Hetalia Kink meme part 9 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:02

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 9



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Re: Tony's reports on human behaviour anonymous January 14 2010, 23:45:27 UTC
This anon isn't very good at things like this, but she liked it too much to pass up! So she wrote a crappy few journal entries. Of course, it turned instantly to USUK. It's a good thing you like that pairing, because this anon is Queen Midas' lesser known sister with a much cooler power: Everything she touches turns USUK! Now aren't we proud?

Log date January 19, 2004.

It seems Alfred is taking a liking to his former caretaker, and is putting a lot of effort into the courting. I cannot understand how I did not sense this until now. Arthur, as the man is called, was invited over again today, where there was a full seven-course meal of foods from his own culture waiting for him, most vile smelling. (I had to help Alfred make it all, of course, and he called in lots of advice from the other nations, but Arthur thought the gesture was lovely.) They then partook in the strange courting ceremony called 'making out', which is not as minor as a kiss though not as committing as mating. Alfred turned on a track of music he had created shortly after, which was a compilation of the most popular American songs in the past ten years. Arthur was hesitant at first but danced anyway, in that strange vulgar thrusting way that only Alfred can seem to truly master.

I can't help but wonder, if Arthur was as angry with him as he seemed to be, then why did he not just leave when the music was turned on? There is much about humans that I must learn, so I sent a small automated camera after him.

Log date January 26, 2004.

Arthur's observation camera worked perfectly, though the survey seems to be nothing but mindless tea-drinking and embroidery, with occasional bouts of fighting with Francis. I discarded it.

Alfred was overjoyed to see him again today, and showed him such by getting a running start on his hug and tackling him to the floor. Arthur was a little angered by this, but otherwise pleased. They then began whispering to each other, in words I could barely understand. Shortly after they relocated to the bedroom, where, lo and behold! The mating ritual took place.

Puzzled by the ritual's methods when applied between two males, I read about it online, and it turns out, it is very different from the mating between a male and female that is meant to create offspring. (Any offspring of these two, I would feel sorry for and beam into Orion's Belt anyway. Suffocating in space would be more pleasant than having Alfred as a father...) It is merely for extracting the pleasure of orgasm, but aside from this it seems to bond the two males in an almost supernatural way. After the ritual was over, the two seemed to wish to lay in bed together forever, and confirmed this with their words. It is confusing how they can bond so easily, and from a few simple touches.

The strange look in their eyes when they smile at each other is worrying me. Could this be a disease? Did one of them pass it to the other during the ritual? I will have to see.


OP anonymous January 15 2010, 00:47:21 UTC
Hahaha, Midas-chan, this was great! Tony, you shouldn't believe everything you read on the Internet full of fangirls anyway
And hey, at least those two's kids would be very good looking! though maybe not to...uh...grey skinny aliens with red eyes and enormous heads ^^U

where there was a full seven-course meal of foods from his own culture waiting for him, most vile smelling.


Arthur's observation camera worked perfectly, though the survey seems to be nothing but mindless tea-drinking and embroidery, with occasional bouts of fighting with Francis.

Oh, England, you're such a granmaXD

OP would be pleased to read more!


Re: Tony's reports on human behaviour anonymous June 9 2011, 23:58:50 UTC
Tony I love you. XDD I love the way you portrayed him. Alas, he was so naive, but now so corrupt.


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