Hetalia Kink meme part 9 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:02

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 9



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Teaching the Boys (Rome + ?/?) anonymous January 27 2010, 15:12:45 UTC
Umm, ended up with quite a few kinks here but the mains ones are: Voyeurism, Original Character never knew that was a kink, Experienced Lover(?), Under-Age and Incest. I'll repeat the last two: Under-Age and Incest! *yes, author anon is going to hell.*

With a small sense of triumphant, Rome watched the two boys at his feet, kneeling in the shallow pool as they kissed desperately. It had been a bit of a long shot getting them here. Both had an obsession with cleanliness but the red head was still reluctant and as nervous as always around his new ruling nation when the suggestion to go to the baths together had been made.

Thank the gods for the blond one's innocence and eagerness to please him.

With some of his special herbs added to the water, unlocking the desires and traditions of their people within them, all that was left for Rome to do was steer them in the right direction. The kisses were furious and sloppy, sometime touching their necks and shoulders while further down below was neglected apart from the occasional moment that their bodies rubbed against each other leaving them to whimper.

Clearly it was time for more guidance.

Both stopped what they were doing and looked at Rome as he groaned loudly, wrapping his hand around his erection and stroking it slowly.

"A-ah...Anglia! Stop that!" Rome could see the pout on the blond's lips as he grabbed one of the other boys hands and placed it against his own cock. "Angl-"

The protest was cut off by a kiss and the red head could only whimper as Anglia moved their bodies closer together. "Please Caledonia!" He begged, stroking the other boy for emphasise, "Big brother...I need you!"

Rome would be lying if he said that his grip didn't get tighter and movement faster at that last comment. They were brothers? Another thing to add to his list of what Albion had lied to him about, though this time...he would have to thank her. The scene before him took a new, forbidden and erotic twist as Caledonia gave in to his brother's needs and tried to match his rhythm.

He watched as they found that perfect tempo, forcing their bodies closer than before. The way they adjusted their hands so that their cocks were in constant contact, making their whimpers and mewls of pleasure grow louder than Rome thought possible. How Albion's free hand weaved through Caledonia's curly hair and forced him into a constant kiss, not that the red head minded by the way he mimicked it. The way the kiss was broken as Caledonia cried out his brother's name as he came, closely followed a silent moan from Albion.

And, finally, how those sloppy kisses returned afterwards as the brothers hugged while their bodies continued to rock against each other.

It was a sight Rome couldn't help but come over. Or it seemed, on top of when he finally open his eyes to two pairs of lustful green eyes (how he never noticed this similarity before, he didn't know) staring back at him while his essence dripped down their hair and faces. Moving beside them, he kissed and licked at their sticky lips (something that quickly became a three-way kiss from the now very eager boys) before leaning back with a triumphant smirk. "How about we go to the bigger bath so I can show you another way to feel that good?"

With the moaned reply he got along with two sets of hands touching him, it took all of Rome's strength not to fuck the brothers there and then.

Author Note:
Yes, I probably fucked up slight with my Roman Baths but the comment about the Britons when it came to cleanliness is true. The Celts especially considered it to be very important.
Anglia is England and Caledonia is Scotland. Albion is another Latin word used for Britain and thought it would be a good idea to use that instead of Britannia since it's suppose to be England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland's mother even if the last two didn't make an appearance.


Re: Teaching the Boys (Rome + ?/?) anonymous January 30 2010, 15:10:44 UTC
mmmmm, loved it, anon! so hot and wrong <3


writer anon just noticed a few mistakes... anonymous January 30 2010, 21:01:58 UTC
"How Anglia's free hand weaved..."
"...silent moan from Anglia."



Re: Teaching the Boys (Rome + ?/?) anonymous February 11 2011, 12:22:32 UTC
Mmmm... Forbidden fruit. <3


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