Past Part Fills Part 2 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 13:33

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Feathers [2b/?] anonymous January 31 2010, 14:54:47 UTC
“A party? What is that for, America, aru?” leaning forwards on the table, China’s eyes narrowed as he counted up what he could sell America for the party.

America’s smile almost blinded the nations closer to him. “I am throwing a party to celebrate my mate’s pregnancy!” he finally announced, fingers tingling as he grabbed the table’s surface.

There was a moment of shocked silence.

Then, almost as if acting under command, every nation turned towards England, who noticed and spluttered indignantly, whilst France leaned over to pat his shoulder.

“Oh, curse you all! Bloody hell, no!”

For a second, everybody looked uncertain, then they all turned towards Japan, who had been staring cautiously at America. The moment he realised where everybody’s attention was, he flushed darkly.

“No! Kami only knows that-! It is not me!”

Hiding his face in the sleeves of his formal kimono, Japan let himself be swallowed by his mortification.

The other nations, caught by surprise, all turned as one, this time to the empty spot at America’s left.

The empty spot gasped in shock under the intense gaze of so many people who usually ignored his presence, and fidgeted, choking the polar bear he was holding. America followed their gaze, momentarily surprised, and his face twisted when he realised who they were looking at.

“Oh, eww, no! He’s my brother, you sick people!” he curled his nose, patting Canada on the shoulder as his twin trembled a bit.

Bulgaria, Australia, Turkey and Hungary all looked at each other, the latter exchanging some sort of meaningful gaze with Poland above Liechtenstein’s head, checking with Mexico and Tunisia, then at Greece.

As nobody seemed any wiser, everybody, most shivering and hesitant, turned towards Russia, who had remained blissfully uncaring at the information he had received, and was smiling in his seat.

America stared at him wide-eyed, paling at the implications.

“Oh, no, no, no nononono… no!” he waved his arms around, trying to get the attention of everybody back to him. “No! It’s not… oh, damn you all! It’s not Russia! Would you stop assuming?!”

“Then, who is it?” Hungary stood up as well. She didn’t know America that well, but to hell with it.

America smiled at her “it’s Italy, of course!”

There was virtually no pause between his words and the following laugh, which left America completely befuddled.

Everybody seemed to relax, leaning back on their chairs.


“Ha, that was good, America” Mexico chuckled, shaking his head. “Stop joking now!”

“I mean, we all know there is no way in hell you’re together with Italy” Bulgaria pointed at the brunet, shaking his head.

Italy giggled, quite amused at the whole situation, then left Germany’s arm, standing up and bouncing towards America; he was followed by the confused eyes of the whole bunch of Nations, until he reached where America was standing.

Then, he leaned forwards, still giggling, and kissed America on the cheek.

The spontaneous show of affection made America flush, and under the entire room of flabbergasted Nations, he pulled Italy in a hug and kissed him square on the lips.

The two kissed for a moment, America’s hands taking the opportunity to travel lower, in a grope that was thankfully hidden under the table, then they turned around to stare at the other Nations.

America blinked in surprise at Hungary, not understanding why her eyes were twinkling like that, but Italy shook his head lightly, silently telling him not to ask.

“Congratulations, Ita~” Hungary cheered, waving her arms in the air.

Some nations that had known, or at least suspected, of Italy’s feelings for Germany and had assumed England and America were together started speaking, the whole meeting turning into a pot of hushed chit chat, whilst America contented himself with cuddling his Italian.

“Wait a second…” Japan, who had remained silent in hopes to wrap his mind around this novelty, suddenly gasped, his eyes widening remarkably. “D-does this mean Italy-kun is… pregnant?!”


Feathers [2c/?] anonymous January 31 2010, 14:57:08 UTC
“Ve~ of course I am!”

There was a thud at Hungary’s side, followed by Prussia’s amused cackle. Hungary turned around, flushed. “Uh… Austria?”

The fallen nation obviously didn’t respond.

Italy giggled some more, and nuzzled America’s cheek. “Can we go eat burgers now?”


