of the bed, arms crossed.

"England...? Don't you know what time--?"

England was quick to interrupt, yanking the covers off the pair. He seemed grouchier than usual, strangely enough. Poland shrunk against Francis, the cold morning air making him shiver slightly. He didn't seem to be quite awake yet...

"France you lech!! This is a diplomatic mission!! Get out of there, Poland!"

Poland was given a hand out of the bed that nearly landed him on his face. He seemed to come awake at this point, jerking away from England.

"Like, it's totally not what you think! Stop, like, jumping to conclusions and stuff! Yeesh..."

France sat up as well, getting up from the bed.

"It is not as if everything I do is perverted, angleterre..." He complained, finding some clothes to change into. According to the clock, the meeting was in two hours...he could've slept in.

England rolled his eyes, not believing in either of their protests...


Re: Sweet dreams... part 3/? anonymous January 29 2010, 18:01:45 UTC
Geez, England, doncha know already what "diplomatic" means?


Continue....? anonymous January 30 2010, 18:09:14 UTC
Is this the end? I hope not. Please continue!

By the way, I liked how Poland wants Liet at the beginning. ^__^

I've figured his nightmare could have been one of two things (or possibly both): 1. Russia was being mean to him, as in abuse. Or, 2. Russia was hurting Liet while Poland couldn't do anything (or just taking him away in the partitions). I think #2 is more likely though because knowing someone you love was abused hurts more than having yourself get abused. Especially when you feel it's at least partly your fault.

Sorry, I got a bit carried away into making this Lietpol. They're my OTP, so I tend to do that.


Sweet dreams... part 4/? anonymous May 3 2010, 16:45:53 UTC
It wasn't long after that they were at the meeting, Poland sitting there quietly, as France did most of the talking. This made France smile inwardly; his shyness was so cute sometimes...

When the meeting was finally over, he couldn't resist putting an arm around him. Poland looked over at him, a little surprised; he didn't remember France ever being this friendly to him before...

France smiled at him, patting his shoulder.

"We should get something to eat, non?"

Poland found he simply had to agree, as his stomach growled. So they settled into a small shop, sitting in a booth. As they were eating their food, France spoke up.

"So, mon ami, do you have a boyfriend...?" He was thinking of Lithuania. Poland had wanted him when he had a nightmare after all. Poland turned a deep shade of red.

"I'm sorry, there's been a misunderstanding; I'm not gay..."

France frowned slightly to himself. He could change that, he betted.


Back in their hotel room, Poland had curled up on his bed, reading a book. France had not even tried to bring someone back to his hotel room, because he had a better plan; show Feliks what a joy being gay could be.

Needless to say, he caught Poland off guard when he leaned in, capturing his lips. Poland let out a startled squeak, attempting to push against.

France ran a hand through Poland's hair, gently petting his head until Poland seemed to relax, melting into the kiss. Just as he thought he would...

Carefully, France slid his tongue between Poland's slightly parted lips, coaxing Poland's tongues with playful licks to join into the action. Poland responded, moaning slightly.

All was going well, so France eased his hand down Poland's front, until he reached his pants. He found that Poland was already half hard, and he squeezed the bulge, earning a drawn out moan and a hard flinch that nearly lost France his tongue, had he not been so quick to pull out.

He broke the kiss, looking down at Poland as he slid his hand into his pants. Poland suddenly caught his wrist, his expression dazed, but worried.

"France...'m not gay...this isn't a good idea..." He said quietly, to which France responded by planting a kiss on his cheek.

"Shh, mon amor...don't fret..."

Poland did seem to relax his grip on France's hand, and France took the opportunity to slide his hand along Poland's erection, causing him to buck. France smiled slightly, leaning forward and kissing Poland's neck. He looked so cute when he was all hot and bothered like that...


Re: Sweet dreams... part 4/? anonymous May 6 2010, 22:59:03 UTC
hott! hott! hott!

continue!! continue!!! :D!!

I prefer reading about Poland with someone other than Liet -_-


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