Past-Part Fills Post 1 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 13:32

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[Part 6 Fill] Fit Guy Looking For Some Fun... (Part 3/??) anonymous September 29 2009, 16:58:36 UTC
Prussia waited just inside the door to his bedroom, forcing Sweden to brush against him as he entered. He closed the door behind him, making sure to flip the lock.

“Alright then. First you have to start off small. Just imagine I’m your wife, if you’d like. Here,” Prussia sat down on the edge of the bed, scooting back so his feet could dangle above the floor. He looked up at Sweden meekly, giving him a faint smile. “W…would this be good?”

Sweden shivered at the sweet sound of Gilbert’s voice, his red eyes softened alongside his demeanor. He nodded.

“Ahh. Ok, now, the trick is to listen to the sounds your partner makes. If he likes something, his reactions will tell you and vice-versa.” Prussia smiled, trying his best not to look lecherous. “Shall we give it a try?”

Again Sweden nodded, but this time he took the few steps he needed to get to the bed. He reached out to stroke Prussia’s cheek. The other man leaned into his hand, eyes closed and mouth open in an easy smile. He took the opportunity of those open lips to slide his own against them, tentatively. He heard the man below him gasp, a low intake of breath before their lips pressed in again.

This time their kiss was much slower and far more careful. They were playing a game now, a mimicry of soft feelings and pent up romance. Sweden ran his fingers through Prussia’s light, tousled hair and at once forgot who it belonged to. Instead he imagined a shade darker, a shade he knew very well. He sighed into the kiss, his tongue pressing insistently at the lips of the man below him.

As their tongues touched their bodies moved downwards and Prussia’s back met the familiar comfort of his bedspread. He let out a short groan as he twined his fingers behind Berwald’s neck, giving back into the kiss. It was hard for him to not take control and ravish the other man, so he soaked up the moment as best he could.

And maybe, just maybe, when he closed his eyes he imagined darker hair and softer, fairer skin. And if he listened close enough he swore he could hear the faint strains of Mozart .

Their lips parted, and Sweden looked down at Prussia expectantly. Prussia whispered to him. “Good. Let’s keep going.”

The words of approval seemed to urge him on, as Sweden wasted no time in devouring Prussia’s neck. Gilbert couldn’t help his moans from becoming more desperate, and the man above him seemed just as rushed as he unbuttoned his shirt. His mouth travelled down with each part of shirt that opened, ravishing the underlying skin with his teeth and tongue.

A/N I know I said I wasn’t posting until tonight, but I had some free time this morning and decided to type it up now. Also, this anon apologizes for the Prussia x Austria nod in there XD I had to fit in my OTP!


Re: [Part 6 Fill] Fit Guy Looking For Some Fun... (Part 3/??) anonymous September 30 2009, 08:31:37 UTC
If someone showed me a Sweden/Prussia fic before I read this fill, I wouldn't have given it a second glance, but I think I might be a closet fan of these two now. XD


OP anonymous October 2 2009, 06:06:55 UTC
Damn..Continue on anon..And I don't mind the PruAus. It's my OTP too ofcourse hahahahaa


Re: OP anonymous October 2 2009, 12:56:55 UTC
Writer-non will finish! Don't worry! It's just this ais a crazy week with work and birthdays and such! But next week I'm only working 2 days, so you should expect to see more by then!

I'm glad OP approves *bows*


Re: [Part 6 Fill] Fit Guy Looking For Some Fun... (Part 3/??) anonymous October 6 2009, 14:47:07 UTC
I thought I would need brain bleach when I discovered the pairing in this fic, but you've managed to make it work and now I'm loving this fill. Esp sleazy!Gilbert(?).

Eagerly awaiting the next parts!


Re: [Part 6 Fill] Fit Guy Looking For Some Fun... (Part 3/??) anonymous October 13 2009, 04:05:42 UTC
Haha! Thanks XD! I hope the next parts will be as good! I need to...write them. Things have been busy latey (both my sister and two of my best friends are getting married this weekend, and I start a new job next week! Augh!) So I apologize for being a slow-anon. There will be more, I promiseee!


Re: [Part 6 Fill] Fit Guy Looking For Some Fun... (Part 4a/??) anonymous October 13 2009, 23:35:42 UTC
Prussia helped himself out of the shirt, then leaned back against the matress. Sweden’s hands skated across his chest, exploring his pale skin as they traveled down to the waistband of his pants. As his fingers made to move for the button of his jeans, Gilbert grabbed his wrist.

“H…hold on. I think I see what the problem is here,” Gilbert took a deep breath, calming his beating heart. Damn! It was no wonder this guy was getting nowhere with Finland! He was faster than a love struck teen! “Ok. You need to take it easy. Don’t rush through things.”

Sweden searched for words for a moment. A bit more sense seemed to come to his expression, and he nodded. “’Kay. I’ll try no’ ta’.” He smiled that almost-smile again, leaning down to bury himself in Gilbert’s neck. He kissed him there gently and Gilbert released his hands.

