Past Part Fills Part 2 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 13:33

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Forbidden Spice [12/12] anonymous March 10 2010, 07:38:10 UTC
Matthew opened the door slowly, and slowly entered in the room, closing the door behind him. He looked around the room. Allison was able to luck out and get a room to herself this year, and it looked like she took advantage to that as much as she could. Sometimes he wondered if a girl lived in this room by looking at the complete mess she would make in it. Her garbage was so overflowed with burger wrappers that it's now spewing out of the can, magazines along with random articles of clothing scattered across the floor, and a few other miscellaneous items encompassed the floor.

Across the room, Matthew saw that Allison had a few picture frames by her bedside, and wanting to get a better look at them, Matthew decided to make his way across the room, which to be difficult since he could hardly see any of the floor, and knowing Allison she probably left a few dangerous presents on the floor for him to step on.

After narrowly making it through the death trap across the floor, Matthew was able to get a look at the pictures a bit better. One from when they were kids and their first day of kindergarten, the second one was taken over the summer when they went to the beach, and the final picture of her and Arthur together. Allison looked really happy with her signature million-watt smile, and had her arms around Arthur's neck. And even Arthur, who was usually like a grouchy old man looked pretty happy in the picture with Allison.

Just as Matthew was about to pick up the photo frame he heard a sigh come from his left. And upon further inspection he saw Allison there sleeping under the covers. Matthew pulled the covers down slightly just to get it off of Allison's face.

Matthew noted that Allison almost looked angelic in her sleep. It's hard to believe she was a rowdy, obnoxious, and slightly unsanitary girl by looking at her face.

He looked at Allison's sleeping face a bit longer, and slowly found himself being drawn to her lips, and before he could comprehend the situation, he was leaning down to Allison's face, closed his eyes, and he kissed her.

After kissing her for a good little while, Matthew's brain registered the situation, and quickly shot his head up took a few steps back.

And to Matthew's horror even more, he saw Allison slowly rise from the bed, and stare at him.

"M-Mattie?" Allison managed to say. Obviously she was in shock. Not that anyone could blame her, after all her brother did just kiss her after all.

Matthew just stared at Allison for a bit, unable to move or speak. The two siblings stood in complete and utter silence.

And right before Allison could say anything the school bell donged.


And at that moment, Matthew darted out the room, and slammed the door shut behind him, running across the hall, down the stairs, and out of the building until he was a good distance away.

Looking at where his feet have taken him, Matthew found himself at the school courtyard, and sat in the gazebo, and silently cried to himself.

No matter how much he wanted to, Matthew realized he couldn't deny it any longer. Francis was right; there was a part of him that longed for his sister like a brother shouldn't.

"I'm in love with my sister."


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