When finally all commotion had abated, the first one coming over to congratulate was, of course, Hungary; she couldn’t just drop it off, both because it was her cute Ita they were talking about, and because she had to get permission to record everything.

Of course, when it came to recording NC rated stuff, she didn’t have to ask (she could hide herself effectively behind any kind of wall, tree, bush, random person…), but this was something even more private -she wanted to be part of it.

The one who was the most interested though, as strange as it could sound, was China. Being the oldest one amongst the batch of Nations, he had been able to watch over a few other nations giving birth before, and even though it was unusual and terribly rare, he was the one who knew the most. “Italy, you have to let me assist, aru!”

With most nations swarming around to offer their congratulations, pampering Italy with hugs and pats on the head, America felt allowed to stand up and bounce towards England, who was looking at the Italian with a strange expression.

“Everything’s ok, Iggy?” patting him on the shoulder to attract his attention, America smiled expectantly. “I’m going to be a daddy!”

Turning to look at his ex colony with darkened eyes, England shook his head. “It’s quite surprising that the first one to be giving birth in what…” he turned to look at Greece, who was sleeping in a corner, and shrugged. “Well, in a while, would be your mate”.

America puffed out his chest in pride. “Of course! I’m the hero!”

“You dolt -what does that have to do with anything!” bopping his head with a clenched fist, albeit without any strength to it, England once again looked at the Italian, who was being smothered by a quite exited Spain.

“What, are you not giddy ‘bout it?” America leaned forwards, all his weight on England’s back and ignoring his spluttering. “You’re going to be an uncle now, Arthur”.

Green eyes widened in shock, body making a good impression of a rock, and unable to push the American away, England could only look, maybe a bit morbidly, at Italy’s still flat stomach. “U… uncle?!” he gritted out, voice suddenly some octaves higher.

“Ha ha ha~ of course, Arthur! You’ll be the grumpy old uncle that always smells of tea and mothballs!”

“Y-you idiot!”

“Uncle Arthur~ you’ll be so cute” France, who was busy groping Italy’s now exposed stomach to his heart’s consent, chuckled at the still frozen Brit, and America narrowed his eyes, feeling a deep wave of protectiveness flare up.

He didn’t like France to be touching his boyfriend.

“Hands away! Or I’ll send Feli’s brother on you!” he threatened, pointing at a fuming Romano in a corner, Spain hugging him close.

France chuckled, knowing that Romano would never get close enough to him to be a serious threat (and if he did come close, well, France had enough hands to grope him, too), and was about to continue his explorations of Ita’s body when the Italian smiled warmly up at him.

“But Brother Francis will also be an uncle~ ve~”

Suddenly feeling inexplicably old, France turned to a corner, finger tracing invisible lines on the floor.

“The awesome me, too! The awesome me too!” Prussia waved his arm around, bouncing and looking expectantly at little cute Ita. “I’ll coddle the baby just with my splendid presence!”

“Ve~ of course, Uncle Prussia” Italy giggled, receiving a bear hug as thanks.

America felt his eyebrow twitch, but had to chuckle nonetheless. He had never heard of a nation being pregnant before, so he could understand everybody’s happy attitude, but…

“I’m going to be the daddy! A Hero dad!” he tackled Italy, removing Prussia from the embrace. “And you, mind your hands!”

Chuckling, Prussia simply went to poke at France, smirking all the while.


I promise a faster update. I swear.


Re: Feathers [2c/?] anonymous February 1 2010, 14:22:06 UTC
Eee~ anon is so delighted to see this updated! This fanfic has actually converted me into liking/loving AmeIta. <3
Love how America is so protective of both his baby and Italy. So adorable. <3


Re: Feathers [2c/?] anonymous February 2 2010, 07:51:28 UTC
Very nice, Anon!


OP Here! anonymous February 24 2010, 01:34:47 UTC
Ack! I apologize for the late reply! I didn't mean for me to take this long. But thank you! Thank you so much for continuing this! I am so happy! I like where this is going. Especially the part where they all try to guess who America's mystery lover is.

Please update soon!


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