Re: Nations arguing over weapons (3/??)
December 31 2009, 18:53:31 UTC
NATALYA (V.O.) Brother... brother... let's get married, brother, marriedmarriedmarriedmarried...
Everybody stares in the direction where the voice came from. Around the corner, there is the glint of a knife. Alfred screams. NATALYA appears.
NATALYA What have you done to my brother? Where is he? If you did anything to him, I will take this knife and I will chop your toes and fingers off and shove them down your throat and force you to swallow and-
EVERYONE He'sinthemeetingroom!
NATALYA He'd better be in there.
Natalya rips the doorknob out, and her evil aura appears. Everybody takes a step back, as she chants 'marriedmarriedmarried...' and goes into the room. Everybody can hear Ivan screaming. Other random nations bolt out the door and scatter. Alfred stares at Matthew.
ALFRED Mattie, you're evil.
MATTHEW I'm Canada. Matthew.
Matthew turns to America.
MATTHEW It got rid of him, didn't it?
Matthew looks at Sadiq.
MATTHEW Herakles and Gupta will be looking for you. Herakles has a new breed of cat with extra sharp claws, he's gotten a new and very spiky cross, and Gupta's trained his jackal to sic you.
Sadiq pales as well, and saunters away, whistling nervously.
MATTHEW (calling after Sadiq) If you go to the meeting room, Gupta will still be trying to sell pots and Herakles will be sleeping!
Sadiq does a one-eighty and spins right into the direction of the meeting room. He bursts out soon after, a demented cat and a jackal chasing after him.
SADIQ You said he would be sleeping~!
Everybody peers into the room. Herakles is snoring. Gupta is nowhere to be seen.
MATTHEW Feliciano wants the recipe for your scones. He says they're delicious.
Arthur coughs.
ARTHUR He- he does?
ALFRED What are you talking about? His scones are disg-
Matthew slaps a hand over Alfred's mouth.
MATTHEW He's somewhere near the outside right now. If you hurry, maybe you can show him how to cook them properly.
ARTHUR Er... of course! I- I'll go! Right now! Yes!
Arthur rushes off, looking happy that somebody likes (or not) his cooking.
Matthew looks at Francis, and then to Alfred. He glances back and forth between them. Yao is still trying to convince Kiku that his crossbow will work, while Kiku is only listening out of politeness. His ninja outfit is still on.
MATTHEW Yong Soo has Shinatty-chan.
YAO Shinatty-chan?! Kiku, we have to get Shinatty-chan back, aru! Where is he?
MATTHEW The top floor. He shouldn't be coming down for a while.
Yao grabs Kiku's hand and rushes off. The remaining three watch them go.
MATTHEW Herakles says he uncovered some pictures from the Olympics. The original ones.
FRANCIS If you'll excuse me, mes chéris, I have some business to discuss with Herakles.
Francis bursts into the meeting room with a loud bang of the door. Herakles is still asleep. Alfred points at Matthew.
ALFRED You won't get rid of me that easy, Mattie! I'm a hero!
MATTHEW Ludwig has agreed to give you Hamburg. You know, the place that's made out of burgers.
ALFRED Really really really really? Really?
MATTHEW Ludwig's with Feliciano. You might catch him if you're quick.
Alfred is gone before Matthew starts the second sentence. He sighs in relief and is about to stagger back into the meeting room, when the door bursts open yet again. MALAYSIA and INDONESIA stumble out, already in the middle of an argument.
MALAYSIA The kris is mine!
INDONESIA No, it's mine!
INDONESIA The kris is mine, you Malaysian bastard!
Another person steps out, and it's AUSTRALIA. His koala is gnawing on his ear.
AUSTRALIA You both are idiots. Everyone knows my Metal Storm is best! One million bullets a minute!
INDONESIA AND MALAYSIA It's just a bunch of metal!
Indonesia and Malaysia glare at each other.
INDONESIA Batik is still mine!
MALAYSIA Like hell it is!
AUSTRALIA Are you talking about clothes or weapons, ya sissies?!
MALAYSIA Who are you calling a sissy?
AUSTRALIA You! My Metal Storm beats your kitchen knives any day.
INDONESIA I'd like to see you try.
Indonesia and Malaysia draw a kris each, and Australia reaches into his pocket and takes out the gun. It has teeth marks and slobber all over it. His koala munches on some hair.
Re: Nations arguing over weapons (5/??)
December 31 2009, 19:01:39 UTC
Please, ignore title fail above. It's supposed to be 4/??.
Vietnam sees the three of them, and rolls her eyes. She takes out a spear.
VIETNAM You three are such imbeciles. My spear is obviously better than your weapons.
AUSTRALIA Wanna try and prove that, sheila?
Matthew facepalms.
MATTHEW Here we go again.
There are Feliciano's wails of pure despair in the background, and the scent of smoke and burning scones drifts up to the third floor. Natalya drags Ivan out of the room. The scream of 'ANIKIIIIIIIII!' is heard through the whole building. There is the slightly less loud, 'Shinatty-chan was invented in Korea, you know?' Matthew facepalms again.
MATTHEW (CONT'D) Um... do you want pancakes?
