Past-Part Fills Post 1 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 13:32

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OP <3 anonymous July 27 2009, 17:02:06 UTC
Ah, I was so, so happy that Russia's "revenge" wasn't overly violent or actually shooting Arthur, but rather, giving him a taste of what he made Alfred suffer through. It is, undoubtly, much more fitting, I think.

Russia here was so well-portrayed, his actions and mindset so understandable and well-layed out. I can definitely see why he'd be upset with Arthur for more than just the obvious, and the breath of fresh air at his logic, as opposed to madness, is lovely. Especially, the fact that he did it so that Matthew and Alfred wouldn't, that he did it so they wouldn't dirty themselves with seeking revenge.

As for Arthur, I trust that you'll be able to pull it off either way, Writernon, but I suppose if I really wanted to see one, I think the mental instability would be more interesting, mainly because you are most definitely right: even if he recovers, he is still at fault for his actions. As such, it would be interesting to see how he deals with what he did.

But, again, either way you choose to go in the end, you definitely have the skill to pull it off beautifully. <3


Our Price is Solitude [5/5] anonymous July 27 2009, 18:38:01 UTC

Ivan wakes the next morning, not to the sound of his alarm clock, but to soft, gentle knocks on his door. Tentative. Scared.

He waits. When the person knocks again, soft but still timid, Ivan sighs, sits up, and puts on his scarf over his nightclothes. He readies himself for the looks of terror and opens the door.

“Ah - Ivan. Hey. I’m sorry if I woke you up.”

Ivan blinks.

Alfred is standing at his door, small smile on his face and two Styrofoam cups in his hands.

“I…it might be a bit late for this, but I think we can still catch a bit of the sunrise if we hurry.” He shifts a little, but flashes an awkward grin - not scared, not worried. Just awkward. “I thought it would be awesome if we could see it together.”

Ivan feels the edges of his mouth shake. His hands are steadier as he reaches up and takes a cup. He can’t speak, and so can’t tell Alfred that it’s too cloudy out, that they might not see anything.

When he can, he only says, “Yes, Alfred. That sounds wonderful indeed.”

Writernon realized her labeling fail, and so added one more part to fix it. She is duly embarrassed and apologizes for the formatting/writing failure.


OP <3 anonymous July 27 2009, 23:55:15 UTC
;_; This extra part was so lovely. Oh Ivan...~ I'm so happy for him.


Not-OP loves you! <3 anonymous July 28 2009, 01:02:43 UTC
I constantly had your fic up on a tab in my internet browser and kept refreshing it whenever I got the chance. I'm so pleased you're continuing on with this 'verse!

You have created something entirely different and wonderful. It's so healthy, so hopeful and so beautifully written. I love the way you write the characters and I am beyond delighted that you're still writing in this universe. Everything is so thoughtfully written, but sucks you in so very easily. The universe feels real and the character's actions (wonderfully!) make sense.

On that note, I'm personally leaning towards Arthur wanting to possess Alfred rather than mental derangement, since that's what makes more sense to me. Though I can see it working both ways, I've never really liked UK/US just because I can see it ending up like this rather too easily. Arthur has very complicated feelings towards Alfred and no really healthy way to express it.

However, your fic, your decision. I look forward to everything you write and thank you so much for updating so often!

(Also, Antonio is adorable. I love how he chooses to space out!)


Re: Our Price is Solitude [5/5] anonymous July 28 2009, 04:29:13 UTC
Oh, Writernon. After sitting with the comment window open for so long, I was about to click away because I couldn't think of how to put my feelings into words. But this is too beautiful not to at least say something, even if it's only "thank you for writing this."

I just wrote some stuff about the "less special" motivation Arthur tells himself to justify his actions, but I don't know how you feel about the place of real-world politics in Hetalia fandom. Suffice to say, I think that was some smart storytelling.

Back to more emotional responses: Ivan. Thank you for this Ivan. You've teased out such wonderful layers and dimensions to his character; the words breathe. I don't know what else to say, except I hope you write in this 'verse for a long, long time to come.


Re: Our Price is Solitude [5/5] anonymous July 28 2009, 06:39:09 UTC
I admit I might be coming at this from a biased perspective, as I was assaulted as a child, but... what do you mean by 'mental instability'? There isn't really any sort of 'mental instability' that would make or even really encourage these actions. What you'd be looking at is personality disorders. He might pass Hare's definition of Psychopath (although I'm not sure I'd classify him as Anti or Diss), but... well, a Psychopath is a Psychopath. There's nothing 'wrong' with their brain: insanity without delirium and all that. And such behavior cannot be treated, and isn't as... there's really no way to fix it save for the person themselves fixing it, which does not happen.

I'm only a student in psychology, though, so, like, I'd take my babbling with salt and all that. But there is no sort of disorder that causes that sort of behavior, just classifications to put that person under. Even if you say that the disorder wouldn't be an excuse... I'm trying to see how it wouldn't be, and not really grasping it. Because unbalanced chemicals can cause a lot of strange behavior (see: borderline!), but psychopathy is not one of them.

I really enjoy this fanfic, and I'm looking forward to what else you write in this verse. I'm sorry if I've overstepped my bounds or anything. I'd like to see where you go with everyone, including Arthur. Life is life: the world moves on. Arthur may one day be able to see what he did in a different light, and he may have to deal with that. He did something horrific. Can he forgive himself, can Alfred forgive him, can France/Canada/Russia/his sister forgive him, should anyone?- that's scary and ugly and probably would be a hard thing to write and to read. But considering how great and realistic the rest of the story was written, I think you could do it painfully well.

I'm sure whatever you write will be great. I just... yeah.


Writernon anonymous July 28 2009, 07:03:40 UTC
No, you've certainly not overstepped your bounds. I understand how sensitive a topic this can be, especially to so many who have been hurt, and I feel I have a tendency to be too forgiving and willing to see the good in people, even if that goodness does not exist. I've also taken psychology, and as I've said before, I do not tolerate non-consensual acts of any kind. It can go either way right now, which is why I want input so that I make the right choice and avoid hurting people.

...I will admit that I had the Nation's current economic states in mind when I thought of writing that. I remember reading in another fill that the UK will take the longest to recover from the economic crisis; I do not quite remember which one it was, though I could try to find it. It will take a lot of digging through the KM Archives, which I'm not quite up to doing at 3AM (my apologies).

My (admittedly very rough) theory was that Arthur's unstable economy was giving him an unstable mind as well, and his already-complicated relationship with Alfred just went out of control when Alfred wanted distance. Arthur would still serve full time, and it would not serve as an excuse for his actions - it would just be that over time, Arthur would come to his senses...and what comes after.

I still have not decided, anon, which way I want to go; I'd like the challenge, but I don't want to hurt anyone by being careless or stupid. Right now, that's why I'm mainly focusing on those who were left behind after Arthur's imprisonment. What's past is past. What's important now is how Alfred heals.

Thank you for your insight, anon. I hope you'll be well. Take care.


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