Past-Part Fills Post 1 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 13:32

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aeternum [4/??] anonymous July 30 2009, 01:37:02 UTC
His dreams that night were tinged with anxiety and hues of loneliness. The treacherous wine had turned his limbs into lead, and though he could see his mother’s shade in the distance, he could never quite catch up to her. He shouted for her to stop, begged for her forgiveness, but she did not turn around to look at him. At last, when he could run no further, he heard the scream of an eagle in the sky high above, and he shivered in despair. He did not move as a pair of strong bronzed arms encircled him from behind, did not fight back as the republic staked claim to his body.

Gallia woke with a fearsome headache the next morning, made even more unpleasant by the unexpected sight of Rome’s sleeping face right next to his. He yelped, causing Rome to wince at the sound, and tried to scramble out of his embrace.

It was at that precise moment Germania ducked into the tent, flask and cup in one hand. Assessing the scene before him, he raised a disapproving eyebrow at Rome.

“Don’t look at me like that, nothing happened…” Rome grumbled, blinking at the sunlight slanting in through the tent’s opening as if it personally insulted him. By his side, Gallia sat up shakily, looking dazed.

Although Germania seemed satisfied that all was well with the boy, he ignored Rome completely as he handed a cup of water to a grateful Gallia.

“That cold-hearted monster, never thinking of my pain,” Rome thought sourly, and contented himself with watching Gallia wipe his mouth on the back of his hand. How he looked forward to correcting his manners, to civilize the barbarian, polish him and turn him into the perfect companion. But there was work to be done, here, Germania was already handing him a list before heading out to join his mercenaries, and groaning, Rome got to his feet in order to tackle those duties and maybe find something for this cursed headache.

Not too surprisingly, Gallia quickly recovered from his hangover and was now tagging after Rome like a restless puppy, asking about everything that caught his eye and generally making it difficult to focus on the tasks at hand.

“What are you writing? Is that a drawing of your lands?” Gallia asked from over Rome’s shoulder, pointing to one of the scrolls littering the desk. He bent closer to inspect the papers, so that Rome could feel the boy’s long hair brush against his ear.

He nodded, smiling at the curiosity apparent in those deep blue eyes. “See, this one here maps the borders of the republic proper, and this one, some of the general’s recent battles.” He glanced sideways at Gallia, who stared back at him with polite blankness. “Do you know how to read?”

“I can read… but not these letters,” Gallia admitted.

So that meant he most likely knew the druidic runes, an impressive accomplishment for one not initiated into that secretive class (at least, not to his knowledge). Impressive, but frankly useless.

“Very well, Gallia, I shall teach you how to read and write, in Latin. It might be difficult for you to get around the city otherwise.”

“What? I’m going to the capital? With you?” His pretty mouth opened in surprise, and Rome had to resist the very strong urge to kiss him right then and there.

“Of course,” Rome answered magnanimously, not bothering to remind the boy that the king of the Gauls had to be presented to the Senate and citizens before getting executed.

“It is a marvelous city, my home, you will be amazed. Perhaps you might someday make it your home as well.” He traced the ink outline of the peninsula thoughtfully with a callused finger. Then he looked up, the usual winsome smirk returned, and pulled Gallia down to sit at his side.

“Come, my sweet Gallia, I will teach you your letters.”


Re: aeternum [4/??] anonymous July 30 2009, 03:28:56 UTC
Not OP but YES!!! Another update! Much love to Germania here, and also curious puppy-like Gaul!France/Gallia. Makes me wanna hug him so badly.

The first paragraph with Gallia and his mother, and then Rome, was nicely executed. I like how subtle it is whenever Gallia made contact with Rome, or the little expressions and actions that are sure to send Rome over the edge. 8D

“Come, my sweet Gallia, I will teach you your letters.”
Highly anticipating this! \o/


aeternum [5/??] anonymous July 30 2009, 06:23:38 UTC
Patiently, he guided the boy’s hand with his own, first tracing over the curves and angles of the letters with their fingers before using a stylus and wax tablet to practice writing words together. Gallia’s brow furrowed in concentration as he spelled out his mother’s name with care, but Rome did not mind that too much, using this peaceful time to admire how the dark tan of his skin contrasted with the other’s unblemished paleness.

