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Now Toris flinched, and Raivis knew what he was thinking.
“No, Toris- I'm not interested in that. Not at all. I have no use for weaklings except as dogs. But if you're a good doggy, maybe I won't break that whore Belarus.”
Raivis wasn't blind, and all his observations from the sidelines were already proving useful- just mentioning a few of the torments he'd spare Belarus from were enough to send poor Toris shaking like a leaf.
Once Eduard came back with his tea, they'd start the lessons. It would take some time, but eventually they'd both be properly trained, loyal dogs. And once there was no need to pretend to be frightened, he'd remind Ivan that he wasn't invulnerable.
And finally, at long last, Ivan would be the one who constantly shook with fear.
Raivis sat back and smiled at the thought, and his smile made Eduard shake so much the teapot and cup chattered loudly against the tray in his hands.
Weeks passed. For Toris and Eduard, those weeks seemed to drag on forever. They had no peace now, not even when Russia was gone from the house. Eduard couldn't stop shaking whenever he was in the same room as Raivis, and Toris had taken to staying near Russia as much as possible, because Russia had somehow become the far lesser of two very evil evils.
For Raivis, those weeks flew by in the blink of an eye. Where had the time gone? The days were a dull blur of incredibly boring meetings and playing Russia's rug, but the nights were a long serious of very pleasant sessions with his brothers.
They'd both broken much faster than he liked, but what did he expect from dogs? Besides, now that that chore was out of the way, he came to his favorite part of the plan.
He was sitting in Ivan's chair again, sipping idly at a glass of very expensive brandy- Ivan had received it as a gift from some foreign dignitary or another and never touched it.
Toris was standing behind the chair, hands folded in front of him, bare to the waist. He had a fresh set of stripes on his back for speaking without permission, and Raivis wasn't mean enough to make him put his shirt back on before the bleeding stopped.
Eduard was sitting on the floor leaning against Raivis's knee. His glasses were sitting on the large desk, and a leash ran from the thin collar on his neck to Raivis's hand. He was also completely naked, shivering minutely, but he wouldn't dare complain of being cold or ask to move closer to the fire.
Ivan's face when he stepped into the room was a comical study of shock that gave way to anger. He hefted his pipe and started for the trio, but their reactions stopped him cold. Toris didn't even look up, Eduard went to all fours and growled at him, and Raivis smiled.
“I'm so glad you could join us today, Ivan.” Raivis said, stroking Eduard's hair until the blond calmed and returned to his previous position against his knee. “I think it's time you were informed that this house is now yours in name only.”
Raivis wanted no international incident. He didn't want their bosses or the other nations privy to his amusements here. Where would the fun be if his toys didn't have to hide their shame? How could he know how well he'd trained them if they didn't have to follow his orders without letting anyone know about them?
Ivan looked puzzled. Raivis stood, walked over, and grabbed the man's scarf with one hand, snatching his pipe with the other. He used the pipe to knock Ivan's feet out from under him, jerking him to his knees by the scarf, and Ivan's eyes widened.
“You kneel in front of your Master, Ivan.” Raivis said sweetly.
And things went rapidly downhill from there.
And that's what it would be like if Latvia snapped. *hides*
GAH latvia ;___; you evil son of a ..
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