Past-Part Fills Post 1 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 13:32

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Boredom spikes up ideas [2/10] anonymous August 3 2009, 20:14:03 UTC
Then, just as unmindful of the three behind him, he started singing again, idly moving through the kitchen to add three more seats to the table.

“When the two of us gaze at the sky, we see stelline glittering in the night sky~” Italy smiled to himself, not noticing how the stared of the three were glued to his frame dancing to his own song.

France shifted, feeling a bit of blood trickle from his nose at the sight. He was sure Italy was not doing it consciously, but damn -that low, sensual voice, and how he kept moving around… Italians were truly masters of sensuality, just like French.

A smirk made his way on his face when he peered to the side and noticed both Gilbert and Antonio drooling at the sight.

It was clear they all felt… uncomfortable down there, and France wanted to exploit this.

After all, they were bored, and Italy did prove to be an enticing sight…

“Pasta, pasta, pasta, pasta, pasta yay~!”

Smoothly glazing through the kitchen, under the surprised eyes of his two friends, Francis encircled the lither frame of the Italian, holding him against his chest; he leaned forwards, making it so his lips brushed against the soft skin of Feliciano’s ear, and breathed deeply, feeling Italy’s frame tremble against him.

“Say, Feli…” he murmured, loud enough that the other two could hear “There’s still a bit to go before your… pasta is ready” and how good he was, at transforming a word like ‘pasta’ in something indecently sensual “do you want to… entertain us?”

Feliciano twisted in his grip, tilting his head to the side “ve~?” of course he wouldn’t get it.

Gilbert was the first to catch on, and his eyes darkened considerably, as he stepped forwards, disregarding everything and locking eyes with Feliciano.

“Yeah, Ita… it would be proper of a host to… keep guests from being bored, right?”

Feliciano, feeling something was amiss, moved his stare from France to Prussia, to end with Spain, who had finally moved as well, joining the others in circling Italy.

“Feli, you do trust us, right?”

Italy nodded, head bobbing up and down as he smiled “of course I trust you~”

“And you like us a lot, too, oui?” France added, his smirk turning feral.

Once again, without hesitation or feeling of danger, Italy nodded. “Sì, certo!”

“Then, allow me to offer a… show to dear Gilbert and Antonio here, is that ok?” France, still holding Italy in his arms, moved away from the stoves, through the kitchen and into the sitting room, dancing with Italy to the sofa and making him giggle.

“A show~? Sure!” Italy tried to turn around and hug France, but the older Nation stopped him, with a smirk.

“I’ll be the one leading, then. I am sure they will enjoy it…”


Keeping Italy’s body still against his, France let one of his hands move upwards, brushing against the Italian’s clothed chest, and then his neck, making him giggle.

“Francis~?” he chuckled, trying to look up at the other, who simply smirked.



With a victorious smirk, eyes flashing in hunger and lust, France fingered Italy’s curl, from one end to the other, slowly, enjoying the way the lither frame shuddered in his arms, how his cheeks coloured in red.

“B-brother… France… s-stop, please… t-that is… is… my…” coherency gone out of the window, Italy felt a wave of heat run downwards through his body.

France’s lips shifted against his ear, smooth and hot. “I know perfectly what that is, mon petit frère…”

Languidly, leisurely, Francis licked a path from Feliciano’s ear down to his neck, whilst with his hand he kept rubbing at the curl. Italy’s legs trembled, almost unable to keep him standing, as more heat, and more pleasure, washed through his body, making his breathing laboured.


Italy’s eyes fluttered close at the soft, delicious ministrations, and he almost didn’t feel France’s other hand snapping the buttons of his shirt open, roaming over his now exposed chest and nipples, then lower, to his belt.

“Langsamer…” lust-filled crimson eyes were watching, transfixed, at Francis’ sensual actions, and Gilbert couldn’t but feel his erection grow harder and harder. “Francis, slow down, I want to see more…”


Boredom spikes up ideas [3/10] anonymous August 3 2009, 20:15:15 UTC
Antonio licked his lips, all appearance of happiness and silliness gone, replaced with a voracious, sensual look. The sight was… terribly arousing. He agreed with Gilbert’s words -he, too, wanted more.

Francis chuckled and nodded, his hands pressing on the naked skin with sensual decision, circling each nipple with his nails, carefully brushing them, feeling them harden under his touch.

Italy groaned, mouth open wide to keep air in, but it was a lost cause, especially when the French tugged at the curl with his nails, hand groping at his still clothed erection, making the Italian buck forwards.

