Past-Part Fills Post 1 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 13:32

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Hey, Mister! That's my sister! [part 6a of ?] anonymous August 14 2009, 04:46:31 UTC
“We haven’t been having girls in your house,” Al started to explain while staring at the wooden table in front of her.

“Without your permission, she means,” Maddie added softly.

Al snorted softly. “Yeah. Except… for us.” Her gaze continued to be fixed on the table where she had enjoyed countless family means. She wondered how many more they would have here, before they were thrown out. Papa could at least be counted on for one meal for the road before they kick her and Mattie out of the house. Maybe they could have hamburgers.

Not being able to stand the few second of silence that followed, Maddie added, “We’re girls.”

“I do not understand,” Francis muttered starring at his two ‘sons’ trying to envision them having turned into girls without drawing his attention.

“ Nous sommes des filles.” Maddie repeated in French, trying to help.

This drew a chuckle from Francis. “Merci. But that does not make the situation any… clearer.”

“Agreed,” Arthur said with a nod. His voice was calm, not filled with the anger that Allie had expected. This almost made her more afraid. “How is that possible?” Arthur continued. “Surely we would have noticed… when we pot- No…” He was going to say ‘potty trained’. But that wasn’t right. They had adopted the boys when they were already 5. “When we gave you baths… No.” The boys had been painfully shy when they were first placed with Arthur and Francis. On the rare occasion when the twins had allowed their new parents to bathe them, Al had always insisted that they wear swim trunks. Matthew had always nodded in agreement, desperately clinging to his white stuffed bear. He had just assumed that this was normal behavior for boys their age when around new adults.

“Hmm… All this time. You have been girls all this time.” Francis made the words form statements, though they easily could have been questions, as his brain began to adjust to the new schema.

It seemed to be at this moment when thoughts began to click into place in Arthur’s head as well. His fuzzy eyebrows shot straight up to his forehead as his green eyes became as wide as grapefruit. “Oh my god! Have you started menstruating?” Even Al began to blush at this question. “Francis! We need to talk to them about sex before they start having babies before our very eyes!”

“NO! NO! Please! You’ve already punished me with that once today!” Al shrieked, in a very heroic manner.

“It’s not punishment…” Francis said, reassuringly as he placed hands on Alfred’s and Matthew’s shoulders. “Well perhaps it is when your father does it.”

“I think I know more about sex then I could ever want to know,” Matthew muttered softly.

“No! No! You need the talk again! You’re girls this time!”

An eyebrow raised on Alfred’s forehead. “Uh… we really were girls the first 1350 times… you just didn’t know.”

“Well now that we know that it changes things! You need to be educated about what disgusting vial little perverts teen-aged boys are! Oh! Oh for the love of the queen! One of them drove you home today, didn’t they Matthe- Mattie? Did he try to touch you? Are you pregnant?!?! Dear God, please don’t let my little girl be pregnant. Frog! Go get my shotgun!”

Francis stood and began rubbing his forehead. At least Arthur was taking it well, considering… “Arthur, please, remember your blood pressure. I am sure Mattie is fine. He - she’s been one of the best fighters on the hockey team for years now. I am sure she can fend off any unwanted advances.”

“T-thanks, Papa.”

“So, you’re not kicking us out?” Al asked. She wasn't sure if she should even be bringing up the possibility (it would be awful if they hadn't thought of the idea on their own, but loved it when she mentioned it), but it was eating her inside not knowing.


Hey, Mister! That's my sister! [part 6b of ?] anonymous August 14 2009, 04:47:22 UTC

“No, of course not! Though we do need an explanation.”

“And I for one would like to know what your real names are. They can’t bloody well be Alfred and Matthew.”

“I’m Madison,” the meeker twin said while nervously playing with her fingers.

“And I’m Allison. Though, we always went by Maddie and Allie or Al… even back then…” Alfred, or rather Allison, began to explain to her parents how after their biological parents had died they were placed with a different couple. One of the men, who had been their foster fathers, was very nice, talkative and cheerful. The other scared the hell out them and was always staring, saying nothing. It made Maddie burst in to tears just remembering the incident.

I apologize for any and all errors and unclearness... (especially the minor dips into poorly translated French) I probably shouldn't be posting this yet since I wrote most of it while I was in the hospital, but I don't think I'm going to have the time over the next two weeks. 'Til next time! <3


Re: Hey, Mister! That's my sister! [part 6b of ?] anonymous August 14 2009, 11:18:56 UTC
Oh this made me giggle!

LOL Arthur really WOULD freak out like that and automatically think about babies.

Why do I have a feeling that Francis will get a kick out of dressing his "new" daughters in "proper" female attire? And Arthur freaking out more and vetoing all of Francis' suggestions as "too skimpy, frog!"


Re: Hey, Mister! That's my sister! [part 6b of ?] anonymous August 14 2009, 14:42:11 UTC
>>Why do I have a feeling that Francis will get a kick out of dressing his "new" daughters in "proper" female attire?

Have you been reading my mind's notes on future chapters? ;)

~ writer!anon


Re: Hey, Mister! That's my sister! [part 6b of ?] anonymous August 14 2009, 22:30:49 UTC
I cracked up. Arthur <3

Was that a hint to Tino and Berwald there at the end? :D


Re: Hey, Mister! That's my sister! [part 6b of ?] anonymous August 15 2009, 00:02:08 UTC
Lololol~ Tino and Berwald at the end... xDDDDDDDDDD It does kinda make sense... Poor girls...

Did he try to touch you? Are you pregnant?!?! Dear God, please don’t let my little girl be pregnant. Frog! Go get my shotgun!
Favourite phrase ever~


Re: Hey, Mister! That's my sister! [part 6b of ?] anonymous August 23 2009, 09:03:53 UTC
Aaah I'm glad I decided to check on this!

Arthur's reaction is so... so.... Arthur-like. XD

And yay for getting Finland and Sweden in there. ^_^


Re: Hey, Mister! That's my sister! [part 6a of ?] anonymous September 14 2009, 03:58:33 UTC
This anon cracked up when she read:

“Well now that we know that it changes things! You need to be educated about what disgusting vial little perverts teen-aged boys are! Oh! Oh for the love of the queen! One of them drove you home today, didn’t they Matthe- Mattie? Did he try to touch you? Are you pregnant?!?! Dear God, please don’t let my little girl be pregnant. Frog! Go get my shotgun!”

England, oh how we all love how you care for your kids.

Now I wonder how Prussia will react when he realizes that Maddie is actually a she...


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