Past Part Fills Part 2 -- CLOSED

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General Relativity (13/?) anonymous March 24 2010, 01:32:23 UTC
XIII. Cosmological Difficulties of Newton’s Theory

“Hey, is that wine?” asked Mr. Jones.

Matthew looked at him and felt a few of his major organs fail. Fortunately, Dr. Bonnefoy had always sounded like he was completely drunk and so, his slur came off much more naturally than Matthew’s would have.

“Mr. Jones! We were just talking about you!”

No, we weren’t, Matthew wanted to say. His mouth was dry.

Apparently not just a figment of the wistful imagination, Mr. Jones glanced between Dr. Bonnefoy (sprawled out over his desk, one foot on top of a stack of papers) and Matthew, who was doing his best to melt into the chair and achieve oneness with furniture. Standing in the doorway with the light of the hall behind him, Mr. Jones seemed like one of the Greek gods torn asunder and sent to mainland.

Then he beamed. “Arthur’s gonna have your asses, ha ha! I love it!”

“Sit down, sit down!” cried Dr. Bonnefoy.

“Hey, Matthew,” Mr. Jones said as he lowered himself into an extra chair. He reached across the desk to help himself to the near-empty bottle of fermented grapes. His hair was windswept, his smile cheery. Matthew wanted to hit him for existing and shove his tongue down his throat at the same time. He wanted to say, Just get out of my head, because it's not fair to you or to me that you're in there.

Still, he managed a faint, “Hey.”

Mr. Jones winked at him. Then, he turned to their host. “I should’ve put the two and two together. European Literature and Matthew.”

“Oh?” cooed Dr. Bonnefoy.

“Matthew’s gonna take independent study for astronomy!”

“Oh?” Now the professor sounded much more interested. Matthew shook his head frantically.

“Uh-huh. ‘Cause he can’t seem to get interested in quantum physics. That’s cool, ‘cause I like astronomy just as much,” continued Mr. Jones, swirling his wine with an unpracticed air. He seemed more interested in watching it slosh than actually drinking it. “I talked his ear off about aliens instead, though, our last study date. Remind me, Matthew, let’s set up some hour that we can get together twice a week to go over your new lesson plans. I just finished ‘em and they’re awesome!”

Study date, echoed Matthew’s traitorous mind. Oh. Oh, please kill me.

Dr. Bonnefoy looked like Christmas and his birthday had just come together.

“Hey, am I supposed to drink this all at once?” asked Mr. Jones.

The plot thickens! Or not. Not at all. Um.

Next time, the plot really does thicken. As much as this plot can. Yes. Poor, confused Matthew. Or... not so poor, as you'll see in another few parts. And why is drinking happening on school grounds?! BECAUSE IT'S A LIBERAL ARTS COLLEGE. 8D


Re: General Relativity (13/?) anonymous March 24 2010, 01:44:40 UTC
omg I usually NEVER leave comments for fics because I never know what to say, but I am SO SO SO happy to see this updated. This is one of my favorite America/Canada fics, so I'm so glad to see it updated. ♥ please keep up the good work


Re: General Relativity (13/?) anonymous March 24 2010, 01:59:21 UTC
yesssssssss~~ I adore this story! So much, you don't even know. In fact, I think I will call my friend to let her know your updated, she doesn't even like Hetalia but she sure likes physics!

I love Matthew's list of things wrong with him. The picture of him huddling in the closet is so charming. And I do feel bad for him, I couldn't even imagine trying to ask out one of my teachers.

And now...oh ho ho, Francis is involved. Matthew won't be escaping complete and total embarrassment Sexy times now!

Fantastic chapter!


Re: General Relativity (13/?) anonymous March 24 2010, 03:57:02 UTC
Thank you so much. ♥ You're awesome~.

And I can't even fathom trying to ask out one of my teachers. But then I remember that none of my teachers look like America.

And then I am just sad.

(Matthew, Matthew. Why would you ever put your fate in Francis' hands? Seriously, boy.)

Thank you again! :D


Re: General Relativity (13/?) anonymous March 24 2010, 02:05:21 UTC
ANON, I died when I thought this fic would be discontinued!

And now there's an update, and I'm alive again, so I must be one of those zombies your mentioned in the authors note.

I love you anon, please continue? ;u;

I snickered so much at poor Matt's misfortune. Poor boy just can't get an easy day can he? XD


Re: General Relativity (13/?) anonymous March 24 2010, 02:08:10 UTC
LESQUEE i'm so glad that this didn't get lost in the meme. I absolutely love your alfred in this fill, and your writing style gives me very vivid mentsl pictures.


Re: General Relativity (13/?) anonymous March 24 2010, 02:44:50 UTC
words can't properly express my shrieking, so I'll just use those instead^

But seriously anon, OH MY GOD

You have made my day. I shall put off that essay for another hour in order to properly fangirl.


Re: General Relativity (13/?) anonymous March 24 2010, 03:40:34 UTC

i was just bemoaning the fact that this fic seemed to drop off the face of the earth

it is magnificient

i am overjoyed

you are a wonderful person


Re: General Relativity (13/?) anonymous March 24 2010, 03:58:06 UTC
You are even more wonderful for remembering it! *hug* ♥


Re: General Relativity (13/?) anonymous March 24 2010, 03:43:46 UTC
And why is drinking happening on school grounds?! BECAUSE IT'S A LIBERAL ARTS COLLEGE. 8D

As a liberal arts college graduate, I resemble this remark!! XD

I love your fics sooo much, and this one is no exception -- I'm very, very happy that you got your laptop working again. Ecstatic even! Everyone is perfect here, from Dr. Bonnefoy hitting on the dean (and taking a tray to the ribs for it) to super-enthusiastic and intelligent yet oh-so-blonde Alfred. And Matthew~! He just can't catch a break when it comes to Al, even in this universe, huh?! <3


Re: General Relativity (13/?) anonymous March 24 2010, 03:59:37 UTC

Thank you so, so much. ^^;; You're way too nice. (I'm insanely glad my laptop is working again. Insanely.) And no, Matthew is destined to forever be haunted by his brother's visage in every universe, ever, to his complete horror. XD


Re: General Relativity (13/?) anonymous March 24 2010, 06:43:28 UTC
Thank god I was alone in my house because I got up and danced around when I saw that this fic had been updated.

My love, here, take it: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3


Re: General Relativity (13/?) anonymous March 24 2010, 11:52:41 UTC


*tackle-hug-glomps writer anon*



Re: General Relativity (13/?) anonymous March 24 2010, 20:02:54 UTC
i'm so happy this got updated!!
i was just wondering what happened to my favorite canada-centric fill with the long chapter titles...
it's as good as ever :) im glad you got your laptop back, keep up the good work!


Re: General Relativity (13/?) anonymous March 24 2010, 21:46:31 UTC
oh god anon this is begging for a side story about prof!Francis and student!Matthew meeting, because the relationship you have going is just so mind-breakingly amazing.

And of course Alfred walks in, poor Matt.

Glad to see this updated! This fill made me love AmCan, so I'm glad it's not abandon <3


Re: General Relativity (13/?) anonymous March 25 2010, 01:03:50 UTC
Why would I ever write a side story about -



(Thank you so, so much. <3 And yes, I really am going to write that side story, lulz.)


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