“Ah… p…please, s-stop… nnnngh… no-not there, ahhhnn…”

Italy shifted his head to the side, hiding his face in France’s chest, overwhelmed by the waves of pleasure caused by the tugging at his curl, but the French shook his head in disapproval, making him face forwards again “no, mon petit… they have to watch your face… what kind of show would it be, then?”

Italy whined, nailing at France’s arm, but was not let go, so instead he clung at the arm around his midsection as an anchor, unable to keep himself standing anymore. France welcomed Italy’s weight against him with a smirk, busy taunting his curl and displaying the tanned skin for his friends to watch.

Torturously, he undid Italy’s belt, and pushed forwards with his hips, making the pants fall down to his feet, leaving all that was under open to prying eyes -Italy, apparently, liked going commando.

“So tantalising…” Prussia bit his lower lip, shifting closer for a better look, his hands twitching with the urge to-

“No touching during the show…” France smirked, leaning down to nibble at Italy’s shoulder, and Prussia pouted, restless. “Your turn will come soon enough, Gilbert, for now just sit back and enjoy, oui?”

Francis’ hand slid down to the Italian’s navel, refusing to brush where it mattered most, and instead circled around Feliciano’s hardened arousal, his other hand stopping the ministration to the curl to hold the shaking body upright. Feliciano threw his head back, letting out a full moan, which doubled in intensity when the French grabbed the curl within his mouth.

“Ah~!” writhing under France’s expert touches, tongue working wonders on his curl, fingers touching, feathers on his skin, each brush was like burning lava, washing away his conscience in a blur of ecstasy. “P… please…”

“Patience, petit Italie, on vient juste de commencer” was France’s reply.

Italy was far too gone by then to even care to understand what the other had said, with touches that had never been offered to his body, this kind of feeling was too overwhelming.

Touches, brushes, quick bites and nibbling -France worked hard, using every single skill he owned to make his Italy go wild.

White, sticky juice leaking out from his erection, writhing and trembling against France’s body, he offered the perfect show.

“I don’t think he’s going to last” Spain objected, biting his thumb to prevent drooling, and still able to keep his voice even. “let him feel your… petit mort, Francis, then we can teach him how to… build up his stamina, hmm?”

Prussia growled in accord -his own patience was growing thin, and for how much he enjoyed the show, he wanted to be able to lay his own claim.

“Bien” was France’s reply, smirking as he retreated his hand from Italy’s body, only keeping him close to his frame. “Let’s see if his curl is as sensitive as it should be…”

“If it’s anything like Romano’s is, I assure you it will be far too much” Spain commented easily, smiling with a silly expression that made both France and Prussia roll their eyes.

“I wonder if petit Sud would be happy of you helping us deflower his younger brother…”

Spain stifled a laugh, shrugging “quién sabe” he commented, but was smirking as he said so “but I am not sure I want to find out, so we’ll keep this for ourselves, huh?” ‘At least until I find out if Lovi is willing to join in some fun with Feli or not…’

“I bet you just want to know how different to fuck those two brothers are” Gilbert accused, but was inwardly wondering the same, even though he himself had never touched the older Italian.


Boredom spikes up ideas [4/10] anonymous August 3 2009, 20:16:39 UTC
“Well…” Spain shifted from one foot to the other, but their speech was interrupted by a whine coming from Italy, since France had stopped his ministrations completely to listen to Prussia and Spain. “I don’t think this is the best moment to talk, or not?”

Both laughed out, then France winked at his companions “which one of you wants to help out poor Ita, here?” he shifted his hand downwards, fingering the skin around Italy’s arousal, chuckling at the eager answer he got from the younger nation.

Prussia moved forwards in a flash, beating Spain by a large span, and kneeled in front of the leaking erection jutting out in front of his face, licking his lips.

“At my heart’s consent, alright” he whispered, leaning forwards.

His tongue flickered out, lightly brushing against the tip of Italy’s erection, barely enough to get a taste, but the contact was enough to send shivers through Italy’s frame, nails digging into France’s arms and eyes flashing open, gasping out.


Prussia moved forwards again, this time accompanying his tongue with his lips, pressing them against the tip again, sliding downwards, keeping the pressure light; he knew it wouldn’t matter though, he could feel Italy tremble in France’s hold, he was far too close, so instead of further teasing, Prussia opened his mouth and let Italy’s erection slide inside.


