Past-Part Fills Post 1 -- CLOSED

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The Dark I Know Well [9b] anonymous September 11 2009, 21:46:28 UTC
“E-England, w-why can’t I ever l-leave? W-why d-do you do this? W-what happened t-to the man w-who raised m-me?”

“I simply do what will keep you in line, America.”

“…” America felt something inside him break. There wasn’t anything left for him to do or say. There was no longer any hope. He would eternally be here, a slave to the man who he had once loved. England laughed softly and lifted him up, carrying down the hall from the nursery. Neither of them noticed the figure standing nearby, silently mourning his brother’s broken spirit.

“America, why? Why did you just give up? There’s still hope! France will save us!” Canada finally got the nerve to ask his brother after New Jersey was born. It was proof America gave up on life, just having the child and passing him off to their master, not even crying for the babe’s fate like he had done the others’.

“No.” America shook his head, his whole body shaking. “No, it’s too late. France won’t come. We’re doomed, Canada. Doomed to be here forever.”

“No! France will come, I promise! America, please don’t give up!”

“Why have hope for something that is hopeless, Canada? I have just accepted my fate, my fate of the hell I am to suffer.”

“It’s not your fate!” Canada couldn’t help the tears that were flowing from his eyes, the dam of resolution finally breaking. His own brother, the America who once had so much potential, was nothing more than a shell of what he once was. It pained him to see his twin in such a devastating state, but he knew nothing more could be done. He left America and assembled all the children together downstairs, still holding onto that shimmer of hope he had.

“Whatcha want, Cani?” Delaware asked, fidgeting slightly. He’d much rather be off harassing his sisters than stuck down here with his uncle.

“I have a story for you all. A new one, one that Pop never told you. It’s a wonderful one, children. One I want you to always remember.”

“What is it, Dama?” Ontario asked with a smile. She loved her ‘mother’s’ stories.

“Okay, once upon a time there was an incredibly evil man named Arling. He was a very cruel man and had two young boys held hostage in his house. They were treated very badly, but never gave up hope that they would be rescued. Arling didn’t like this very much. He tortured the brothers, hoping to break their spirits. And as time went on things started to seem hopeless, as if they'd be trapped forever. The oldest boy, Alex, had all but given up hope from how much Arling had hurt him. He was nothing but a shell of what he once was. He was broken from the inside out. But the other brother, Mark, he never gave up hope. He knew one day someone would come for them. He dreamt of a knight in shining armor that would save them from the tyranny of Arling.

“And, in the middle of the night, the two brothers noticed a man riding a brilliant white horse towards the house. He had flowing blonde hair and the most gorgeous blue eyes on the planet,” Canada let out a dreamy sigh just thinking of his hero again, making most of the children look at him funny. But he quickly got back into his story before their attention could wander on him. “And his name was Frankie. So, Frankie came to try and free the twins, but Arling didn't want to allow it. So he turned into a fire-breathing dragon with venomous green eyes and tried to kill poor Frankie. But, the knight overpowered Arling's darkness with his own magic, the magic of love! And he struck down the beast and whisked the two boys off into the sunset, protecting them forever more!”

“…Venomous green eyes?” Ontario whimpered, lightly touching the skin below her own.

“Oh no! They were nothing like yours. Yours are beautiful, Ontario. And so are the rest of yours! But Arling’s are nothing but evil. When you look in them you just want to cry!”

“Magic of love~” Virginia swooned, only for Weston to pretend to gag.

“You are soooo girly.”

“That’s because I AM a girl, Weston!”


The Dark I Know Well [9c] anonymous September 11 2009, 21:49:00 UTC
“Shush you two! Remember that story! Tell it to your siblings when they get older! But NEVER tell it to Pop. He doesn’t like it, and if you tell him, he’ll never let me tell you guys stories again!”

“We pwomise, Cani(Dama)! We won’t tell him!” The children exclaimed. Canada's stories were always their favorite. Little did they know the hidden meanings behind them.

“Good. Now, bed time.” Canada laughed as he ushered the children back up the stairs. They all were reluctant, but they knew there was no getting around it. Canada took a weary look in the direction of America’s room and sighed. His poor brother had given up hope. But he hadn’t and he never would. He dug in his drawers for a bit of parchment he had left there when he moved in and glanced around. No pen. Shit. There was only one thing else he could use.

