Past-Part Fills Post 1 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 13:32

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Re: Under the Sun [13c/?] anonymous August 11 2009, 19:10:36 UTC
“Pa-Paul Turner,” he stuttered, blushing more and more. Alfred laughed again, that earned him a sharp elbow to the gut. Paul, still pink, cleared his throat. “Anyways Al, like I was sayin’. You really should be worryin’, at least a bit!”

“Handsome’s right,” Liz interjected, planting her one hand on her hip. “Trent ain’t a nice guy. And he’s got some real mean friends, who wouldn’t hesitate to shoot you!”

“Which is why I seem to have some new shadows.” He grinned, beginning to walk again with his hands in his pockets. “Don’t worry you two!”

They didn’t follow right away. Alfred was sure they most likely shared a look. However, after a few feet he heard their hurried steps, the two catching up with him in a few moments, one on each side. “What’re you doin’ out anyhow Liz?”

“Oh, I was getting’ some food,” she smiled, swinging her bag to emphasize the point. He could see some groceries now. “I’m on my way to the Doc’s too.”


“Need to pick up medicine for my Ma,” she responded with a small laugh. “She caught a nasty cough last week, but it’s getting’ better. I’m just real lucky my boss understood and gave me the time off to take care of her.”

Both nodded in agreement. It was indeed very lucky. They offered to accompany her, both commenting how they wouldn’t mind seeing Ruben again. It had been a long while since the doctor had visited the inn, though in his defense, he had been quite busy. They walked together up the streets, chatting and joking. They were all still grinning as they walked up the steps to the doctor’s office. It wasn’t until they heard the voices that they paused.

“So the guys out for blood? I mean, I heard ‘bout it. But seriously now? Over a poker game?” It was Ruben’s voice, Alfred exchanging a nervous glance with the other two. They stayed wear they were, ears strained to hear the conversation.

“Nah,” it was Vincent.”He’s out for blood for getting’ shown up by the cry-baby, and maybe a bit of the poker game.”

“So this isn’t goin’ away, like you two told Al?”

“The kid’ll just get himself all worked up,” Vincent snorted. “Plus, y’know him. He’ll burst into tears.”

“Al’s gettin’ better at that,” Ruben responded automatically (and Alfred was grateful for the defense). “So what’s the plan? We can’t just keep following him. One of these days Trent or his gang’ll catch Al when he’s alone…”

“Bill and me are workin’ on that. We just need to know if you could lend us a hand.”

There was a heavy sigh from Ruben, and Alfred could just see the man rubbing his temples. “I’m not as good a shot as you two, but I’ll help in any way I can…”


“Al!” Paul’s hand grabbed hold of his arm, yanking him away. The three scrambled, ducking out of sight as Vincent left the office. They remained there for a moment longer, all exchanging nervous looks at what they had seen. Remembering the medicine next, they pushed Liz to enter. She did so, though she looked a bit nervous. It was when she was out of sight that Paul turned to face Alfred. “Trent’s not gonna let this go…”

“What’re they gonna do?” Panic was rising in his chest. No, this wasn’t right… This was supposed to be his problem, his mess. He would solve it, because he couldn’t be killed as easily… But Bill and them…

“Maybe call him out for a shootout…”

“That’s suicide!” He could remember the stories he had heard. No one who faced Trent and his gang in a shootout lived. “I can’t let them do that!”

“And what’re you gonna do!? Al, he wants you dead!”


Re: Under the Sun [13c/?] anonymous August 11 2009, 19:11:25 UTC
Alfred stared ahead, hardly aware of Liz when she returned, or when the three had begun walking back to the inn, deciding that it was no longer safe to roam the streets. He could leave, a voice reasoned. He could go back to Philadelphia, or the capital. That would take care of the situation. But would the others be safe? What if Trent took it out on them? He couldn’t risk that…

Until now, he had been calm about the whole ordeal. Before it was just him and Trent, but now… What were they thinking? Did they want to die? No, of course not. Then why..?

The rest of the walk was quiet. Alfred wondered what his fellow Nations would do. He wished he could talk to one of them, to ask for advice… But Francis was all the way in Paris. And the only one who would have any experience and advice that was close by was Spain and… Well…

“Welcome back! Just in time, I could really use the help.” Alfred just nodded in response to Molly’s cheerful voice. She blinked, and he heard her ask Paul what was wrong. But Alfred stopped paying attention after that. He looked around the lobby, watching the guest’s mill in and out. Some were going to their rooms, checking in. Some were leaving, checking out. Others were lounging in some chairs, sitting by tables…

He spotted Bill seated at one of the tables, playing chess with a red-headed guest. Alfred barely paid the man any mind however, storming forward and slamming his hands on the table to gain the older man’s attention. Bill merely looked up, not phased in the least by the blonde’s action, his eyes returning to the board moments later. “What’s up Al?”