The feeling of the hot wetness around his erection sent Italy through his first orgasm almost instantaneously, burning and blinding him, his ears tingling in shock and pleasure-

For a split moment, the world toppled around him, exploding in white light, and he let out a loud wail.

When he came to, panting and sweating, his body tingling still in pleasure, he found himself in Prussia’s arms instead, being held almost carefully as the older nation licked his lips, eyes focused on him.

“Uh…” Feliciano tried to form a coherent thought, but he got lost staring into those crimson eyes, and fell silent, deeply aware that he was naked and in Gilbert’s arms (Ludwig’s brother), and the thought made him flush hard.

For the first time since he could remember, being naked brought forwards a deep self-consciousness, and he tried to shift away, looking to the side.

“Don’t worry, Feli…” Gilbert held him close to his chest, and leaned forwards to suck at his neck, making him gasp and shiver. “As Francis said, we barely started… you’re not afraid, are you?”

Feliciano swallowed hard -it wasn’t easy to think, with Gilbert biting and licking his neck- and slowly shook his head. This situation was out of his hands, but he wasn’t afraid. That pleasure… that pleasure had been…

“You don’t mind if we continue, right?” Spain kneeled down at his side, nuzzling him, and Italy giggled, smiling, then frowned at the thought.

Continue? So there was more to do?

“Ve~” he flushed hard at the thought, and eliciting twin smirks from Spain and Prussia.

From behind them, France popped out from the kitchen, winking at the three and pointing at the stairs. “Let’s bring it where it’s most comfortable” he bluntly stated.

Prussia stood up, hauling Italy’s naked body over his shoulder, and took off to the stairs with a wild yell -“first come, first serve!”

Spain and France let out a shocked yell and chased him, running upstairs just as fast. From his position on Prussia’s shoulder, Italy giggled down at them.

Gilbert reached Feliciano’s bedroom with a wild smirk on his face, and jumped on the bed, bringing the Italian down with him and rolling around -because ever since last time he had been there (aka peeped through the window), Feliciano had apparently bought a bigger bed to accommodate his older brother coming to sleep with him.

He smirked at all the enticing thoughts this brought in.

Toppling over the Italian, Gilbert smirked down at him, joining their lips together in a kiss, pushing through and into Feliciano’s mouth with the strength of a pro, licking and sucking and coaxing the other’s tongue to play with him.

Spain and France reached the room a second later, one quickly unbuttoning his shirt and the other kicking away his boots and pants. Then, as one person, they both grabbed Prussia by his shirt and shoved him backwards and away from Italy.


Boredom spikes up ideas [5/10] anonymous August 3 2009, 20:17:45 UTC
“My turn!” smiling like an idiot, Spain pushed Italy in his lap, kissing him.

The Italian, although inexperienced, picked up things fast, and coaxed by the Spanish, started responding to the ministrations, his hands hesitantly taking Spain’s shirt off, shyly touching his now naked chest.

Prussia grunted in annoyance, undressing as well, whilst France moved in front of Spain, keeping Italy in-between them, and started licking his way from his neck down to his lower back.

Feliciano let out a pleased moan, hands stilling over Antonio’s chest, but was gently persuaded to continue his explorations, whilst the Spanish hissed in delight, controlling their kiss.

Gilbert, finally standing there in all his naked (and awesome) glory, got on the bed, and for a second simply observed the three, then shifted lower, joining Francis in licking the wide amount of skin of Feliciano’s back.

Spain let his own hands roam all over Italy’s front, tweaking his nipples and earning a loud moan as a reward, finally stopping his kissing to move lower.

Gently, he lapped at Italy’s collarbone, his hands shifting lower, massaging his way to the other’s hips, joining the already wandering hands of France and Prussia.

The contact, the tongues working all over his body, the feathery touches, the fact that three hot nations were lavishing him with attentions… it was all too much for Feliciano, who could barely control his moans, stifling them with one hand as he fought to keep his eyes open.

If this was what he had been missing out with sex, he never wanted to stop.

Tugging Italy’s head backwards, Prussia joined their lips again, upside down, lapping at his mouth and allowing France movement to suck on the now bare neck, gently biting down on it until it was covered in red spots.

Then, the three stared at each other from above Italy’s body, not speaking. They were all aware that for the Italian, this was the first time, and even though they might seem idiots, they cared for Italy, and didn’t want to hurt him.

“Feli…” for a moment serious, Spain leaned down, meeting Italy’s eyes. “We want to go all the way… is that ok with you?”

