Past-Part Fills Post 1 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 13:32

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He's my Son [2c/?] anonymous September 13 2009, 05:49:43 UTC
Francis came home from a hard day’s work. Sore all over and exhausted beyond all measure.

But entering his house… No matter how horrible or how tiring or simply how frustrating his work was… His spirits were always lifted when he walked through the door.

He would proudly announce his return. And not shortly after, the pitter patter of little feet would resound through the house. Alfred and Matthew tearing down the hallway and jumping into his open arms.

Their excited smiles and tender embrace was more than enough to brighten his mood. Always.

“Welcome home, Papa.” They would say. And Francis felt absolutely loved.

Then his husband would yell at him for being late. Before grudgingly kissing him on the cheek. Invoking sounds of protests from their little boys.

That day, however… No little boys came running.

Only Matthew toddling up to him. Sadly, almost somber. And clutching unto his shoulder like his life depended upon it.

He sent a questioning glance at Arthur. The man’s work as a writer allowing him to spend an ample amount of time at home.

His husband could only frown and lead him to the twins’ room.

Alfred was on the bed. Cocooned in the sheets. Fast asleep.

“He’s been like that all day.”

The boy had no energy. After a few minutes at play, Alfred immediately got tired. Opting instead to curl up in bed. And sleep.

And no matter how hard Matthew urged him. Nearly begging him to get up.

Alfred just simply… couldn’t.

Francis was worried by the sudden change in his son. Especially when such behaviour continued the next day. And the next day. And the next day.

Matthew even ended up crying. His tears a mixture of fear and frustration at his listless brother.

And if Francis thought it couldn’t get worse.

It did.

Alfred’s hacking coughs were painful to here. Even more painful to see. As the poor boy was nearly bent double. The coughs shaking his tiny, tiny body.

His frame had been chubby. Baby fat rounding his cheeks.

But now…

Alfred was so thin. So thin. His features were gaunt. His eyes deep set. It was obvious that the boy had lost a lot of weight.

It didn’t help that he could barely keep anything down.

And he was so pale. His sun-kissed skin a thing of the past. Leaving but a ghost of his former self. A shadow.

It was heart-breaking.

Alfred, the epitome of cheer and laughter. Brimming with Life, a quality so uniquely his.

It hurt. To see him lying on that bed. So unresponsive. So…

No, Francis would not think it.

“Papa… What’s wrong with Alfred? Papa? Papa?” Matthew would inquire. Burying his face into his Papa’s chest.

“Papa doesn’t know, mon lapin.” Papa doesn’t know.

Francis barked out a bitter chuckle.

Well. They certainly knew now. God did they know.

His laughter faded. As sobs spilled from his chest.

Why God, why? Why us?! Why him?!! You brought him to our arms, only to take him away? Why?!

Alfred had leukemia.


Apologizes deeply for fail chapter and late update. Once I finish one of my stories. I should be making headway with all my kin meme fills!


Re: He's my Son [2c/?] anonymous September 13 2009, 09:40:28 UTC
Wow…This is, I mean…

I don't and do want to read the next chapter

It strikes me deep


Re: He's my Son [2c/?] anonymous September 13 2009, 12:35:09 UTC
Uwaah. ; _; So sad....

But as much as I don't want to find out what happens next....I do. >_<;;;


Re: He's my Son [2c/?] anonymous September 14 2009, 16:02:47 UTC

;A; Poor Francis!! OMG POOR AL!!! Poor Matt and Arthur!!!! What will they do now!? Oh!

Anon, this is Really it is. I cannot wait to see how this will unfold


Re: He's my Son [2c/?] anonymous September 24 2009, 15:49:03 UTC
So heartbreaking! Wonderful job, anon!


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