Hetalia Kink meme part 9 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:02

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 9



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Passer-by fill =] anonymous January 24 2010, 02:33:10 UTC
England had found himself suddenly faced with the greatest predicament of his life, and it sat just across the table.

He'd noticed it, at first, when the Italies had given their presentation earlier on. Or rather, when Veneziano had begun to talk about the lunch plans, and the whole thing had erupted into an argument about whether or not the Venetian Lagoon was more important than a good meal.

Well, England's attention had quickly wandered to the... interesting curls on their heads.

Of course he knew you couldn't pull them, for some reason. Germany had been very clear on that point, after all, when explaining the whole thing to America.

But just as England thought he'd resolved the matter, a thought entered his head.

Just what would happen if, and this was all hypothetical, he pulled the curl?

He'd remained entranced for the rest of the meeting and most of the formal dinner afterwards.

He thought he was getting away with it, too, but apparently there were rumours circulating that France had slipped something in his drink again, and America had asked him more than once now if he was feeling okay.

If he could just pull that one strand of hair just once, England felt that he could die happily.

All he needed was a second or two without any interference, and he would get away with it. He was sure that nothing would happen anyway, so the incident would probably go unnoticed, if he was careful.

The chance came when Spain left to go help himself to dessert. With a furtive glance around the table to make sure nobody was watching, England reached across the table to where Romano was sitting.

"Ah, Romano, there's something..." England began, reaching upwards and gently tugging on the hair.

A piercing shriek caused the entire table to turn and look at England, who was trying desperately to look halfway innocent as he let go of the hair and quickly sat back in his seat.

He could see Portugal facepalm and shake his head disappointedly. Veneziano looked positively grief-stricken. In horror, England realized that Spain had dashed to Romano's aid almost immediately, and he thought he recognized the look in the other nation's eyes.

Romano, for his part, looked half-traumatized. Shakily, he raised a hand to the curl as though to protect it from further harm.

"What did I do?" England muttered, feigning innocence the best way he knew how - by ordering another drink and hoping the whole thing would just blow over.


Re: Passer-by fill =] anonymous January 24 2010, 02:58:24 UTC
surely, this doesn't end here, right? right?! RIGHT??!!
Moar, anon!!! this was goldXD


More please? anonymous January 24 2010, 03:15:39 UTC
... seconded


Re: Passer-by fill =] anonymous January 24 2010, 04:10:32 UTC
England, no matter how many centuries pass part of you will always be a giant five-year-old at heart. This is why I love you. <3

And I love authoranon too, this was great!


Re: Passer-by fill =] anonymous January 24 2010, 11:03:31 UTC
LOL. Oh, England. XD Thanks, passerby anon. I needed that laugh.


Re: Passer-by fill =] anonymous January 24 2010, 18:16:23 UTC
Oh, England.

Captcha: has handled. Seriously, Captcha always knows what I'm reading, it's beginning to scare me!


Re: Passer-by fill =] anonymous May 3 2010, 16:50:35 UTC
Oh, there simply must be more!!


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