“Ve~ I really trust you…” panting lightly, Italy propped himself up a bit, staring at the three surrounding him with warmth. “It’s ok…”

He was rewarded with a smile from the three nations, and even a light flush, before Spain nuzzled his face in thanks.

“So, how do we go?” Spain’s smirk rivalled Prussia’s, as he pushed Italy down on the bed and France parted Italy’s legs, smirking at his quickly returning erection. “Who goes first?”

Prussia shifted uneasily; he was the one who knew Italy the least, and despite his boasting, he felt he would step down, just this once.

“You two can fight this one out, I’m too awesome for that” he puffed his chest out, but both France and Spain read through his words and smiled.

“Well, you had your way with Romano first, so I think I could call dibs, non?” France smirked suggestively at Spain, who grunted but nodded grudgingly.

Francis leaned forwards, sharing a short, albeit heated kiss with Antonio, who bit down on his lip as a reward and shrugged.

Francis picked up Feliciano’s frame in his arms, turning him around and making him stay still on his arms and knees, smiling at him “say, Feli, won’t you do your part?” he caught hold of Italy’s fingers, and pushed them lower, to his own erection. Italy let out a whine, shivering. Then he looked up “Which one of you will do me the favour to prepare Feli whilst he… helps out?”

Spain kicked out at Prussia, sending him off the bed, and snickering he placed himself behind Italy. “I will do it~” he stated happily.

Being presented with France’s erection in front of him, Italy licked his lips, then leaned forwards, tongue flickering out to give an experimental lick. France hummed, nodding for him to go on, and Italy opened his mouth wide, going down to take only the first few inches inside, eyes close.

The taste was… definitely not bad, a bit salty, but not bad -Italy let his tongue lap at the top, feeling a shudder ran through France’s body as he once again let the erected member out, licking and even daring to nibble at its sides.


Boredom spikes up ideas [6/10] anonymous August 3 2009, 20:18:59 UTC
With a hiss, France nodded at Spain, whilst Prussia, who had climbed back in the bed, threw them a glare and slithered underneath Italy, blowing hot air on his aroused member, watching it harden above him.

“I’ll be enjoying myself down there” he chuckled.

Antonio rolled his eyes and shifted off the bed, to grab at the lube he knew Francis always had with him (he was a positive person, always hoping to get some). Go figures, it was rose-scented.

The French was obsessed.

Quickly pouring out a good amount on his fingers, he traced Italy’s puckered entrance, teasing it and watching it constrict. Italy let out a gasp around France’s erection, which in turn caused France to hum and throw his head backwards in appreciation.

Spain chuckled, grabbing one of Prussia’s wandering arms and leading it to his own throbbing arousal, asking for some help here whilst he prepared the Italian.

“Hey, that leaves me uncovered” was the hushed protest, as Gilbert started licking at Italy’s arousal again.


Italy faltered in his sucking, shuddering and widening his legs, and then froze when Spain pushed one finger inside.

“Urgh…” it didn’t hurt per se, because the finger was slicked and slippery, but it was a strange feeling, one Italy wasn’t accustomed to.

Quickly enough though he had no space to think about it, because Gilbert was working with his mouth, and France was massaging his scalp, every now and then brushing against his curl, and Italy tried to keep his attention from wavering, taking in France’s member again.

He took short, quick gasps, opening his mouth wide and taking in as much as he could, feeling France let out a pleased moan, tugging at his hair and pushing him down.

Spain leaned forwards, his tongue lapping at Italy’s lower back, and inserted a second finger, scissoring and pushing apart his inner walls.

It felt delicious. It was constricting, even with two fingers… it almost sucked them in. In and out, and in and stretching… Spain groaned, pushing his hips forwards to ask more friction from Prussia.

Prussia grinned; even though his position didn’t allow him to look at what his hand was doing, he knew enough of Antonio’s body to manage anyway. Fingers lowered to massage his balls, giving short, quick pinches to the tender, sensitive skin, which was something he knew the Spanish liked.

In the meantime, he also put his mouth at hard work, using all of his tongue-teeth combo skills to make Italy lose concentration -no, he was not bitter about being the losing one for now.

Spain shivered, biting his lower lip to keep his moan in, and inserted a third finger, dropping more lube right in, pushing in and out in a slow motion, closing his eyes and picturing it was his own erection sliding in, deeper and-

“Ahnnn!” Italy let out a loud whine and pushed backwards, right into Spain’s fingers and Prussia’s mouth, fingers clenching on the sheets and trembling.

