Past-Part Fills Post 1 -- CLOSED

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One for the Money (3c/?) anonymous September 30 2009, 01:43:46 UTC
"For one of Rome's kids? Anything. How long you need?"

Lovino headed for his room, keeping the phone pressed firmly against his ear. "I don't know. A month or two, maybe. And an alibi for this morning."

"Nessun problema. You were helping me with the restaurant all morning," Big Tony replied as Lovonio hefted a suitcase out of his closet. "You still know the way here?"

Lovino nodded absently, despite the fact the motion couldn't be seen over the phone. "Yeah, I remember. I'll be there by tonight."

An hour later, after saying his goodbyes to Big Tony and packing as much of his life as he could into his suitcase, Lovino was in his car, looking forlornly at the abandoned Mini that was still sitting, vacant, at the curb. As he pulled away from his apartment building, he said a quiet goodbye (which came out as something like "Good riddance!") to both the stolen car and the bastards that had started the whole thing.

It wasn't until another hour later that Lovino realized he wasn't quite out of the woods yet, when Antonio leaned forward from the back seat and asked cheerfully, "So, where are we going?"


"You're one of our best agents, Jones-possibly the best for domestic matters-but would it kill you to be a little more subtle?"

Alfred smiled sheepishly at his boss. "Sorry. It's just, they were getting away, and…"

His boss laughed, shaking his head. "I know, I know. You did a good job, Jones; they may have gotten away in the end, but at least no one was hurt."

The man headed out of the bank, motioning for Alfred to walk with him. Behind them, dozens of agents were handling the shaken people who had been witness to the robbery. Alfred could feel their eyes on him, and he privately wondered if they were more shaken by the robbery or the realization that he wasn't who they'd thought.

"Sir, I'd like to stay on this case."

His boss gave him a level stare, and a long moment passed before he spoke. "I know you like to see things through to the end, but they know your face now. We can't send you undercover for this again."

Alfred shook his head. "I didn't mean going undercover. I want to chase them. I may have missed the car, but I caught the license plate number. It might be just a dead end, but I want to at least see where that lead takes me."

His boss considered the request. "You're absolutely sure it wasn't a copycat?"

"The leader called the driver Italy," Alfred said, giving a firm nod.

His boss sighed. "Well, I guess the odds of a copycat stumbling on to that detail are pretty slim," he acquiesced, smiling at Alfred. "Go get 'em, cowboy."


"I hate all of you," Lovino said.

"Sí, sí," Antonio replied. "You've been saying that for the past two hours."

"I don't think you get it, bastard," Lovino snapped, bristling. "I really hate you. I ought to throw you all out of the car right now."

"But we're on the freeway," Antonio protested. "That's dangerous!"


One for the Money (3d/?) anonymous September 30 2009, 01:45:01 UTC
Leaning back, Francis decided to tune the argument out. If the past two hours were any indication (and in his experience, they were), it would go on for a while before eventually leading right back to where it had started. Lovino would never actually go through with any of his threats, and the two of them would never actually progress in any sort of talk about love or hate (but mostly love), or perhaps in any discussion pertaining to their precarious relationship. Lovino was too stubborn to admit anything about himself and Antonio was simply incapable of reading between the lines. Or reading the atmosphere.

And Antonio wasn't the only one who was oblivious. Francis's gaze landed on Gilbert, who was leaning forward over Antonio's shoulder; the Spaniard had climbed into the front passenger seat hours ago. "You don't want to do that," Gilbert was saying now. "This trip would be a hundred percent less awesome without me here."

Lovino spat a string of obscenities and swerved the car hard, throwing Gilbert back into his seat.

"S'il te plaît, mon chéri," Francis said, "do not antagonize Italie."

"Don't call me that, France," Lovino shot back at him, swerving again to change lanes.

…Ah, maybe it would be prudent to take his own advice, at least while Lovino had all their lives in his hands.

"Of course, mon cher," he answered smoothly. There was a slight jerk of the car at that, but not enough to warrant any alarm. Yet. But they seemed to be accelerating now, so maybe there would be cause for alarm soon.

Or further cause for a cop pulling Lovino over for speeding. They'd taken the opportunity to change out of the clothes they'd robbed the bank in while Lovino had been in his apartment, but facing a police officer would still be rather awkward, given the morning's escapades and the bag of cash stowed at Gilbert's feet.

It was probably for the best that the Italian didn't know they'd brought the bag. Lovino and Antonio had started arguing again (if something that one-sided could really be called an argument), and the money would likely add fuel to the proverbial fire.

Yes, it was definitely for the best. Francis just hoped they'd arrive at their destination soon, and in one piece.


Late that afternoon, one Arthur Kirkland found his missing car on the other side of town from the place he'd parked it the previous day.

It didn't take him long to notice the new hole that marred his beloved Mini's rear bumper.

It took even less time for him to swear revenge.

Notes and translations:
Pronto: (It.) lit. "ready," used when answering the phone
Nessun problema: (It.) No problem
Amour: (Fr.) love
S'il te plaît: (Fr.) Please (informal)

Less humor than the other parts, but it's a lot of setup. I've tried my best with the use of French, Italian, and Spanish in this fill, but if anyone has any corrections, please let me know!


Re: One for the Money (3d/?) anonymous September 30 2009, 05:31:52 UTC



Re: One for the Money (3d/?) anonymous October 1 2009, 07:05:03 UTC
This is AWESOME. I love this fic!


Re: One for the Money (3d/?) anonymous October 1 2009, 09:23:31 UTC
This anon is enjoying this fic a lot, albeit confused by a slight detail.

It seems that the bad touch trio's robbing the bank for the first time, yet Alfred has been at the "Venetian Robbers" for 1 year, and said group has also done many similar robberies since 2 years ago.

Did I miss something, or are the bad touch trio just that lucky/unlucky in mimicking the Venetian Robberies by accident?


Re: One for the Money (3d/?) anonymous October 1 2009, 16:45:28 UTC
I'll try to clarify it in the next part, but yes: the first "Venetian Robbery" occurred about two years ago. One year ago, Alfred went undercover on the case.

As for the rest, you didn't miss anything; all will be revealed in time. I don't want to give things away too soon, you know! ;)


Re: One for the Money (3d/?) anonymous October 2 2009, 14:24:00 UTC
Another anon here. Thanks for clarifying!

(also, I'm slightly embarrassed to say that I was happy that Alfred might be meeting Arthur because of the car. ^^;;;)


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