Canada bit down hard on his forefinger, hard enough to draw blood. He winced at the pain but shrugged it off. This was important. He quickly wrote a message to France, praying it would be somewhat legible. He then leaned to the small crack in between the window and the frame and whistled. A beautiful bird flew to the windowsill and stared at him.

“Please, beautiful creature, please take this to France. Please don’t leave me trapped here anymore!” He cried. The bird looked at him and nodded, flying off with the letter in his beak. Canada sucked on his forefinger until it stopped bleeding and sighed. If that bird got it to France, he would hopefully not be trapped here much longer.


France frowned as he looked at the letter his precious pet bird Pierre had brought to him. For one it was horrifying it was written in blood, but what was worse was what was what was written. Just a few words, but anyone could figure out what was wrong.




My RP partner should recognize some of this~ Thanks for all the help with this fic <3~


Re: The Dark I Know Well [9c] anonymous September 11 2009, 23:19:27 UTC This is all America wants to say about this.


Re: The Dark I Know Well [9c] anonymous September 12 2009, 00:25:44 UTC
OmG, that was epic...
It's heartbreaking to see America give, but I don't blame him.
Under those circumstance, it seems impossible.


Re: The Dark I Know Well [9c] anonymous September 12 2009, 03:49:43 UTC
...Can I just say I really really love to hate your England?

Here's hoping that France whips his ass but *good*. God, I really really hope that he gets there soon - maybe he wrests the two colonies back and promptly gives them their freedom? But - the kids are so cute, and they love their Pop... This is a muddle. I think they need to see a little of just what England is capable of. That would be the perfect revenge, right? Turn ALL his children against him...

And France is going to look like a bleeping savior indeed by the time he manages to smash the door down. I think Alfred's going to be all but catatonic; France is, quite literally, going to seem like a gift from the gods themselves. I think the NA twins are just - going to cling to him, and never want to let go; Francis is going to be shocked by both the abuse that they've both been through and at the fact that someone, anyone, is going to be genuinely glad to see him, that they *need* him so much. Don't think he's ever been the target of so much unconditional affection... They're going to remember this as long as they live. He'll get to nurse them back to health and be in the permanent good books of not one, but BOTH twins... Besides. Alfred and Mattie need some serious TLC from someone who genuinely cares about them, who wants to show them how *good* it can be... Where do you think Louisiana came form, after all?

And England - I hate him with the firey passion of a thousand burning suns! The NA brothers are never ever going to be able to forgive him for this; their doors are permanently closed to him. Don't think they'll suffer alliance or treaty with their erstwhile 'master'; and he'll get to stand on the sidelines, screaming as he watches them be obsessively protective of both themselves and France, the one country he can't abide. The Twins will come down like a ton of bricks on anyone who dares threaten their savior. I think that this France is going to be quite secure from invasion, for as long as US and Canada exist... I can even see the three of them in some kind of relationship - a 'Triple Alliance', or something along those lines... *Shrugs*. Sorry, don't mean to tell you how to work your story, it's just - interesting, thinking about where this might go.


Re: The Dark I Know Well [9c] anonymous September 12 2009, 04:43:23 UTC
Glad we can hate 'em. Because Iggy is normally my favorite character and it's like '...Why am I making myself so depressed with him?' but it's gotta be done I suppose.

Oh yes. All of the children but the first handful [And one who is a later child but the full story on why he loves his dad will be better explained why in the Epilogue] will end up against England. I still haven't decided how exactly France is first freeing Canada, but I know Canada and his family are getting rescued first. So I'll figure just how France is going to kick his ass hard enough it lasts for centuries.

Yeah. Once France comes along, Al is going to feel he was given a second chance at life and this time he's not going to let anyone screw it up. He's going to make sure he'll find a way to repay Francis somehow, but he's going to promise himself he'll make a name in the world, be the strongest nation that ever lived and show England just what he's truly made of. France will always be his favorite nation, and although I won't get in depth on it, France and America ((Along with America and Canada and Canada and France)) will have the most treaties among each other, most lenient trade laws, and pretty much anything and everything that can help the other will be done. War on one means war on all and that jazz.