“Am I doing it right?” Gallia asked for the second time, wondering why Rome had gone silent. That seemed very unusual, from what he knew of Rome so far.

The republic cleared his throat, suddenly brought back to reality, and nodded. “Perfect, well done.” Gallia was looking at him oddly, and to save himself from further embarrassment, Rome moved back a little to give the boy some room.

“Shall we continue?”

Gallia nodded, all innocent eagerness, and Rome leaned forward to kiss his cheek before resuming the lesson.

As it turned out, Gallia was a quick learner, accustomed to memorizing a subject after hearing it only once, and he mastered the Roman and Greek alphabets without trouble. Rome praised his progress effusively, enough to make the other blush and stutter his thanks.

“Why so modest, Gallia? You are a pleasure to teach, a fine student,” the older nation murmured, kissing the boy’s bare shoulder, then his throat and up to the smooth jawline, stopping only when Gallia complained about the scratchiness of his unshaven chin.

Now Rome could not help but think of other things to teach his new ward, one subject in particular urgently presenting itself at the front of his mind. If he were to be honest with himself, he wanted nothing more than to just take his pleasure with what had been rightfully won, subtlety be damned… but he decided he would rather wait for Gallia’s inevitable consent, to see that wild spirit brought to heel under superior strength and sophistication.

It said much of him, that Rome did not even consider the fact that Gallia might refuse him, as defeatist sentiments would invite failure, and Caesar did not look kindly on failure.

Gallia would not refuse him, that was that.

But who knew how long it would take before his latest conquest would give consent, seeing as the legions spent almost ten years trying to subdue the Gauls, who were so disorganized and yet so stubborn as well. He would have to be very careful around this fair and delicate creature now under his protection, and not risk losing Gallia to anyone else until that time.

Reluctantly, Rome let go of the youth, and he suggested they meet with Germania and eat their midday meal before heading out to observe the practice drills of the legions. He hoped that would distract him from the tempting presence of Gallia at his side, at least for a little while.

[oh wow, long-winded anon is long-winded. s-sorry...]


Re: aeternum [5/??] anonymous July 30 2009, 08:46:12 UTC
Don't need to feel sorry about it, writer!anon. In fact, it serve as an ongoing plot and anon is more than pleased to read more of it.

Anon would love to comment more but sheer sleepiness made me forgot what I'd wanted to comment. Just that anon is loving how the story is going and loves to see more. ^^


Re: aeternum [5/??] anonymous July 30 2009, 17:23:15 UTC
oh god. I've been wanting this fic to update so, so, so bad. Thank you author anon, it's wonderful. Can't wait for the next part.


Re: aeternum [5/??] anonymous July 31 2009, 04:16:32 UTC
Yay, you updated! My week has been shit so far but you've made it all better <3
Gallia is so adorable and Rome makes me giggle what with his thoughts about subtleness and all. I've always thought of Rome as a more mature version of Feliciano. (Pervert and dumb, that is).

I also really like Germania here.

Looking forward to more!


aeternum [6/??] anonymous July 31 2009, 18:04:10 UTC
For someone who lived on the edge of starvation during the long siege of Alesia, Gallia seemed incredibly picky about food. He did not want to eat with the soldiers and demanded to be taken to see the head cook, as if he were a prince and not a captive being fed at their mercy. Germania would have refused such a silly order, but Rome, that besotted fool, indulged the boy instead.