At first, Berwald heeded to Gilbert’s urgings. He slowed his pace considerably as he took his time licking and sucking at Prussia’s neck, sometimes grazing with his teeth. But by the time he made it down to his chest, his patience was running thin. He growled in frustration as he moved down the bed to work at Gilbert’s pants again.

“Wait!” Prussia shouted.

Sweden grumbled in response, looking more than a little put off.

Gilbert just grinned and grabbed his collar, pulling him down to kiss him fiercly. He pulled back from the kiss, a devilish look in his eyes. “It’s my turn.”

It was no wonder that the Prussian empire had been as successful as it was. Faster than he could react, Gilbert had flipped them both over and was now straddling Berwald’s hips. His fingers were already making fast work of the buttons on his shirt by the time he recovered, and they switfly moved onto his pants. Sweden gasped rather loudly as one nimble hand reached inside his pants, sliding smoothly against his cock.

Gilbert shivered at the feel of his soft skin. It felt like steel wrapped in plush velvet, and the reaction it gained from its owner at such attention was unlike any thrill in the world. He groaned, his usually soft voice clear and unchecked as he rocked against him, legs shaking slightly. When his hips came back down to the mattress, his eyes snapped open and he stared at Gilbert, shocked.

Prussia just smiled back at him as he wrapped his lips around the head of his cock. God, but it felt just as divine in his mouth as it had in his hand. He tried hard to maintain his control as he opened his mouth wider to let more of it in. He moved up and down a few times, then took it out of his mouth and stroked it with his hand.

“You’re feeling overwhelmed right now, aren’t you?” He grinned like a cat as he spoke, licking his lips. He squeezed the other man’s erection lightly as he stroked.

Berwald nodded, a small gasp escaping him.

“Just think of how your poor wife would feel if you did this to him. So lost to pleasure, head swimming with it,” he licked at the head, tongue teasing the slit. “Drowning in it.”

He sucked him down again, going a bit deeper than before. Sweden cried out. His whole body felt like it was on fire, burning him up. He cast his hips up into Gilbert’s mouth.

Prussia lifted his mouth off his erection, sitting up a bit. “You know, I was going to let you fuck me with this cock of yours.” His hands worked at his own pants, unzipping slowly. “But I think you need a more…serious lesson.”

Sweden watched him expectantly, but instead of pulling himself out he left his pants open. He moved his attention back to Sweden, pulling his pants away and tossing them to the floor. He pulled something out of his own pocket, placing it on the bed out of Berwald’s sight.

He was practically trembling by the time Prussia worked his own pants off, his erection coming free of his jeans barely visible from his position. From what he could see, though, Gilbert was exaggerating about it being “five meters.” It still was of considerable size, enough to contest even with his own.

“Basking in my glory, are we?” Sweden looked up into Prussia’s face, glowing with pride. “Don’t worry, I’ll be inside you soon enough.”


Re: [Part 6 Fill] Fit Guy Looking For Some Fun... (Part 4b/??) anonymous October 13 2009, 23:38:27 UTC
Gilbert grabbed the packet he’d placed on the bed, tearing it open carefully. He spread a bit of the thick gel over his fingers, rubbing them together. Lifting Berwald’s legs over his shoulders, he roughly shoved a finger inside of him.

Sweden hissed, his hips lifting at the sudden contact as the finger shoved in insistently. The pain made his whole body jerk, and he pushed out with his legs, knocking Prussia off balance. The finger withdrew as its owner fell back onto the bed, bewildered.

For as much as the Prussian empire had been powerful, Sweden was certainly no slouch. He moved swiftly: almost as swiftly as Gilbert had moments earlier. What he lacked in speed he made up for in strength, which he used to pin Prussia down to the bed.

When the taller man bent down to Prussia’s ear he spoke hard, the force of his words rough on his skin, “My turn.”

Gilbert hadn’t seen the other man grab the packet, but he certainly felt the slick gel on his fingers as the spread him apart, not bothering to break him in slowly. His breath caught in his throat, the sudden turn of events beating at him like a storm. Pain mixed with the rush of excitement, the feeling of being overpowered, and the struggle of flesh against flesh as Berwald’s cock pressed against his ass and stretched. It was no longer about teaching, no longer about filling the void in his heart. It wasn’t even about Sweden’s cock pushing inside him at a pace that made his stomach tie into knots.

It was about power.

A/N: Damn character count! Anyways, I hope my story is continuing to please *bows* I don't normally post my writing because it makes me nervous. Ahahaha. I also hope I'm not going too OOC or anything. Thanks to everyone for reading/commenting so far!


Re: [Part 6 Fill] Fit Guy Looking For Some Fun... (Part 4b/??) anonymous October 14 2009, 03:21:19 UTC
Yay~ Very good anon! *clapclapclap* I love it when they switch positions~

reCaptcha: cilantro Neville (Harry Potter Crossover involving Italy...?)


Re: [Part 6 Fill] Fit Guy Looking For Some Fun... (Part 4b/??) anonymous October 14 2009, 03:36:25 UTC
this is so hot! and incredibly awesome.

love the power play between them. <33


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