Past Part Fills Part 2 -- CLOSED

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Turnabout Hero [9b/?] anonymous April 26 2010, 06:41:45 UTC
“Do you know why Alfred wanted to have the trial if he could have just made the whole thing disappear?”

“He’s an idiot. An idealistic, idiotic fool.”

“Can you be a little more specific?”

“As in does he have an actual reason? Yes, he does. Yes, I know what it is, although it really is ridiculous. No, I won’t tell you what it is if he hasn’t yet.”

“I guess we should go talk to Alfred then…”

“You should. Oh and um…” he blushed before reaching into his jacket pocket and pulled out a letter, “Because of what happened in court today, he’s being a stubborn idiot and won’t talk to me. Can you, uh…”

“We’ll deliver your letter for you,” Maya volunteered.

“Thank you love, I really appreciate it.”

Arthur’s Letter
For Alfred. It’s sealed with the British Government’s Coat of Arms, so don’t open it. Looks a bit official for a personal letter.

“What are you going to spend the rest of the day doing, if you don’t mind me asking?”

He sipped his tea and placed the cup back in the saucer. “Actually I was planning on seeing if I could get the ballistics on that bullet we found in the alley.”

“Really? How are you going to go about that?”

“I have a plan…of sorts. I’m actually just waiting for-”

As if on cue, a sharp knock was heard on the door. Maya, being the closest to it, opened the door to let in Francis, a short Japanese man I hadn’t met yet, and a large Russian.

(Why does it feel like the temperature dropped ten degrees?)

“Kiku! I specifically asked for your help and your help alone!”

“I’m terribly sorry Arthur-san, but you said the bullet was high up yes? I figured neither of us could reach it, so I asked Ivan-san to help us. Francis overheard us talking and ‘volunteered’ his services.”

“Say what now?”

Honda Kiku
Age: Secret
Gender: Male
Alfred’s and Arthur’s friend. Works for the Japanese government. A quiet, serious man who likes mechas and manga. Seems to know me somehow.

Ivan Braginski
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Works for the Russian government. Seems childish, but gives off an intimidating aura. Always wears a scarf and seems to be surrounded by cold.

“Ah, Arthur, how could you even think about investigating without my help?” Francis said as he draped an arm around the Britain’s shoulders.

“Easily,” he elbowed him away, hard. “I’ll take Ivan’s help because it’s easier than dragging a ladder, but I want the frog out of here!”

“It should be fine, yes?” Ivan smiled.


“It’s not like I have anything better to do except go out drinking with Gilbert and Antonio…”

“Are you daft!? The last time you went out drinking you apparently witnessed a murder and then forgot about it!”

“Which is why I should go with you instead, mon cher.”

“I am not your cher!”

“Is this Alfred’s lawyer?” Ivan asked, looking me over. I shivered involuntarily.

“Yes, this is Phoenix Wright and his assistant.”

“It’s nice to meet you…”

“Hmmmmm,” the Russian hummed as he stared me down, “he doesn’t look like much. I couldn’t go to the trial this morning, is he any good?”

“He’s quite good in a pinch,” Kiku answered, “and is known for winning the unwinnable cases. Ah forgive me, Wright-san, Fey-san, I haven’t introduced myself yet,” he bowed.

“It’s quite alright…we were just heading out anyway.”

“Yes, good luck on your investigation.”

“You’ll need it…”

“Adieu! I would escort you, but someone has to make sure Arthur stays in line…”

“It’s the other way around you bloody wanker!”

Maya and I scrambled to get out of there as fast as we could. Who knew when Arthur would start chucking things.


Turnabout Hero [9c/?] anonymous April 26 2010, 06:48:16 UTC
March 17, 1:15 PM. Westin Arlington Gateway Hotel, Lobby.

Loud chuckling, a lot of German, and sounds of a whip were heard as soon as Maya and I stepped off the elevator.

(Sounds like Franziska’s talking to Gilbert…)

Sure enough when we made our way around the corner, we witnessed Gilbert sitting on one of the chairs in the lobby, laughing while tugging at an irate Franziska’s whip.