Something… something inside… Antonio had hit something inside him, that was different -not uncomfortable… brushing against it continuously, it turned from that to… ecstasy. Sheer, utter pleasure.

It almost blocked his breathing, sparkling and making his fingers, his arms, legs, his back tingle in pleasure, something unlike any other pleasure he’d ever felt… like tugging at his curl, but ten times stronger.

“Ah… more…”

Spain, France and Prussia smirked in unison.

“Feli… are you ready?”

Gasping out, almost falling on the bed, Feliciano whined and writhed, trying to get Spain to do it again-

Antonio nodded at Francis, removing his fingers at the same time as Gilbert pushed away, rubbing at his own neglected arousal and pressing against the wall, smirking and preparing to enjoy the show, part two.

France held Italy in his lap, making him face the other two, as Spain aided him in aligning himself.

“I’m pushing in~”

And so he did -slowly, but not stopping, not even when the constricting heat took over his brain… thankfully, he had experience, and could control his own reactions.

The tight, heated walls pulsed around his arousal, the friction giving him a brief satisfaction that allowed him to stand still once he was completely sheathed.

It was too tight…


Boredom spikes up ideas [7/10] anonymous August 3 2009, 20:20:37 UTC
“Ah… ah…” Italy kept his eyes close, breathing loudly in order to keep the sensations cursing through his body at a controllable level.

France was inside of him -the feeling was indescribable.

Heat and stretched and filled-

His nails dug into the mattress, at France’s sides, shivering, sweat rolling down his naked body, pressing his back against the French’s chest, mouth open wide. It was… it was…

“Feli… relax…” Antonio caressed the Italian’s face, leaning forwards to kiss him, fingering his erection, parting his legs more so he could settle better on Francis’ lap.

He joined lips again, gently, patiently, hands massaging Feliciano’s shoulders, his arms, his hands, and watched as Francis breathed out his own shoulders relaxing, too.

“Ok?” he mouthed, and the French nodded.

“I’m going to move then, Feli…”

Italy swallowed, nodding.

France grasped his sides, and with clear show of strength, pushed him upwards, almost exiting, then shoved him down; Italy’s reaction was immediate -he let out a loud yelp, hands shooting forwards to grasp at Spain’s shoulders, trembling visibly.

The strange position made it possible for France to hit his prostate with every push, and that was exactly what he aimed to do.

“Ahghhh…” Italy writhed without control, burning from the inside out, yelling and moaning and gasping, trying to push away, because the friction was too much. “Sto-oh-p!”

In and out, pleasure building and burning his mind away-



France groaned, shutting his eyes close and shoving harder, sweat rolling down his body. He pushed Italy up and down again, shaking his hips, touching everywhere, pushing so deeply inside the other that there was virtually no space between the two bodies.


Spain smirked at the sight, and leaned forwards, easily joining the rhythm of the two with his own, holding Italy’s legs still so that the other Nation wouldn’t be able to move away, swallowing his erection with practiced ease.


Italy yelled out loudly, nails digging into Spain’s upper back, strength quickly disappearing in the haze of his building orgasm, and Prussia, on the side, stroked himself harder, eyes glinting with the promise of his own turn, growling in appreciation, watching the other three move, writhe, seducing and sinuous…

Spain relaxed his throat, controlling his gag reflex and tightening his fingers on Italy’s balls, giving quick, painless tugs-


France leaned forwards a bit, using the strength of his legs and hips to shove into Italy faster, stronger, not stopping-


Feliciano choked on his breath, at liquid, hot ecstasy bubbled in his chest, burning his conscious again, harder than before, coiling and building and-

Antonio smirked, before quickly pressing his hands on Italy’s erection, around the base, just as Francis slammed in again, creating a twin pressure both outside and inside, and Feliciano wailed, doubling over and orgasming hard.


The waves of pleasure kept raising, his body collapsing under its sheer force, and Prussia groaned, the sight alone almost making him come; unable to wait any more, he quickly moved forwards, grabbing Italy by his sides and lifting him off France’s lap just as the French allowed himself to come.

France moaned, throwing his own head backwards, and rode it out, uncaring as Prussia pushed Italy down on the mattress, face down, accompanied by Spain who was still controlling Italy’s orgasm, preventing him to ejaculate.

Prussia and Spain smirked, moving in tandem, the first pushing inside, sliding easily thanks to the lube and France’s own come as lubrication, whilst the other slid to the side, hoisting the trembling body of the Italian above his own, easily resuming his licking and sucking on the tender, sensitive skin, offering his own erection to Italy’s gasping mouth to close around to.