“What’re you guys planning?” He spat out almost immediately, hands forming fists against the wooden surface. “You and Ruben and Vincent! What d’you all think your doin’!? Its my fight!”

“Oh, that,” he responded, moving his bishop and taking the guests knight. “We’re givin’ you a hand.”

“Trent’ll kill you guys!”

“And he’ll kill you if we sit back,” the guest had moved his queen, taking out Bill’s bishop.

“I can handle it!” Bill glanced up, before looking at the board again, moving his knight in front of his king.

“You’re still a kid, and there’s only one of you.” The guest moved his queen, taking out the rook and murmuring a simple ‘check’.

“You’ll get killed,” his throat was suddenly tight. No, he wouldn’t cry! He wouldn’t. He couldn’t.

“If we die, we die.” Bill seemed to forget about the game, rising to his feet and planting both hands on Alfred’s shoulders. “Al, don’t cry. It’ll work out fine. Vin and me are good shots, and Ruben’s the best doctor around.”


“You’re friends set with his decision.” Both turned to look at the guest who was staring at the chess board. There was a scowl on his face as he glanced up. A flash of green, and then he looked down again. He seemed familiar… But how? The man said nothing, releasing an annoyed breath as he tipped the king over in forfeit, despite the obvious move to win the game. The red head rose to his feet, grabbing a coat that had been laid over the back of his chair. “You should be grateful to have such brave allies.”

Alfred opened his mouth to retort, but whatever that had been, died before he could say it.

A gunshot echoed in the air, followed by panicked shrieks. Bill forcibly yanked Alfred down, the young Nation’s hand flying to his own guns. They could see the door to the in splinter, a bullet having gone through it and…

His eyes went wide.



Re: Under the Sun [13d/?] anonymous August 11 2009, 19:15:56 UTC
He ignored Bill’s shout, rushing forward, sliding to a stop besides the fallen women. Paul was shouting her name in a panicked voice, but Molly wasn’t moving. Pain was etched across her face, blood seeping through her sleeve. She’d been shot…

“Mo-Molly…” He couldn’t tell how serious it was, fear running through his veins. His eyes burned, but he blinked back the tears. She opened her eyes, a smile on her face.

“’m alright Al…” She smiled still; despite the pain he knew she was in. “Don’t cry…”

“I know you’re in there boy!” It was Trent’s voice, from outside. Another gunshot more screams. “Get out here!”

“Al, stay,” Molly’s voice may be week, but her tone was still commanding. Alfred stared down at her, eyes still wide. He felt numb, watching as Paul tried to stop the bleeding, shouting out curses in Trent’s direction. Bill was saying something, shouting actually but the Nation couldn’t register what. His eyes were locked on Molly’s paling face, his ears echoing with Trent and his friend’s laughter…

The next thing he was aware of was that he was outside. Trent was in front of him, his friends flanking his sides.

“So the babies decided to come out and play,” he was grinning, crazed almost, pointing his gun directly at Alfred’s head. The American barely moved, another gunshot echoing in the air. He felt the bullet graze his cheek, warmth slipping down his skin.

Everything was becoming muted, his heard pounding against his chest.

“I get a friend?” The distant mocking voice questioned.

Molly’s pale face, her pained face, flashed through his mind.

Something warm, not blood, began to race down both cheeks. Tears, he realized.

Another gunshot, pain erupting from his right leg. And that was it.

The sounds of Trent’s laughter, his taunts and the townspeople’s screams vanished. Cannon fire echoed in his mind, the scent of muskets clouding his senses. He was distantly aware that he had drawn his own guns that he was taking and firing. But he was hardly aware if he was hitting anything. His mind was becoming to fuzzy. The present and past seeming to mix together. He could hear old commands, ones that had been drilled into his mind. He could see Molly’s face. Everything was merging.

“-fred!” Someone was calling him, but he couldn’t register it. The noises were too loud.

Rain, he could feel it, hear it…


A hand clamped down on his forearm, an accented voice cutting through his trance. “Stand down soldier.”


