Past Part Fills Part 2 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 13:33

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Re: Mona Lisa Stolen - France Flips (3of?) anonymous January 5 2010, 02:03:06 UTC
“Italy?” Germany perked up at the name.

“Oh, have you ever met Italy before, Germany?“ Hungary asked.

“No…but I would like to. I mean, it would be interesting to meet the grandson of the Roman Empire.”

“What?” Prussia gave his brother a shove. “France is also a grandson of the Roman Empire or did you forget that already?”

Germany made a disgusted face. “Yeah…but that’s France.” Hungary and Austria had to nod in agreement: France was…certainly without equal. Then the four started moving down the hallway, enjoying (or at least three of them were enjoying) the paintings.

“I can’t…I can’t believe this…” the museum employee complained as he sat down rubbing his hands through his hair in aggravation. “So much time has past and nothing has been done…” He could hear the laughter of France and his two ladies friends from a short distance away. “Doesn’t anyone care that the Mona Lisa has been stolen?” he practically yelled.

“Huh?” France, hearing the noise, glanced over his shoulder again. “You’re still here?” France asked rather rudely.

“Yes. I’m still here, sir. You know what’s not here? The Mona Lisa!”

“Pleh, you’re still on about that? Have some faith.”

“Faith has nothing to do with it, sir…”

France’s ladies started laughing again, and suggested they should see the Mona Lisa; just for fun, not to confirm the employee’s story, who cares about that guy anyway. The museum employee felt like crying, but who cared? They were finally going to see the truth!

France took the lead, of course, and the employee followed. “Ah, Mr. France, sir, we’ve been trying to get a hold of the museum’s director, but we’re having so such luck. Thank goodness you are here to…”

“Hmm? You girls hear something?” France knowingly asked. The ladies laughed, and the employee again felt the heat in his face. He wanted to remain content with the fact they were finally going to see the proof, but he knew, to be professional in job, he had to keep France up to date about the details. Or at least he tried until someone else interrupted him.

“Hey, France, what gives?” Shouted England from down the hallway. “I came all this way, and it’s not even here.”

France scoffed, not even know what was being referred too (except the museum employee) and let go of the ladies, ready for a fight, whether verbal or physical. “What are you talking, England?” He asked with a haughty tone in his voice. “What’s missing?”

England pointed back down the hallway. “The Mona Lisa, you dumb frog.”

“Ridiculous.” France announced and started walking ahead. “What is with the ridiculous people today,” he stopped in front, “saying the Mona Lisa has been…been…” Where once hung the Mona Lisa, now remained just the four pegs in the wall. “…been…”


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