The two of them then witnessed a most extraordinary display of beguilement, as Gallia managed to charm the gruff cook into giving him the choicest samples of the dishes being prepared. (Granted, even the best of soldier fare was nothing compared to what they served back home, but it was better than, well, nothing.) With just a flutter of his long lashes and a few well-chosen compliments neatly re-phrased into Latin, Gallia quickly had the cooks and servers under his command, every one of them eager to do whatever he wanted done, tell him whatever he wished to know.

Germania had to wonder if Rome noticed this, as the republic sank to one knee and playfully kissed and licked the boy’s sticky fingers clean of sauce, while Gallia laughed and tried to pull away. Secretly, he suspected that both realized what the other was trying to do, and felt the stirrings of an uneasy sympathy for the young nation, trying to pit innate cleverness against the manipulations of a much older, more decadent republic. No, Rome would have his way in the end, no matter how Gallia tried to defy him, and for now, all Germania could do was watch.

Despite the language barrier, Gallia managed to ask several probing questions of the various servants, questions with answers that a newly subjugated nation ought to remain ignorant of. Eventually Rome dragged him away so that the cooks could finish their tasks and the rest of the soldiers could get their meal. But it was too late, after the mysterious barbarian child had disrupted the camp’s routine, it took an entire afternoon to bring chaos into order.

To his disappointment, Rome discovered that Gallia was a promising student in practically every field except the one he most valued. The youth showed an almost vehement disinterest in the art of war, and it must be assumed that only his mother attended to such bloodthirsty matters. After all, the Celtae were as fierce as the tribes of Germania, frighteningly powerful, skilled in fighting from horseback, but undisciplined by nature, prone to arguing amongst themselves, not to mention highly superstitious and emotional, regardless of the gender of their war leaders. Extremely undependable - in other words, much like a woman.

Rome soon realized this show of superior military technology was for naught if the subject wasn’t paying any attention. There would be no talk of including the Gauls into the legions now, except as last-resort cavalry or mercenaries, if there were even enough men of age to fill those ranks left after the toll of the wars.

He ruffled the boy’s golden hair good-naturedly and sighed. “Let’s continue this some other time, Gallia.”

Shrugging, Gallia dropped the gladius he was holding, obviously preferring the famed longswords of the Celtae to this short, utilitarian and quite unglamorous blade.
“Whatever you wish, Rome,” he muttered, and then found himself embraced by the republic, whose eyes were full of tears of joy at hearing Gallia finally call him by name.

Germania refrained from looking to the heavens at this embarrassing display. There were no words, no words at all.


Re: aeternum [6/??] anonymous August 1 2009, 03:06:31 UTC
Poor Gallia (future France)

Loving it thus far, can't wait for more.


Re: aeternum [6/??] anonymous August 1 2009, 03:39:25 UTC
Loving this thus far!

With just a flutter of his long lashes and a few well-chosen compliments neatly re-phrased into Latin, Gallia quickly had the cooks and servers under his command, every one of them eager to do whatever he wanted done, tell him whatever he wished to know.
8DDDDDDD Already having those tricks up his sleeve eh?

Anon is hungry for more!!! \o/


Re: aeternum [6/??] anonymous August 1 2009, 10:15:37 UTC
Germania refrained from looking to the heavens at this embarrassing display. There were no words, no words at all.

Poor poor Germania. Indeed no word can describe my love for you, author!anon!


Re: aeternum [6/??] anonymous August 1 2009, 11:07:54 UTC
OP loves you SO MUCH. OMG.

Be as long-winded as you want. I'm just adoring every bit of this.

Eagle symbolism! Imperial Rome being creepy and 'civilizing', longsuffering Germania, besotted!Rome, flirtation games, the military politics, the creepy/sexy kisses and caresses, gladii!

I just! *flailsquee* So many things to love!