Re: Under the Sun [13e/?] anonymous August 11 2009, 19:17:54 UTC
The illusions vanished. Alfred was standing in the street, one gun still raised. Trent was across from him, holding a bleeding arm, some of his companions injured as well.

Alfred’s chest was heaving, choked sobs escaping him. He almost dropped the pistol, his entire body trembling from head to two. The hand however remained firm, guiding his arm back to his side, easily taking the gun out of his hands and holstering it. Pain erupting like fire in his leg, Alfred almost collapsing, an arm shot out from no wear, catching him, his glasses falling to the ground.

“You lot best get!” Bill’s voice sounded close by, Alfred turning his head to look at the blurred forms around him.

“… This ain’t over boy!” Came Trent’s response, before the man and his friend ran. Or at least Alfred assumed. He blinked, wiping his eyes on his sleeve, the world clearing at least a little.

“You alri-”

“Molly!” Was his first thought, his head snapping back to where he thought Bill was. He tried to walk forward, his right leg buckling. A small scream escaped him, the person by his side catching him with ease.

“She’ll be alright.” An accented voice replied, the same one that had ordered him to stand down. Alfred’s blue eyes widened as he looked at the blurred form. He could see the large, impish grin. He could make out the blob of platinum blonde hair, almost white. And most of all… He could see the sharp red eyes. Alfred couldn’t believe it, taking a sharp breath, speaking in disbelief.


I apologize for taking so long to update! I had hit a bit of a snag, in regards to how to start this segment off. And I’m still not entirely pleased with it. But then again, it seems like I’m hardly pleased with half of these segments as of late. Heh. -nervous laugh- Right! I’m also debating how long of a time skip to do. I had toyed with a few ideas… Then realize it wouldn’t fit with my vague time frame! Drat!

Again though, thank you all so much for your comments, they keep me going forward with this story~ And I only hope I can continue bringing out segments that you all enjoy. And to love you!anon… I love you too. Why? Because it was my original plot (before Trent came into the story, with the original ending) that Vincent would become evil! Though… I suppose things have changed? Hehe…

Again, thank you all for the comments, and I hope you all enjoyed this segment of the story! Thank you all again!


Re: Under the Sun [13e/?] anonymous August 12 2009, 14:30:39 UTC
OMG Prussia?! Rawr, America and Prussia as cowboys, hawt.

And did I see Arthur ninja his way into this chapter? Could have been my imagination...

Glad to see you updated!


Re: Under the Sun [13e/?] anonymous August 12 2009, 20:56:36 UTC

Out of all the people I expected, I did not expect Prussia.

And don't think I didn't see what you did thar. England is totally there.

captcha: Amer- outvotes ...America outvotes what?


Re: Under the Sun [13e/?] anonymous August 12 2009, 21:13:13 UTC
GILBERT! ~<3<3<3 My love for you, can you feel it authoranon?

Your story is as wonderful as ever. I noticed how you used my veteran excuse as to why Al was not being a cry baby. Soldier!America is awesome and so canon. He started with war and continued the tradition for every following generation. Better get used to your soldier side Al. I'm sure Gilbert can help.

England might not be there, but it looks like the UK is in the house /o/


Re: Under the Sun [13e/?] anonymous August 13 2009, 00:00:14 UTC
I...I love you so much author anon. Gilbert! I can't believe you put him into the story! It was completely unexpected~

I can't wait for the next parts!


OP Here anonymous August 14 2009, 17:16:20 UTC
Writer!Anon, I love you so much right now.
Gilbert is one of my fav characters~ <3


Re: Under the Sun [14a/?] anonymous August 19 2009, 09:15:19 UTC
The next thing Alfred was aware of was that he was lying in a bed. He couldn’t remember how he got there, or when he had even lost consciousness. One second, he was staring, in shock at the blurred form of Gilbert, the Nation of Prussia, the next…

Well, the next he was lying in a bed, his eyelids refusing to open. His head throbbed; it felt as if he was in a fog. There were voices around him; he registered that after a moment. They were all speaking in soft whispers, they sounded so distant…

“Think he’ll be alright?” Paul. It was Paul speaking…

“The wounds pretty bad, but he should fine,” Ruben’s voice registered next. “You worked pretty fast at gettin’ the bullet out Mr… Er…”

“Gilbert’s fine,” came the Prussian accented voice, with a laugh. “I didn’t want to hang around and wait for you to show up, with Alfred losing all that blood. He’s just lucky I’ve had to treat wounds on the battlefield.”