“Let go!” she squawked at him, causing the albino to laugh before releasing her whip. “You’re as insufferable as ever!”

“You two know each other?” Maya asked curiously, causing Franziska to glare at us and Gilbert to laugh even louder.

“Yup! Franzi and I go way back. I make it a habit to introduce my awesome self to all the Vons in Germany.”

“He’s an annoying fool who has a habit of showing up when you least want him…I honestly don’t know how your brother puts up with you!”

“He knows his life would suck without me. Anyway, lawyer guy, did you want something?”

“Just wondering if you remembered anything yet…you’re testimony today was, um, interesting.”

“I always do my part to liven things up. But nope, can’t recall a darn thing yet, though if someone were to stop whipping me…”

“I only do it to jumpstart that pathetic thing between your ears.”

“Mr. Wiellschmidt, do you remember the third person you were with that night?”

“Not really. We called him Antonio, but that was just because he was replacing the real Antonio, I doubt it was his real name.”

“It was Lovino though wasn’t it?” Maya suggested, “He said he was with you and Francis that night.”

Gilbert’s smile fell as he honestly tried to remember. “Lovino…yes, we did drag him out with us at first…but by the time we got to the third bar, he’d split. We picked up someone else there, and he was the one that made the phone call.”

(Lovino left?) “What time did Lovino leave?”

“Um…around eight or eight-thirty I think. Check with Francis on that; he’s better with times and stuff.”

“Can you remember anything about the fake Antonio at all? What he looked like? Was he even a he?”

“He was definitely a he, or else…well, whatever, but no, not really…I’d remember his voice if I ever heard it again. It sucks though, because I’m pretty sure he owes me money.”

“Do you remember the bar you were at when you met him?”

“10th Avenue Freeze Out?”

“I’m pretty sure that’s a song…”

“Well it was on 10th Avenue somewhere. There can’t be too many bars on that street.”

(Just what I love…a wild goose-chase.)

“That was your voice in the background in the 911 call right? That’s what you said in the trial today anyway.”

“Yeah, that’s my voice making things awesome.”

“It seems whenever you ‘make things awesome,’” Franziska said, “you tend to complicate them for everyone around you.”

“And it’s awesome to watch. Try it sometime.


“Why,” I interrupted, “did you run away when you saw Alfred?”

“For the record, I didn’t kill the guy.”

“I never said you did…”

“I know I just want that out there. Now, there are five sacred rules for hanging with the Bad Friends. Rule Number One, and this is probably the most important rule you will ever come across: Absolutely no cock-blocking. Ever. It’s not cool.”

“That’s…nice, but I don’t see how that-”

“Rule Number Two: Never start a land war in Asia. Seriously, bad decision.”

“What does that have to do with drinking?”

“Rule Number Three: No fruity drinks. Except for tomatoes, because really, those are more like vegetables anyway, and even then, only if you’re Antonio.”


“Rule Number Four: If someone ends up outnumbered in a fight, you are required to help a bro out. Unless he’s offended you in the last 24 hours, then feel free to help kick his ass.”

(Remind me never to go drinking with you.)

“And Rule Number Five: If you see the host, get the hell out. This rule doesn’t apply when we’re in France or Spain, but nonetheless, it is still vital.”

“It still applies when you’re in Germany?”

“Technically West is the host when we’re in Germany…”

“And Germans thank god for that. At least one of you has sense.”

“Anyway, that’s why we had to leave when Alfred showed up. It’s really a buzz kill when we’re busted for an international incident right off the bat. Do you want me to write those down for you?”

“No, I think we’ll be fine…”


Turnabout Hero [9d/?] anonymous April 26 2010, 06:53:22 UTC
“I’ll write those down for you. Franzi, give me a pen.”

“Get your own pen!”

5 Rules for Hanging Out with the Bad Friends Trio
The rules Gilbert, Francis, and Antonio use when out drinking. Don’t know why I have this.

“Thanks…I think. We’d better get going now.”

“Oh, if you’re going out, if you see Feliciano can you tell him Lovino is looking for him?”