And that's it for the first episode. Next time, we'll get to see Hungary, Austria, Prussia, Hanatamago, Finland, and a lot of others.
Re: Nations arguing over weapons (5/??)
January 2 2010, 21:21:46 UTC
This is the most brilliant fill I have ever seen. I repeat: THE MOST BRILLIANT FILL I HAVE EVER SEEN. All other comic fills ARE NOT WORTHY before your epic prowess.
Also, play format and manipulative!Canada are love. As are multiple parts. Will be F5-ing until finger falls out from attrition.
Brother... brother... let's get married, brother, marriedmarriedmarriedmarried...
Everybody stares in the direction where the voice came from. Around the corner, there is the glint of a knife.
Alfred screams.
NATALYA appears.
What have you done to my brother? Where is he? If you did anything to him, I will take this knife and I will chop your toes and fingers off and shove them down your throat and force you to swallow and-
He'd better be in there.
Natalya rips the doorknob out, and her evil aura appears. Everybody takes a step back, as she chants 'marriedmarriedmarried...' and goes into the room.
Everybody can hear Ivan screaming. Other random nations bolt out the door and scatter.
Alfred stares at Matthew.
Mattie, you're evil.
I'm Canada. Matthew.
Matthew turns to America.
It got rid of him, didn't it?
Matthew looks at Sadiq.
Herakles and Gupta will be looking for you. Herakles has a new breed of cat with extra sharp claws, he's gotten a new and very spiky cross, and Gupta's trained his jackal to sic you.
Sadiq pales as well, and saunters away, whistling nervously.
(calling after Sadiq)
If you go to the meeting room, Gupta will still be trying to sell pots and Herakles will be sleeping!
Sadiq does a one-eighty and spins right into the direction of the meeting room.
He bursts out soon after, a demented cat and a jackal chasing after him.
You said he would be sleeping~!
Everybody peers into the room. Herakles is snoring. Gupta is nowhere to be seen.
Feliciano wants the recipe for your scones. He says they're delicious.
Arthur coughs.
He- he does?
What are you talking about? His scones are disg-
Matthew slaps a hand over Alfred's mouth.
He's somewhere near the outside right now. If you hurry, maybe you can show him how to cook them properly.
Er... of course! I- I'll go! Right now! Yes!
Arthur rushes off, looking happy that somebody likes (or not) his cooking.
Matthew looks at Francis, and then to Alfred. He glances back and forth between them.
Yao is still trying to convince Kiku that his crossbow will work, while Kiku is only listening out of politeness. His ninja outfit is still on.
Yong Soo has Shinatty-chan.
Shinatty-chan?! Kiku, we have to get Shinatty-chan back, aru! Where is he?
The top floor. He shouldn't be coming down for a while.
Yao grabs Kiku's hand and rushes off.
The remaining three watch them go.
Herakles says he uncovered some pictures from the Olympics. The original ones.
If you'll excuse me, mes chéris, I have some business to discuss with Herakles.
Francis bursts into the meeting room with a loud bang of the door. Herakles is still asleep.
Alfred points at Matthew.
You won't get rid of me that easy, Mattie! I'm a hero!
Ludwig has agreed to give you Hamburg. You know, the place that's made out of burgers.
Really really really really? Really?
Ludwig's with Feliciano. You might catch him if you're quick.
Alfred is gone before Matthew starts the second sentence. He sighs in relief and is about to stagger back into the meeting room, when the door bursts open yet again.
MALAYSIA and INDONESIA stumble out, already in the middle of an argument.
The kris is mine!
No, it's mine!
The kris is mine, you Malaysian bastard!
Another person steps out, and it's AUSTRALIA. His koala is gnawing on his ear.
You both are idiots. Everyone knows my Metal Storm is best! One million bullets a minute!
It's just a bunch of metal!
Indonesia and Malaysia glare at each other.
Batik is still mine!
Like hell it is!
Are you talking about clothes or weapons, ya sissies?!
Who are you calling a sissy?
You! My Metal Storm beats your kitchen knives any day.
I'd like to see you try.
Indonesia and Malaysia draw a kris each, and Australia reaches into his pocket and takes out the gun. It has teeth marks and slobber all over it.
His koala munches on some hair.
Vietnam sees the three of them, and rolls her eyes. She takes out a spear.
You three are such imbeciles. My spear is obviously better than your weapons.
Wanna try and prove that, sheila?
Matthew facepalms.
Here we go again.
There are Feliciano's wails of pure despair in the background, and the scent of smoke and burning scones drifts up to the third floor.
Natalya drags Ivan out of the room.
The scream of 'ANIKIIIIIIIII!' is heard through the whole building. There is the slightly less loud, 'Shinatty-chan was invented in Korea, you know?'
Matthew facepalms again.
Um... do you want pancakes?
And that's it for the first episode. Next time, we'll get to see Hungary, Austria, Prussia, Hanatamago, Finland, and a lot of others.
Also, play format and manipulative!Canada are love. As are multiple parts. Will be F5-ing until finger falls out from attrition.
Anon's reaction: <8D
Oh lord, writernon, this is so epic and wonderful and I can't even...
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