Past Part Fills Part 2 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 13:33

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Re: Mona Lisa Stolen - France (4of?) anonymous January 5 2010, 02:06:16 UTC
The wheels in France’s head turned rapidly as he stared at the blank spot on the wall. So engrossed was he, he didn’t even notice two more patrons arriving.

“Like, isn’t that famous lady painting suppose to be here?”

“Haha!” Spain laughed. “Yeah, that’s right. Hmm.” Spain tapped his chin. “Sometimes they take the painting off display to photograph them…”

“The photographers!” France yelled. Hope rekindled! “The photographers must have…”

“We already spoken to the photographers, Mr. France, sir. They don’t have it.”

Hope was drenched with the cold waters of despair.

“Is that so?” Spain said with his usual smile. “So, that must mean it‘s…”

“Goooooooooooooooooooooone!” Bellowed France, his arms and hands outstretch towards the heavens. “It’s gone! It’s gone! It’s gone! Someone stole her! Someone stole the Mona Lisa!”

“Imagine that…” the museum employee softly muttered.

“God, why!” He looked upwards at the ceiling again, and continued pleading to the power above. “Why was she stolen?! Oh God, why! Why, God, tell me! Tell me! Who stole her?!”

The room was otherwise silent save for France’s frantic breathing. Slowly he lowered his head as he knew no divine would come answer. What was he to do? How could he ever recover the…

“Ummm,” a quiet voice spoke, “should we, like, do something?”

France’s head snapped back up, and he looked over his shoulder; at the three nations behind him. That’s right…

“You!” He pointed a finger at England who jumped back at the sudden movement. “You always wanted Gioconda, didn’t you! You slimy English bastard!” Before England could defended his innocence, France turned to the other two countries. “Or maybe you, Spain! Or Poland!” He eyes quickly darted back and forth to each one, and spoke in a low, menacing voice. “Or are all of you in on it?”

Poland rolled his eyes, tilted his hips, and held up his hand; obviously for France to totally talk to it. “Like, whatever.”

Spain lightly laughed. “France, why would I steal it from you? We’re friends remember.” He smiled, not nervous in the slightest. “Oh!” An idea popped in his head, and he glanced over to England. “England though…” Something flickered in Spain‘s eyes, like a blinding white light surrounded by darkness, and his usual cheerful smile seemed almost sinister. “England does have quite a reputation though. You know…as a pirate.” England’s eyes shot open wide and his face started turning a hue of blue. Spain continued, the same big smile on his face and his eyes closed. “Those pirates are notorious for stealing!”

England didn’t even to look up to feel France’s burning gaze on him. He knew he was already blamed for this, and a fight would soon erupt. Sure, he loved kicking France’s ass, but they should be using their energy to find the real culprit. Not over a long grudge! Besides…France, with a newly acquire menacing aura around him and dull eyes, looked seriously scary. England didn’t want to get his ass kicked.

“Oh, big brother France!”

…Or maybe not.

“Big brother France, I finally found you!” Cheered the happy Italy. France found it hard to keep up his intimidating aura up with the bubbly Italian around. “I didn’t think I’d ever find you. I forgot how big this place is, and…”

“Italy, you idiot! I’m just about to fight England!”

“Huh?” Italy looked over to England, but got distracted by Poland and Spain waving ‘hello’ to him. “Hey, guys! You’re here too! Wow, that’s so great!”

“Yeah totally! It‘s been like for-evah since I saw you!”

“Ah, lil Italy! You keep getting taller and taller.”

Amidst their chatter, France felt his strength and anger coming back. “Doesn’t anyone care that the Mona Lisa has been stolen!” France screamed at the top of his lungs.


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