Hetalia Kink meme part 9 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:02

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 9



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Austria's Problem with Skittles anonymous January 8 2010, 18:13:10 UTC
Your request was pretty open, so, Prussia/Austria featuring Skittles, one serving. I do hope you will like this, OP. Not-a-native-speaker!Author!Anon also apologizes for possible English!fail. I just got this terrible urge to fill this! :D

Austria crossed his arms.

"What exactly are you doing?"

Prussia leaned back on Austria's new cream-coloured sofa and picked another candy out of a bag he was holding. He threw it in the air, and then caught it in his mouth, chewing and tasting the sweet with obvious enjoyment. His eyes slid shut and a little 'mmh' of bliss emanated from his mouth.

Austria took a moment to gather himself. Then he tried again, looking as stern as ever.

"Prussia, answer me! What do you think you are doing?"

The offending blond opened an eye to peek at his unwilling host.

"I'm eating Skittles," he said with a crooked smile. "You want one?" He popped another one into his mouth, and let out yet another sound of earnest approval.

"On my sofa? Who asked you to come here, anyway?" Austria demanded, his cheeks tinted pink from what he would like to think was anger.

"Skittles are awesome. I'm awesome. Your sofa is maybe not so awesome, but otherwise I think this works. Are you sure you don't want one?" Prussia said and slipped a new Skittle into his mouth. "Mmh, did you know that you can get these in many more flavours than just the default original fruit ones?"

"Get out. Now." Austria said, a little too weakly for his own taste.

Surprisingly, Prussia got up from the sofa.

"Hm, I seem to have ran out of Skittles anyway. A pity you won't get to have one," he said, dropping the bag on the floor.

Austria stared on, scowling.

Something seemed to dawn on Prussia, who then went on to say, "Hey, wait, maybe you can have a taste after all!"

Before Austria could do anything, Prussia had grabbed him and pressed right against him. His body felt warm and good against Austria's and the brunet couldn't really display any proper resistance, since, frankly, he could hardly breathe.

Prussia leaned in to kiss him.

It was a little rough, and access into Austria's mouth was almost immediately demanded with a generous lick to his lower lip. Austria went with it, opening his mouth to the invasion.

Prussia tasted delicious. A small moan was issued, and, to Austria's embarrassment, it had definitely come from his own mouth. The fool really is too good at this, he thought, getting more and more involved in the action, licking and sucking Prussia's mouth, their tongues twisting together in battle. Then, just when things were getting sort of steamy, Prussia withdrew.

Austria stared, face flushed, at the blond, who looked very satisfied with himself. This was probably a mistake, and a very big one at that, he thought, but before he could do anything -- try to deny everything that had just happened, for example -- Prussia spoke.

"Taste the rainbow, baby," Prussia said, and winked. "I'll be seeing you soon, I hope!" He continued and proceeded to saunter off, looking back over his shoulder halfway to the door. He was smirking.

After the sound of the front door closing, Austria breathed out a defeated little curse.


Re: Austria's Problem with Skittles anonymous January 8 2010, 21:16:14 UTC
That's was suitably awesome for both Gilbert and the Skittles xDD
And Prussia's parting remark = WIN.
We all know Austria liked that~

(not OP by the by)

... damn, now I'm craving skittles xD


Re: Austria's Problem with Skittles anonymous January 9 2010, 01:00:23 UTC
XD TASTE THE RAINBOW. I should have been expecting that, but it was totally WIN.


Re: Austria's Problem with Skittles anonymous January 11 2010, 06:42:06 UTC
Aaaaah! No way is Author!Anon a non-native English speaker!! D: Which language is Anon's first?! Anon's English is perfect!!

This is really cute. ^^ I really miss this pairing and wish there was more of it around~ Sheesh, that "taste the rainbow" comment is so much funnier when you think about how homophobic Austria is. xD


Re: Austria's Problem with Skittles anonymous January 11 2010, 21:38:50 UTC
Author!Anon thanks you humbly for praising her English so! ^^ To answer your question, my first language is Finnish, but I started learning English nearly a decade ago. In addition, I'm rather geeky and totally in love with this language. Nevertheless, I did struggle with this one, but I'm really glad my English was to your liking anyway! :D LJ spell check is useful, hehe.

Lol, I'm really happy that at least three people found that "taste the rainbow" line funny! A relief, that. :')


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