Italy wailed, assaulted by the continuous, never ending euphoria, tears pooling in his eyes but riding it out, needing more and yet feeling everything slide in and out of focus.

“Gi-Gilbert… hnnn…”


Boredom spikes up ideas [8/10] anonymous August 3 2009, 20:22:42 UTC

It felt just as mind-blowing, filled in a slightly different way, also because of the position, and because Prussia, opposite to France, moved roughly, possessively, with heated, controlling thrusts, hips slamming in with a rotating motion, hitting and brushing against everything-


Prussia chuckled breathlessly, holding Italy up so he wouldn’t fall on Spain’s face, choking him, and rammed inside again, over and over, motioning for France, who was staring at them with lust-filled eyes, to join in.

France chuckled, pouncing right onto Spain’s erection, guiding it inside Italy’s mouth and joining in, tongues flickering together, lapping at it, France directing and teaching Italy where to lick.

Spain closed his eyes, groaning around Italy’s arousal, that kept twitching, hands still controlling his reactions -tongue and teeth and lips and…

“Just like this… yeah, baby…” Prussia leaned forwards, bending awkwardly over Italy’s back to lick at his sweaty back, nipping at the skin, sucking on it, pushing forwards again.

Trembling, Italy guided his hands on Spain’s sides, to anchor himself in a vain attempt to control his pleasure. Prussia, seeing this, smirked and stilled his hip movements completely, closing his eyes.

“Nicht so schnell, Italien” he breathed out, voice low and sexy.

Feliciano whined and trembled, fingers twitching, and Antonio also stopped his ministrations, hands pressing harder on the Italian’s erection.

“Ah… wh-why… ah… Gilbe-eh-ert…” Italy’s lips were caught by France’s, who promptly stole the remaining air from his lungs with a strong, upbeat kiss.

Prussia let out a satisfied groan, simply enjoying the pressure around him, the walls, pulsating, constricting, heated around his needy erection, Italy’s body writhing under his touches, controlled, owned by the three of them-

“P-please… ah… I… I ne-need…”

“Hmmm?” Gilbert chuckled, hands pinching at Feliciano’s ass in appreciation, making him yelp and moan at the same time. “What was that?”

Sweat rolling down his chin, Italy swallowed, opening his eyes and trying to focus them on France’s face above Spain’s hard erection. Why had they… why…

“Come on, Gil… don’t be so mean… give poor Feli what he asks…” France looked up, eyes glinting, and smirked. He enjoyed Prussia’s sadist side more than he let on, and the mental image of a pleading Italy was enough to make him throbbing hard again.

“And what is it that Feli wants…?” Gilbert slowly pushed out almost entirely, teasing, languidly, addressing the quivering body he had at his disposal. “Feli… tell me what is it that you want?”

Italy choked on his breath, trying vainly to form a coherent thought in-between the buzzing pleasure that had taken control of his body, against the sensation of being filled, against the pressure over his hard-on, and Spain’s lips hovering -but not touching…

“Mo-more… I n-need more…” he tried to move, but the grip on his hips was steely, and the three were still stronger than he was-

“More of what…?” Gilbert moved backwards, slowly sliding almost completely out, hands massaging circles on the heated skin of his tights, chuckling at Feliciano’s whines and gasps, as Antonio massaged his balls. “Of… this?”

“Hnn…” Italy squirmed, trying to get more of that feeling.

“Or more of -this?”

He slammed back in, and Italy’s knees gave up -if not for Prussia’s hold, he would have slumped on the mattress.

“Yes! Yes! More -oh, per favore, more!” Italy yelled, throwing his head backwards and trembling, unable to keep his desire in.

Prussia let out a low laugh. That was exactly what he wanted.

“As you wish, then~”

And started to move, thrusting in and out in a faster, nonstop rhythm.

Once again, everything turned into a blur of motions and yells and pleasure -Feliciano’s moans turned higher and higher every time Gilbert slammed in hard, pushing him down into Antonio’s mouth, who hollowed his mouth and sucked hard, groaning as Francis did his work on his own erection.

Everything blurred away in Italy’s vision -skin on skin, shades mixing and melting into one, heat and sweat and salty taste-


Deep inside, sweet moistness and scorching heat, unbearably tight and good-


Boredom spikes up ideas [9/10] anonymous August 3 2009, 20:24:42 UTC
Spain moved his fingers away for a split moment, the pressure easing, and Italy fell down, nuzzling his erection with France’s tongue lapping at it and his face both, and orgasmed hard again.