“Sure!” Maya agreed, “See you guys later!”

(If Franziska doesn’t snap and stab him or something first…)

March 17, 1:35 PM. Detention Center.

Outside the Detention Center we ran into Edgeworth of all people.

“Hello Mr. Edgeworth!” Maya greeted, “How’s your investigation coming along?”

“He’s taunting me…I just know it,” he glared back at the entrance to the building, “He doesn’t think I’ll figure it out…but Miles Edgeworth doesn’t give up so easily Mr. Jones! I’ll show him how real prosecutors investigate! We’ll see whose laughing then won’t we!”

“…Edgeworth are you okay?”

“Ah, yes. Sorry about that. My investigation is going fine, how about yours?”

“…Peachy. What did you think about the trial this morning?”

“You have quite the cast of characters to deal with. I’m glad I’m not prosecuting this one.”

(Thanks for the confidence boost…)

“Be careful Wright,” he continued, “Gilbert Wiellschmidt, despite all other appearances, is a brilliant tactician. I’m not sure what, but he’s definitely planning something.”

“You knew Gilbert too Mr. Edgeworth?” Maya asked.

“Yes, I did live with the von Karmas in Germany for quite some time. Gilbert stopped by every now and then. He looks and acts pretty much the same as he did back then.”

“Well, he’s only 25 and leeching off his brother. He’s still just having fun with life I suppose.”

“25? That’s impossible; he was 25 when I first met him.”

“So, Gilbert lied about his age?”

“Why would he do that?” Maya wondered.

“What do you think Edgeworth?” He remained silent, staring off into space. “Edgeworth? Hello?”

“Yes I agree.”

“…It wasn’t a yes or no question.”

“I need to go check something, excuse me.” And with that he ran off.

Maya and I shrugged before going inside to meet with Alfred. He was back in his street clothes, looking unusually upset.

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I guess…I’m a bit upset Arthur lied like that though. He almost messed everything up! I’m sorry you had to go through that.”

(Don’t repeat it to anyone, especially Alfred…what’s up with that attitude anyway? Surely if it mean he doesn’t hate him, it wouldn’t be too bad…)

“Nick!” Maya hissed, “We promised we wouldn’t say anything.”

“Say what now?” Alfred asked.

“Uh, nothing. I’m sure Arthur has his reasons.”

“I bet their stupid, like him. He’s stupid.” He pouted and looked away. “Anyway, is there anything I can help you with?”

“You didn’t happen to see who made the 911 call did you?”

“Nope. Didn’t even know Gilbert and Francis were on the roof.”

“You know,” Maya thought out loud, “if they were on the roof, isn’t it possible that they-”

“No. They didn’t. Trust me on this, Miss Maya. They can be jerks sometimes, but they wouldn’t do something like this.”

(Which brings us back too…) “One more time, did you really not see anyone else in the alley with you? Someone who could have fired the gun instead?”

The psyche locks returned. “No, not clearly. Sorry.”


Turnabout Hero [9e/?] anonymous April 26 2010, 07:02:01 UTC
(I should really break those, but I don’t have the right evidence yet.) “We’ve heard that it was entirely possible for you to have not had the trial…”

“Uh, well, yeah, I guess…my boss is actually very upset with me for going through with it.”

“Why are you then? Wouldn’t it be easier for the person you’re protecting if you just didn’t have a trial at all?”

“I-I’m not protecting anyone! B-Besides justice still needs to be served, whether I have certain privileges or not.”

“Is that…the only reason you’re having a trial? Because you want justice served?”

“There…may be another smaller reason, but it’s too complicated to get into right now.”

(Then why bother mentioning it? Now I’m curious…) “Oh yeah, Arthur wanted me to give this to you…”

“I don’t want it.”


“Arthur almost messed everything up. He knows what this means to me and he went and…I don’t want it.”

“You’re not even going to hear him out?”

“I don’t have to. I don’t take orders from him anymore, I can do what I want.”


“But, he’s still really important to you isn’t he?” Maya asked, “It’s not an order, it’s a request. He just wants to tell you how he feels. Are you really going to ignore that just?”

