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Alfred is jealous. Jealous doesn’t cover it. He wants to rip Ivan’s face off, and smack Matthew’s until he cries and comes to his senses. But he is dizzy from the blow, and his hand touches nothing.
“Shit,” he curses, trying to stand. For some reason, it hits him just how weak he is feeling right now.
“Of course, you are weak. The strength of a country is reliant on its alliances. A country that cannot move for fear it will be destroyed- that is a weak country. Who makes the first move is not important, I have you cornered. My Matthew is above you, Cuba below you, and I to the side.”
“No,” he mutters, staring at Ivan, a blood tricking down his forehead and into one eye. Ivan smiles and kicks him, so that he crashes back to the couch, grasping his stomach in pain. There is the affectionate whisper of something in Russian, and Alfred clears his head, looking at Russia and Canada, who hold each other like the closest of lovers. He watches with a morbid fascination as it’s all but confirmed, their lips touching gently, Matthew grasping at the larger man’s coat.
“Master, I-”
Outside, there is a desperate, lonely whine.
“Kumajiro,” America rasps. There is a sound as Matthew and Ivan pull apart, long enough for his dull eyed brother to question “Who?”
“Kumajiro!” America says loudly, pushing himself to a sitting position. He watches as Ivan pulls Matt back to him, running his fingers through his golden hair. Canada doesn’t seem affected by Alfred’s protests, so the nation does what he does best- destroys things. Things being the upholstery, which he starts to rip with his bare hands.
“I didn’t come here [rip]…to watch you [rip] two…”
“You ruin my furniture,” Ivan interrupts. Alfred is cut off by the sheer graveness of his voice. Russia’s arm sinks down, leaving Canada’s body. Matt looks disappointed, but sinks back a step as the Russian takes a step forward, closer to the worse-for-wear America.
“You can buy a new couch,” Alfred spits.
“You miss my point. It is all worthless now. What use is there in having nice things if you can not have the full set?’
Alfred makes a sudden, rapid move backwards. Of course, there is nowhere to him to go, especially not when Ivan pushes Canada next to him on the ruined couch and blocks him from the front with his enormous body.
“You are stupid. Too slow. I will have to work hard to fix you. Much harder than I had to with Matthew.”
“You can’t fix what isn’t broken.”
“Then I will break you into tiny little pieces first, da?”
Matt whimpers slightly. Alfred misunderstands, touches his hand in an attempt to comfort him, but he jerks it away, disgusted. Russia strikes America across the face, a possessive anger flaring up. Alfred grimaces and touches Matthew again, just to prove he can, and Russia twists his hand into his hair, jerking his head painfully as he talks.
“I’ll break you into so many pieces you won’t ever be able to fight me, then I’ll patch you up, like I did Canada, and you can have your brother.”
“He…that…is not my brother-”
“- Then I will destroy England, and then Japan. I can’t have them trying to take away my things, can I? And if there are pieces of them left, I will fix them too, and then we can be a big happy family.”
I look forward to seeing a more active Canada. I'm really interested in how this is going to wind up as a happy ending.
As for creepy!Russia, I figured I'd play up that aspect of him abusing things he likes, like he does with Liet, and that he's doing this out of a misplaced sense of loneliness or concern that he has to right things that are wrong. [/ramble]
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