If you read this and don't hate him with the fiery passion of a thousand burning suns, there's a problem. Once the Empire falls ((I have the ending planned and dear god when it falls, it falls HARD.)) England is going to realize he was corrupt by power and beg forgiveness. Obviously he won't be forgiven by either ((Especially not America, who he really wants forgiveness from)) but in time, it's going to be a 'I have to bear with you because we're nations, but I hate your fucking guts and I want you to die'. The Epilogue is going to be somewhat of a final bearing point. America is actually going to let England on his soil to see the states because of a letter Virginia sent to him. So the 13 kids [It'd be 14, but Weston and Virginia can't be in the same room in the future without breaking into tears or threatening each other] are able to see their father one more time, and lets just say things aren't going to go so well and there will be no happy ending for England and the ending is going to be pretty much like no 'real' happy ending, but England isn't forgiven and America is prospering in his own world just fine without him.

Oh no, it's alright. I love hearing what people think and how they want it to go. Helps me with my own decision making!


Not OP anonymous September 13 2009, 00:05:14 UTC
First of all, I'd like to thank you for continuing this piece. I was beginning to lose hope that it was not going to continue so I'm very grateful that you're back.

Now on to the story...Virginia seems so attached to her Pop and it saddens me to see her Dama's reaction. Poor little, Virginia. She doesn't know the whole truth. I wonder, what if she accidentally saw Pop's "punishments" on her Dama, would she be the same? Would she convince her sibling to go against their Pop? Oh the possibility!! Not trying to sway you, I SWEAR!!

And a question for you! How long do the pregnancy lasts? In earlier chapters you state that it was nine months but later on shorten the duration (because nation-tans are M~A~G~I~C~A~L~~!!), so what is the exact length? If it was nine months, then the twins were prisoners for at least 6 years. Forgive my curiosity but I JUST HAVE TO KNOW!!! Not crazy.

And woah! Did Canada just summoned a bird with his mapleness?! THAT'S EFFIN' AWESOME!!! The realist in me wonders why he didn't use the soot from the fireplace instead of his own blood (they did have fireplaces in the 1700s right?).


~WriterAnon~ anonymous September 13 2009, 00:21:31 UTC
Yeah, got so distracted. Oy. Sorry!

Virginia is actually going to be the one who in the Epilogue is going to bring England back to the family for a few days. Weston quite possibly might take that place of the one who sees England for what he is. I'll have to see since there's only maybe 2-4 chapters left.

I'm going with 9 for each, despite how unclear that is. Rhode Island is the only one that wasn't. I don't describe all the pregnancies cause that's just going to get far too repetitive. But the states don't grow that fast. Like, they fly through their toddler years but stay in their child years for awhile. So they are about 6... I think. *didn't even keep track. Fail writer OTL*

And he was just in a hurry to get the letter out. And thinking of it, I don't think they had one. England is leaving them with bare necessities [Like the windows will not open more than a third so they can't escape and stuff].


Not OP anonymous September 13 2009, 02:43:13 UTC
It's quite alright. Life is full of [delicious] distraction, no?

A part of me had hope that you would make Virginia go against England more because of America's attachment to her, being his first child and all. In my head canon, the states-tan would do anything for their mother country (e.g. During the Civil War the southern states seceded all for the better "vision" of America)

But I suppose you're right in a sense that Virginia is way too sweet to cause anyone harm let alone her parents (even tho one of her parents deserves ULTIMATE PUNISHMENT).

Oh okay, the repetitive thing makes sense. It's just my state-tan kinda "popped" out of no where in this chapter and it struck me as odd. Apologizes for the nit-picking!

Canadian rushing is so epic then. Heehee. How do they keep warm? Fireplaces are not necessities? Also, it just hit me that it took Canada 6 years to send a message like that...YES, I'M VERY SLOW England must have loosen his security over the place?

reCAPTCHA: earshot 46;545 (Is this England's punishment, reCAPTCHA?)


Re: The Dark I Know Well [9c] anonymous November 5 2009, 10:57:53 UTC
I think crazydark! England is good once in a while. Will you be continuing this anon?!


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