“You’re a soldier?”

“’Course!” Gilbert laughed again. “Pretty high ranking officer in the Prussian Army as a matter of fact! I’m also just pretty damn awesome!”

There were two snorts at that, a familiar voice following. “Now, now mon ami, have we not talked about letting your ego show?”

“Oi, like your one to talk!” The other speaker laughed, it was so familiar. With an almost inaudible groan, Alfred finally forced his eyes open. The room hushed in an instant, and he was sure all eyes had turned to him. But everything was blurred, Alfred desperately trying to make out the blobs he knew was his friends. Trying desperately to spot the two familiar voices, he knew one belonged to Prussia but the other… It couldn’t be…

“Take it easy Al,” it was Bill’s voice, a hand resting on his shoulder when the American made an attempt to sit up. “You lost a lot of blood back there.”

“I did?” His voice sounded hoarse. Laughter was his answer, and he allowed himself to be pushed back down. Blinking blearily he glanced around again, before a sudden thought struck him. He forgot what he had just been told, sitting bolt upright despite the hands that were trying to keep him down. But Alfred had always been known for his strength, and despite his weakened state, he still managed to fight against them. His eyes were wide, darting around the room in a growing panic. “Molly! Is she-”

“I’m fine,” at the sound of her voice, he turned his head to the side. She was nearby, her blurred form moving closer. It was only then that he allowed the hands to push him down, the wide eyes still staring at Molly’s blurred form. The bed dipped when she sat down, her hand reaching out. He yelped out of surprise as she hit him over the head. “And next time I tell you to stay put, you stay put!”

He rubbed the spot where she hit, the worry still present. “You’re alright?”

“My arms a bit sore, but it’s nothing bad.” She stated quite firmly, brushing hair out of his eyes. “Next time listen, alright?”

He just nodded, looking down quietly.

“How are you feeling?” It was Ruben.

“I’m okay… Leg’s sore.”
“Not surprising,” Alfred’s eyes went wide as saucers at that familiar voice. His head spun around to his right; to the blurred form of one of the people who had tried to keep him down, the one who had spoken earlier. Without his glasses, he could barely make out the blurred form of the Nation, but there was no mistaking it. It was him…


“Oui,” came the amused reply. “Why do you look so shocked? In your letter, did you not say I should see this West for myself?”

Alfred just nodded dumbly, staring at the other. The Frenchman laughed again, and Alfred was sure he was smiling. “Well that is exactly what I am doing. Though, these two decided to tag along.”

“Oi! It sounded like fun, and I was bored.”

“He was worried,” Francis whispered to Alfred with an amused tone. The younger Nation jumped in surprised, not realizing how close Francis had gotten to him in such a short amount of time. But then again, it was Francis. “But you know Gilbert…”


Re: Under the Sun [14b/?] anonymous August 19 2009, 09:17:22 UTC
“Won’t admit it,” Alfred whispered back with a small smile, before he blinked in confusion. Two? Who else had come along? Furrowing his eyebrows he tried to make sense out of the blurs that surrounded him, but he was having no real luck. Just where had his glasses gotten too? Had they fallen off in the street?

His stomach knotted uneasily at that notion. Glasses were expensive to replace… And that pair in particular…

The world suddenly cleared, Texas resting against the bridge of his nose. Startled, the American looked up at the person that now stood beside Francis. Automatically, he felt his chest tighten, words of thanks dying on his lips.

“Really, I don’t check in for a while and you go and nearly get yourself killed,” the Spanish accented voice teased, before Anto- Spain reached out, ruffling his hair. “What am I going to do with you amigo?”

“What are…?” Alfred began, but trailed off. His eyebrows knitted together further, unable to understand what Spain was doing here. He hated Alfred, didn’t he? After what happened years ago… What was he doing here? Acting concerned?

“These are yours, aren’t they?” The Spaniard tilted his head to one side in mock confusion, pointing at the frames on his face. “I gave them to you years ago, sí?”

And there was a small smile that formed across Spain’s face, a playful wink. Alfred understood the hidden meaning immediately. He stared at Spain for a moment, feeling the burning in his eyes. Quickly, he looked away, hands forming tight fists. “Hey! What’s wrong?”


“Al, are you cryin’ again?” Paul teased, and Alfred felt his cheeks grow hot, spinning around to glare at his friend. Small tears were already sliding down his cheeks, despite how Alfred fought them down.

