Hetalia Kink meme part 9 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:02

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hetalia kink meme
part 9



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Forever 1/3 anonymous January 7 2010, 03:32:34 UTC
Germania can feel that he is dying, sometimes. It doesn’t disturb him. His body doesn’t ache with age. Rather, he feels as strong and clear-headed as he ever has. When the pain comes, it comes in sudden bursts. Bright white and illuminating. Nearly joyful-because he’s ready, really. The world is changing. His era is ending. But he has fathered many bold sons, and now the wintery skies, the dark woods and cold seas can belong to them. All is as it should be.

So it isn’t for want of comfort that he seeks her out. It isn’t fear, it isn’t love. He leaves a battlefield to find her. Under the leather plating of his armor, he’s bleeding. Not deeply, but enough. And maybe that’s why. When he looks back down the stairs of her temple after he’s climbed them, there’s blood on the steps. When he touches the lovely arch of the entryway, his palm leaves red on that as well. Germania never appreciated beauty the way Rome did. It’s what made him a good bodyguard. It’s what made him a good executioner. And it soothes him, in a way, to see those small stains of violence against the smooth paleness of the temple.

The temple, the temple.

The sun is setting, and everything is golden. Light sails in through the high open niches near the ceiling. Every dot of paint in every fresco is made brilliant. The air smells like offering smoke, oil and herbs. Germania’s footsteps echo as he makes his way toward the back of the hall where-beautifully-Greece is waiting.

He can see why Rome loved her. Everything about her is full and soft. Large breasts and hips, lips, round eyes with long, sleepy eyelashes. Her hair is done up in soft coils. She is like music played on a harp, like warm sun and fertile soil. Olive dark, sweet as morning. A perfect geometric formula. Greece is so like one of her own old goddesses-she is everything good and everything wicked that could be born of mankind.

Wrapped in white linen, she’s lying sideways on the altar. Like she knew he was coming. Or like she was sunbathing, maybe-soaking up the last warmth of the day.


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