Past Part Fills Part 2 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 13:33

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[Part 10] The Accidental Cat - 7/7 anonymous April 19 2010, 08:47:33 UTC
England paused in the furious rinsing of his hair. “When he was little, America hated taking his baths so I made him a little wooden whale to play with. I hollowed it out so it would float. He loved them after that.”

France smiled. “He keeps a real whale now.”

England turned quiet. He took a cloth from the side of the bath and scrubbed at the jam on his face. His tail floated to the surface and poked through the bubbles. France stroked his wet head. The bubbles preserved his modesty well enough that France could keep an eye on him. England was too focused on washing his upper body to object to any of it. Maybe France should get a cat. There must be blonde breeds the same colour as England, maybe even with green eyes and a cantankerous personality.

“Finished!” England declared, suddenly.

He jumped out of the bath and ran down the stairs completely naked. France snatched a towel and ran after him.

“Wait! You’ll catch a cold!”

He tackled England at the foot of the stairs and wrapped the towel around him. England squirmed underneath him until he was facing him. France wrapped the towel as best he could but he wasn’t an expert at keeping men dressed. England raised his head and kissed France on the cheek, then shifted to try and kiss him properly. France placed two fingers over England’s lips and pushed his head back down.

“I’m a gentleman,” France said. “If you still want to do that when you’re yourself again, I’ll happily accept but not now.”


“Yes, my little cabbage?”

“I’m sleepy.”

France tied the towel around England’s waist. He carried him back into his bedroom. England dived under the covers. France slipped in beside him. England curled up on top of him. He kneaded France’s chest through his shirt. He purred loudly as he did so. It was like a lullaby. France was soon asleep.


When France awoke, England was fully dressed and sans tail and cat ears. He was holding a glass of dark red liquid. He thrust it toward France.

“Claret,” he explained. “Thank you…For not taking advantage of me.”

France accepted the glass, too dumbstruck to reply. He drained it. It was oddly good claret for England to be in possession of. England took the empty glass and grinned.

“England,” France said. “I’ve just woken up and yet I feel extremely fatigued. Would you know anything about this? A little something extra in my claret, perhaps?”

“That’s for humiliating me, taking me away from my work and feeding me unknown drugs.”

France reached up. He could already feel the tufts of fur growing over his ears.

“Enjoy the next few hours,” England said. “Bastard.”


Re: [Part 10] The Accidental Cat - 7/7 anonymous April 19 2010, 13:04:14 UTC
Awww, so cute! you really did a great job keeping England both feline and playful but also Englandy. This is absolutely adorable. Will there be a sequel, about France? England can't be so bad as to leave him alone and not take care of him (if for no other reason than he is at England's, and leaving him alone would be highly destructive)


Re: [Part 10] The Accidental Cat - 7/7 anonymous April 19 2010, 23:45:31 UTC
Thank you! Uhh, there might be a sequel some time way in the future? So many fills to finish omg. But I'm really flattered that you liked this enough to want to see more.

I definitely want to do more with the cat pills, lol.


Glmop from OP anonymous April 19 2010, 13:47:16 UTC
(OP tackle-hugs author!anon. cuddles and rubs face on chest) You filled my request! You filled it, and you made it long, and you made it adorable, and you did the bonus, and your the bestest anon in the world and I love youuuuuuu!!!! <3!!!

“They would normally be 105 Yuan but since it’s you, 210 Yuan.” (shakes head and laughs) China ups the price. And France doesn't question it. Wonderful. And France's comment about England's head popping off, and England making preserves, and England's boxers having little teapots, and England climbing all over France and purring when you scratch his ears, and YEEEEEE!!! ^U^ It was adorable and wonderful and thank-you so incredibly much for writing it for me! <3! <3! <3!


Author!Anon anonymous April 19 2010, 23:46:56 UTC

This response is too cute for words. ILU too OP. Thanks so much for the reply, it made me grin from ear to ear.


Re: [Part 10] The Accidental Cat - 7/7 anonymous April 21 2010, 20:21:36 UTC
sdkfgjhsgdf Omg. ♥

I second a sequel! and I want my own Iggy Kitty


Author!Anon Again anonymous April 21 2010, 22:49:00 UTC
I do too, anon. Although Britannia Angel kitty would be even cuter with stubby little wings.

*shifty* There...may be one? England's certainly Not Pleased at China's part in this and may just want to punish him by leaving a France kitty on his doorstep.


Re: [Part 10] The Accidental Cat - 7/7 anonymous April 25 2010, 07:10:28 UTC
England said food and added a heart afterwords. Verbally.

For that my sould is yours.


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