Past-Part Fills Post 1 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 13:32

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Welcome to the Unmanned Future (1/?) anonymous July 30 2009, 06:52:55 UTC
Chapter One: Plague

Feliciano Vargas/Veneziano never liked these world meetings. They were always so boring, and besides, they never really got anything done. Of course, he never really concerned himself with these kinds of issues to begin with, but there was also the fact that the Nations themselves weren’t the ones in power. In the end, it was up to the bosses and the voting citizens who decided the outcome.

His older brother, Lovino Vargas/Romano, was in a sour mood, which wasn't a rare occurrence. But today, he seemed to be a little crankier than usual.

"Ve, Romano, would you please stop acting so cranky?" Feliciano asked his brother. Even though Feliciano was the younger brother, he still felt that sometimes, Lovino was the younger one.

Lovino largely ignored his brother, and continued walking on. He also hated the world meetings as well, mostly because of how rowdy everyone would get. Of course, he wasn't really above it all himself, but still...

When they finally got to the board room, everyone else was already there, looking slightly annoyed at the Italy brothers' lateness.

"Well, look at who finally decided to show up," Francis Bonnefoy/France sarcastically quipped.

"Oh shut up, wine-face!" Lovino retaliated. "You guys were too early. Besides, we got here, didn't we?"

"Okay," Arthur Kirkland/England interjected. "That is quite enough. Now that everyone is here, we can get started on our discussion."

Feliciano then admitted, "Um, I forgot what were we going to talk about. Can anyone remind me please?"

Ludwig/Germany sighed and answered, "We are here to discuss the morals and ethics behind genetic engineering and cloning, particularly human cloning."

"Oh, okay."

Alfred F. Jones/America began the discussion. "Well, it's still a very hotly debated topic for many of us. If I recall correctly, Japan, you've outlawed human cloning, haven't you?"

Kiku Honda/Japan nodded, "Yes, indeed I have. My scientists aren't above using this sort of technology for research purposes or medical purposes, but human cloning is where we draw the line. It is simply too risky."

However, America responded, "But how can we be sure? There are a great deal of uses for genetic engineering and cloning to help save lives and advance medicine."

Germany nodded, "But there are also the questions that this will arise. Are people playing God with science?"

No one really had an answer for that until suddenly England brought up another point. "China, your laws on cloning are much looser than ours, are they not?"

China immediately got defensive. "Well, it's not that I condone his sort of thing, aru!"

Some others sighed. The discussion went on, debates raged and were quelled. Finally, more than an hour had passed and everyone decided a little break was in order. They were tired and needed some time to gather their thoughts again. It was like any other day...

And then, without warning, it happened.

Every male Nation in the room suddenly collapsed on the ground, coughing up blood and screaming in pain. The females scrambled to their sides, desperately trying to figure out what was wrong and why they weren't suffering the same effects.

America managed to rasp, "The news... Turn on the news," before he passed out.

Mexico turned on the nearest television she could find, only to see that it was nothing but static. It was a scene of utter chaos and confusion. The male butlers in the building also suffered the same plague and were all dead. The female maids were all fine though.

After a fairly short (but very frightening) time, the male Nations were able to get up, a bit better, but much worse for the wear. Some of the female Nations who ventured outside to find help only stumbled upon a similar scene - every male creature suddenly dropped dead while the females were more or less unaffected.

As the situation began to sink in, a very frightened Hungary stated the now very frightening truth: "All of the men… All of the men are dead..."


Re: Welcome to the Unmanned Future (1/?) anonymous July 30 2009, 23:47:13 UTC
H-how did I miss this request!? I've wanted a crossover, too! Don't worry, anon. I'm relatively new to Y, too. So, if all the men are dead, does that mean the male Nations will become female? With the exception of America, who actually has one man left?


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