This is such a *smart* fill, in terms of the historical details, but still emotionally poignant and entertaining as hell and did I mention that perfect combination of creepy/sexy that was exactly what I was hoping for?

tl;dr: ilu anon


Re: aeternum [6/??] anonymous August 4 2009, 02:43:15 UTC
Writer!anon is so pleased to know that you liked this so far, and that readers are (apparently) okay with it being creepy and also long-winded and unnecessarily detailed. Thank you.


aeternum [7/??] anonymous August 8 2009, 17:06:00 UTC
“Where did you go?! Do you realize everyone was looking for you?” It was well after sunset, and Rome had lost track of his ward for some time, finally forced to call upon Gremania’s somewhat unwilling assistance. Could he be blamed for holding tightly onto the boy’s arm once he stepped into the tent.

“I was just washing up in the river, I didn’t go far.” The expression on Gallia’s face could melt far colder hearts, and Rome’s grip eased, though he did not let go.

“By Jove,” he breathed, half exasperated, half relieved. “You are under my protection now, Gallia. I beg you, do not leave my sight without permission. If anything should happen…” He did not finish his sentence, not even wanting to think of such a dreadful possibility, and held the youth close.

Gallia buried his face into Rome’s tunic, mumbling his apology.
“Sorry. Won’t do it again.”

Rome had to laugh a little at that, and he petted the damp blond curls gently. “No, no, you can bathe again, just… let me know.”
Though he was not planning on standing guard, but one could never know, there might be wolves about or other dangers lurking in the wilderness. So he told himself, not needing Germania to tell him what a pathetic excuse that was.

“Ah, you’re shivering. Here, drink, it will warm you up.” He reached over and pressed a goblet of spiced wine into Gallia’s hands, who took a sip and smiled gamely, to Rome’s amusement. Civilization will come soon enough, at this rate.

Setting his hands on the boy’s still thin shoulders, Rome leaned down to place a kiss on his forehead, in what was meant to be a fatherly gesture, but which then led to another kiss and another, each one more desperate than the last. Soon, he found himself on his knees, the small body clasped against him, standing still and unresisting for once. Yet this close was not close enough, and only fanned the lusting fire in his veins.

“Should I lie down?” Gallia whispered, even as he knelt and leaned back onto the cushions, pulling Rome down with him, so that their faces nearly touched. Rome could not form a reply, could not even think clearly, and it took all of his self-control to stop himself from tearing at the light fabric of the boy’s tunic bunched in his hands. Almost trembling from holding himself back, the republic sought out the other’s face in the dim ruddy glow of the tent’s lamp.

Though he had noticed that the blue of Gallia’s eyes changed often, from searing summer sky to deep ocean azure, the myriad hues of his contentment and annoyance, now they were the unreadable shade of lapis from the East. Rome decided that he did not like that color, and certainly did not want to be the object of a gaze so like hers.

Retreating for now, he kissed the boy one final time on the tip of his nose before covering him with a blanket.

“Go to sleep, little bird,” he murmured, as he got to his feet with reluctance. “Tomorrow will be a long day.”

Gallia nodded and blinked sleepily, the spell was broken, and he burrowed deeper into the cushions. At last, Rome could lie down in his own cot, try to slow his breathing, ignore the smoldering heat in his loins. Or rather, he was on his way to doing so before he heard a tiny, barely audible reply.

“Sleep well, Rome.”

[lame short chapter for now]


Re: aeternum [7/??] anonymous August 9 2009, 07:41:05 UTC
This was adoringly sweet between the both of them, yet there in still lies the undertone from Rome, and Gallia's “Should I lie down?” just hints at him knowing more than it seems.

Ah~ It's getting so so good!!! *squees* Not lame at all!!! ;A; Eager for more~


Re: aeternum [7/??] anonymous August 10 2009, 03:25:31 UTC
The more I read this, the more I like it. Oh, Rome, you fail!father, you~

I especially like the contrast between how Rome feels towards her in comparison to how he feels towards Gallia.

And the last line there had me in awe for about ten minutes = =.


Re: aeternum [7/??] anonymous August 10 2009, 23:58:26 UTC
oh i'm in love with this fic. need moooooore! it's wonderful!


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