He stared at the countertop for a bit and sighed. “You really know how to pull on some heartstrings, Miss Maya. Alright, I’ll read what he has to say.”

I slipped him the letter. Alfred broke the seal, pulled out a piece of paper, and read it through, chuckling when he finished.

“Arthur…you really are an idiot.”

“So…you’re good now?”

“Yeah…tell him, um…” he drummed his fingers against the glass, “just tell him to come see me I guess.”

“Okay!” Maya cheered.

“And, Mr. Wright, uh…thanks. For defending me and stuff. I know we haven’t been making it easy for you…”

“I’m a defense attorney; I’d be more worried if my job was easy.”

“Haha, true enough I guess. But still, thanks. Even if we lose, I’m still grateful for everything you’ve done.”

“If you honestly didn’t do anything wrong, then there is no way they can convict you.”

“Franziska’s good…” he muttered, “better than I thought, and who know who else might lie on the stand…”

“Alfred, I believe you didn’t do it. Just give me some time to convince everyone else of that too.”

“You’re right, Mr. Wright. I believe in you too. Get me off okay?”

And with a smile like that, who could possibly say no?

A/N: Oh dear, I'm afraid my OTP is showing...anyway, you guys!! You guys are awesome! Props to you guys! As a reward you get this, because spitting out 10 pages of this is easier than 5 pages of research. Go figure. Anyway, I might not have much time between now and the end of May for anything, so this is extra long, and be patient for a little. Did I mention that you guys were awesome? Because you are. Your random guesses make me :D and your kind comments boost do wonders to my ego. You all Rock!


Re: Turnabout Hero [9e/?] anonymous April 26 2010, 09:04:57 UTC
Well now, it seems Edgey's close to finding out about nation-tans, yes?

Lovi's looking for Feli? He must be out celebrating their birthday...XD


Re: Turnabout Hero [9e/?] anonymous April 26 2010, 17:38:59 UTC
I loved the Bad Friends trio drinking rules. Two and Three especially. Land wars in Asia DO always end badly D:

Btw, your fic has made me inexplicably want some FranziskaxPrussiaxEdgeworth! This needs to exist NAO via rule 34!

Okay, I was lying before when I said I had no idea where this is going. America saw Britannia Angel at the scene of the crime, and thought he commited the crime, when he flew off into the sky. So Alfred's covering for him. But really the crime was commited in a different location, and the murderer wished for Britannia Angel to manipulate the evidence! Britannia Angel moved the still living body to the ally, used fake blood (ketchup) and gunshots to fake the crime scene, and then once the fake crime scene was witnessed, he used his magic to summon rainclouds and wash away the ketchup, which if examined would give away the situation. The victim was alive for this and that's how he knew it was a setup. After Britainnia Angel flew away from the crime scene, he turned back into England and couldn't remember all the details, but America filled him in on what he saw. ~~FLAWLESS LOGIC!~~

...the sad part is it's not as far fetched as some Ace Attourney cases...

Good luck with everthing authornon, I look forward to more of this excellent story :)


OP says: anonymous April 26 2010, 22:52:34 UTC
She is thoroughly amused by your logic. xDDD

And that part where it has more logic than some of the cases... That's so true, it's pathetic.


FANART COMING YOUR WAY anonymous April 27 2010, 22:42:28 UTC
So ever since England's testimony I've been obsessively doodling things from this. I **TRIED** to draw the crime scene photo but it didn't work, but you can def expect some other things. (All in the PW RPG format, mind you)




Author!Anon is breaking her no-response rule anonymous April 28 2010, 00:16:53 UTC
To say that I love you. <333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333

And I am very excited!!!! I shall wait right here until you post them!


Re: Turnabout Hero [9e/?] anonymous April 30 2010, 06:40:58 UTC
Wow, your update was really long! And it was great as usual.

Of course Kiku would know about GyakuSai! Thank you for that little reference. And I like your OTP. :D


Moving Again anonymous May 6 2010, 05:51:33 UTC

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