“I-I’m not!” At least, he wasn’t crying out of sadness, out of pain. He was crying from happiness.

Spain merely laughed at the small exchange, ruffling his blonde hair again and clucking his tongue. “Usted es tan joven...”

Alfred wiped his eyes stubbornly.

“Tan muy joven, pequeña América…”

The tears were growing hotter, Alfred trying desperately to get them to stop. Because he didn’t want to cry. Not in front of his friends, in front of the three Nations. He had grown so much, hadn’t he? He had stopped crying at everything, or at least gotten better about hiding it. He didn’t want to cry, not over something that was so good. Because Spain was worrying about him. Spain was smiling at him. Spain…

“I’m sorry,” he croaked out, and suddenly, he felt someone pull him into a tight embrace. It was Spain, stroking his hair as Alfred sobbed into his shoulder. “I-I’m so sorry!”

“We must do what’s best for our people, América,” Spain whispered in his ear, low enough so only he could hear. “It’s alright. Now please, don’t cry. This should be a happy reunion.”


“No buts!” Spa- Antonio responded with a bright smile, wiping the large tears.

And Alfred cried more.

“Seriously Alfred…”

“N-No,” he choked out, hiding his eyes behind one arm. “I-I’m not up-upset…”

He was happy.

He was happy beyond belief.

Because, he realized as he looked tearfully at the three Nations that stood by his bed. The Nations who had aided him in gaining independence. Who would check in on him from time to time. The three Nation who were smiling at him. At Antonio who was still holding onto the tearful American, to Gilbert who was rolling his eyes saying something in his native tongue (Alfred only catching his name), to Francis who was just smiling.

And Alfred realized. He wasn’t alone.


Re: Under the Sun [NOTES anonymous August 19 2009, 09:18:18 UTC
orz; I’m so sorry for this fail. I just desperately wanted to update, and get this sappy reunion out of the way. But the ending. Oh the ending. So bad…

I promise to update with something better very soon! And blame my friend for the Bad Friends Trio appearance. Heh, I had asked her who to throw in, and her response was Gilbert. And as I was already planning Francis to appear~ Antonio just had to tag along.

Also, what he is saying here is “You are so young” and then “so very young, little America”. Now, I had to use an online translator, as I fail at Spanish. So if there is an error please feel free to correct it! I would love you immensely in fact, if you do!

I apologize if this was pure crap. Thank you all again for all the lovely comments! Really, they keep me motivated!

The next update will be better! I swear!


Re: Under the Sun [NOTES anonymous August 20 2009, 00:43:40 UTC
I'm so glad that Alfred was able to make up with Antonio. It was a really sweet scene.
Bad Friends Trio ftw! But now won't people start asking questions on who the Trio are and how they know Alfred?


Re: Under the Sun [NOTES anonymous August 20 2009, 02:00:34 UTC
OhmygoshSpain! I wasn't expecting him at all. Bad friend trio makes everything better authoranon, so no worries. ^_^

My Spanish is fail as well so I can't help you too much. There might be something wrong with the structure, but heaven knows that I have the worst awareness of structure for languages, even English. XD I did notice this, though:

Usted es tan joven I don't think Spain would used "usted" when referring to Al since Spain is his senior and they seem pretty well acquainted.

Tan muy joven, pequeña América It should be pequeño not pequeña. Though the name America is feminine, he's referring to the person America, who is male.

If I'm wrong, please someone correct me for being a dunce. I love you authoraonon and can't wait for your next update. :)


Re: Under the Sun [NOTES anonymous November 30 2009, 21:06:32 UTC
That was one of the least sappy reunion scenes I've read on the entire Internet, so Author!anon needn't worry about the ending, and calling it fail is practically insulting.
I agree with the above anon about the Spanish, as far as I can tell it is technically correct, save that female adjective. With the "usted" thing, not only is Antonio older than Alfred, they are more than just well-acquainted. If Author!anon wished to show in another way that Alfred has been forgiven, Antonio speaking as a friend would do it.


Re: Under the Sun [NOTES anonymous August 20 2009, 02:19:31 UTC
The Spanish seems alright, though I've only taken three years myself :)
The only thing I might have done differently is use Tú instead of Usted. Usted is a more formal way of saying you, while tú is more friendly/familiar. Nothing wrong with using usted though.

And as someone else mentioned the pequeña being changed to pequeño, but it's hard to say since America the word is feminine while the character is masculine. ...I guess either one would work?


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