Prussia didn’t stop, mercilessly continuing his thrusting until he was sure Italy’s strangled cries at the pounding would wake whatever poor soul lived in the nearby houses, then allowed orgasm to wash through him as well, slumping out and to the side with a sated groan.

Spain kicked at France’s side, silently asking him to let go of him, and moved out from under Italy, pushing him up and rolling over, so he was sprawled on the bed with Italy on his chest, watching closely as the Italian panted and trembled and moaned.

For a moment, all four of them remained still, breathing hard, but soon enough, Spain shifted, reminded that he had still to work through his orgasm and his turn.

“Feli~ you ok?” he kissed along Italy’s jaw, tasting salty sweat and smirking when the younger nation nodded hesitantly, hands curling into fists at his side.

“Uh…” Feliciano tried to lift up, panting, and smiled vaguely when both Gilbert and Francis helped him in a sitting position, still on Spain’s chest. “I… ah…”

“Don’t get me wrong ,Feli, but it’s my turn” the Spanish continued, nodding at his two friends, who holding Italy’s arms and sides, lifted him up and positioned him right over Spain’s still hard erection.

They were still both hard, thanks to Spain’s pressure on Italy’s erection and where his prostate was, and he hadn’t let go of it yet.

“Ah!” Italy blushed hard and tried to shift away, but the grasp on his body was firm and steely, and slowly he was pushed down, until Spain was completely sheathed. “An-Antonio… hnn…”

It was easier to slide in, Prussia’s juices enough as an added lube, and the Italian was stretched enough to not feel hurt at all, merely feeling the aftermaths of his precedent sessions on his overly-sensitized skin, both inside and outside.

Italy keened softly, tired but twitching in a still not completely sated desire, Spain’s hand still tight around his length, still hard, still wanting…

“Would you like to do some of the work again, Ita?” Prussia slid forwards, grasping one of Italy’s hands and pressing it against his vital regions, making the younger nation feel he was already growing hard again.

France did the same, and Italy gulped down, worried about their stamina.

Spain parted his legs more to accommodate Italy’s weight on him, making him gasp as the hardened length brushed against his prostate.

“Ah… y-yes…”

“Now, push yourself up with your legs” Francis instructed, moving Feliciano’s fingers on him, smirking at the blush on the other’s face “and lower down again… it takes a bit, but I assure you it’ll be pleasurable”.

“Hasn’t’ it been just that good before, too?” Gilbert smirked, nibbling onto Feliciano’s side with his teeth. “We’ve also carelessly avoided hickeys before, but I guess now it’s the perfect time for some marking”.

France smirked when Italy nodded. “Let’s get it on then, oui?”

Italy swallowed again, then did as he was told -whilst slowly pumping both France and Prussia, fingers caressing and stroking and holding, he hoisted himself up, feeling Spain slid out, and rammed down again.

The reaction was instantaneous -Italy yelped out, feeling the same buzzing feeling as before with France, and Spain shut his eyes close, humming in appreciation.


He did it again, his body swaying with fatigue but unable to stop, as the feeling was too good to pass it on, and Spain’s expression as he kept riding him was turning Italy on more than he could admit.

Up and down, he easily lost himself in the simple moves, hands pumping faster, trying to form a good rhythm with them, closing his eyes as their lips ghosted all over his body, with kisses and nibbles and nips and-

“Ride… faster…” Spain demanded, pushing his hips up, making Italy bounce on his lap. “Es rico… just as tight as Romano was… move faster!”

He nodded, leaning to the side to access to France’s neck, sloppily trying to suck on its skin and offer something back, and as soon as he was finished, he was pulled to the other end, as Prussia demanded the same treatment.


Boredom spikes up ideas [10/10] anonymous August 3 2009, 20:26:00 UTC
Then they were all moving, close to each other, hands roaming, tongues intertwining, skin marred with reddish spots, skin on skin, rubbing and bouncing and sliding-

“Hnn… ahh…”

Mouths wide, glistening with sweat, gasps echoing, overcoming each other, needy, demanding…

Italy faltered in the pleasure, unable to move anymore, and France and Prussia intervened, spooning him from both sides and moving still, forcing him up and down-

“S-so close… oh -god close-”

And finally, Spain’s hands leaving his erection, and the bubbling feeling clouded his senses, mounting higher-

Fingers twitching and stroking-

“I-I’m… aaaahhnnnn…”

Lips clashing together, in some sort of messy, group kiss-

And then they were coming, hard and fast and burning.

Francis and Gilbert ejaculated all over Feliciano’s sides and fingers, groaning in satisfaction and pushing even closer, Francis joining Antonio’s hand around Feliciano’s length and pumping hard, Gilbert leaning forwards and biting down on the Italian’s neck, leaving a red, deep mark.

Feliciano gasped and let go, coming over Antonio’s chest, falling forwards and riding through the overwhelming pleasure by clinging at all the skin he could reach, yelling loudly and muffling his screams by hiding his face in the Spanish’s chest.

Antonio let out a groan and emptied himself inside the other nation, bucking wildly and riding his orgasm with eyes close and fingers holding onto Francis and Gilbert’s arms.

All four slumped into a pile of sweaty, finally satisfied bodies, riding the ecstasy out until they were empty and buzzing and shivering.

Italy groaned, his body so heavy he could barely lift one hand, and through half-lidded eyes he watched as Prussia gently removed him from Spain’s body, pressing him on the sheets and shifting downwards to lick and lap at the sticky mess on his stomach, soon joined by France and Spain.

Their tongues moved in swirls and patterns, licking at the skin, cleansing and sucking, swarming Italy’s body with a different kind of warmth, until they stopped, falling around him in a heap.

They remained in silence for a while, simply breathing and regaining strength.

“You don’t regret it, right?” Spain looked up, only relaxing when Italy’s warm eyes fixed on him with a smile.

“Ve~” he slowly shook his head, letting it fall down on the pillow again, still tingling in the last remnants of pleasure.

They fell quiet again, Spain nuzzling at France’s shoulder and Prussia amusedly poking at a half-asleep Italian.

“We’re going to do this again” the latter murmured, shivering in appreciation.

“Addicting, hmm?” France chuckled, feeling a wave of pride. “You should have allowed me to molest you earlier”.

Italy chuckled, flushing a bit. Then he frowned as he thought about before…

“Brother Spain~? You did this with brother, too~?”

Spain spluttered and doubled over, eyes wide, surrounded by a chorus of laughter. “I… uh… well, you see, Feli, I…”

The rest of the evening was pleasantly spent making fun of Spain… and of course having seconds.


I’m sorry for the lack of German in this fill, but I really don’t know a word of it and my German friend was absent. I still hope you’ve all enjoyed :D I’m not going to write a foursome ever again, too complicate…

Mon petit frère: my young brother (French)
Oui: yes. Non: no (French)
Sì, certo: yes, of course (Italian)
Langsamer: slower (German)
Patience, petit Italie, on vient juste de commencer : Patience, little Italy, we’re just starting (French)
Bien: ok (French)
Petit Sud: Little South (French)
Quién sabe: who knows (Spanish)
Petit mort: orgasm (French)
Nicht so schnell, Italien: not so fast, Italy. (German)
Es rico: feels good (Spanish)


Not OP loves you <3 anonymous August 3 2009, 22:17:14 UTC
Just...jfdkjs;hfsa I'm lost for words *д*
Please, take everything I own! For I am not worthy of asking you to marry me ;___;

Please forgive this lame comment, this fill deserves a much better one D:


Re: Boredom spikes up ideas [10/10] anonymous August 4 2009, 00:24:48 UTC
That was...

I don't even know.

Just hot ♥


Mm-mm Good anonymous August 4 2009, 02:01:36 UTC
*fans self* Hot damn, that was awesome.


Re: Boredom spikes up ideas [10/10] anonymous August 4 2009, 03:00:29 UTC
By far, this is the hottest thing I have ever read. Ever. I can't even think right now. I will literally be in my bunk.

Thank you so much for writing.


Re: Boredom spikes up ideas [10/10] anonymous August 4 2009, 05:14:44 UTC


Trio and Italy...


*rendered incoherent*

Anon assure you that this is by far one of the hottest smex ever!!!

Now that smex is over, Italy's not gonna be really pleased about his abandoned pasta. XD


Re: Boredom spikes up ideas [10/10] anonymous August 4 2009, 08:52:36 UTC

i totally forgot... i had planned an omake about ita and the pasta when i started, but at the end i was kind of... well, yeah, i forgot to add it *sweatdrops*


Re: Boredom spikes up ideas [10/10] anonymous August 4 2009, 08:32:24 UTC
You popped my foursome cherry, anon! That was really good


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