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Economic Crisis [6 part 1/?] (cont. from part 5) anonymous July 24 2009, 00:04:08 UTC
The request and first five parts:


There was that smile, again. The one that’s been glaring down at him for years now. Except, this time, it wasn’t directed at him.

Without his glasses, it was harder to see, but the American could make out everything that was in front of him. His economy was straddling Arthur, who was leaning against the headboard of Alfred’s bed. The Brit’s mouth was duct taped, his hands were tied tightly above his head with a piece of rope, and his sweater vest lay in a crumpled heap on the floor.

Carter’s laugh bounced off the walls as his hands made quick work of England’s shirt. The blonde under him whimpered and moaned as he tried to get away. Alfred wanted to help. He needed to, but he was glued to the spot he was standing, having full view of what was going on in front of him.

“I told you not to get others involved, didn’t I, America?” The black-haired man hissed out, still preoccupied with taking off the older man’s clothing. “So now, I have all your brothers under my power.”

Alfred’s breath hitched when Arthur’s pants were ripped off and Carter started biting the Brit’s neck, causing both of them to groan.

“You stay away from them, you bastard!” The American shouted, but his voice sounded distant and weak. He couldn’t look away when Arthur’s boxers were torn off, revealing his semi-hard prick.

His economy smirked and gave the head a few licks before countering back. “Oh, but I’ve already got all of them under my control. The youngest came first. He was feisty, all right. Kept telling me to take him though, ‘stead of you. Sure, the offer was generous, so I took it.” He laughed.

“And boy, when I made that promise with him, he laid back and spread his legs wide open for me, not a fuss at all. Although…I did have to smack him around a bit for crying so much. That was a turnoff.”

Arthur had his nails digging into his own thighs, almost deep enough to draw blood, as the man above him pumped his weeping cock. Tears slipped from tightly-shut eyes and his moans echoed in the small bedroom.

“Then, that French one, he was pretty good too. He interrupted my time with Mattie, so I made a deal with him as well. Left the whimpering bitch where he was, bleeding an’ all, and went straight for that one. He was very talented, if I do say so, myself. When I was done with him, I locked those two in that room to keep each other company, both sobbing on each other’s shoulders and shit.”

By now, Alfred was ready to chop the Economy’s head off with Japan’s katana, shoot him multiple times with Switzerland’s guns, and feed his dick to Germany’s dogs. Tears rolled down his cheeks and shame blanketed him as soon as he’d heard what happened to his brothers. Arthur was crying too, but for more reasons than that.

“And then, there’s this one. You see, he came over here to visit you while you were sleeping. Wanted to check up on you, see if you were feeling any better. But, when he found me in here, I gave him his money’s worth. Didn’t I, love?”

A cold hand crept along Arthur’s cheeks, smearing a few of his tears into the pink skin. His other hand pumped faster, making groans and sobs mix together. Alfred was dying inside.

Arthur came with a muffled scream, coating Carter’s hand with his come. The taller man smirked and held the hand out to a sobbing American.

“Now, you’re gonna watch me do it all over again”



Economic Crisis [6 part 2/?] anonymous July 24 2009, 00:06:32 UTC

“Holymotherofgod, England!” Alfred screamed, rolling over and diving head-first off of his bed. He landed with a loud thump and someone ran up the steps, flinging open the door.

“What? What the bloody hell happe--did you fall off the bed you twit?” The voice sighed and more footsteps came towards him. Warm hands wrapped around Alfred’s waist and hoisted him up with a grunt.

A worried face with a single black eye came up to meet panicked blue eyes, a half-assed bandaged nose, and tearstained red cheeks. Arthur sighed and buried his head in Alfred’s shirt. He smelled like summer; ocean water, cotton candy, grilled burgers, and to top it all off, that pine smell you get when you’re watching the sun set from the height of a mountain. Yes, he was still here, this was his Alfred.

“You git…you had us so worried last night.” Small arms snaked around a muscled chest, trying to squeeze the life out of it. “I stayed over tonight. Made you breakfast and everything…just take it easy. Please. You’re safe.”, he rubbed Alfred’s back and pulled them closer together.

“But you…and Matt and Francis…are you--” Alfred stuttered out, but was silenced by a finger on his lips.

“Francis is spending a couple weeks or so with your brother to take care of him when the economy gets shot down. They’re fine.” Arthur lifted his head up and gave the man in his arms a small smile. “And we’re fine. I’m here for you.”

Alfred wanted to ask what happened to his economy, but he couldn’t even remember the fucker’s name. It was just him and Arthur, no space between them at all.


Re: Economic Crisis [6 part 2/?] anonymous July 24 2009, 02:28:01 UTC
OP likey where this going.

Also, very clever explanation for economic downturn.


Re: Economic Crisis [6 part 2/?] anonymous August 2 2009, 04:04:35 UTC
Finally got a chance to get on and say: I love this story so, so much. This chapter is very sweet, especially with the reitteration that Alfred is more worried about the others getting hurt than him. That makes the idea that he'd put up with this abuse much, much more believable. And I can't wait to see where it goes from here. How will the world take this financial crisis, ne?


Economic Crisis [7/?] anonymous August 2 2009, 22:28:30 UTC
As Alfred attempted to shove three burnt-to-hell waffles into his mouth at the same time, Arthur put away the last of the dishes and grabbed his keys from the kitchen table.

“I’ll be back.” The Brit mumbled and opened the front door. Before he even stepped out of his brother’s house, a hand grabbed his shoulder.

“Rrgh ewn arenk?” Alfred asked around a mouth full of waffle. Arthur tried to decipher the sentence, taking a few deep breaths and actually thinking about taking up Git as his next language, before shaking his head and telling the man behind him to swallow.

Swallow. “Where ya going? If you’re heading to see Matt, then you can count me in too.” Alfred flashed a hero-worthy smile.

After all this, he can still be his old idiot self. Arthur thought. He smiled back.

“I’m not going to visit your brother yet. I have to make a few stops first. But, you can come if you want.” The Brit frowned when he thought over his errands for the day.

As Alfred slipped on his already-tied sneakers and used his fingers as a makeshift comb for his messy bed head, his reflection in the kitchen window was blocked by an old, concerned friend.

“Al…Alfred, I have to stop off at the cell today to check on the new crew. I can leave you in the car if you want. Maybe, we could get a burger from one of your fast food restaurants and you can eat while I go do that, alright?” Arthur watched the other man stand from his chair and walk toward him.

Large hands pressed down on the Brit’s shoulders and Alfred’s warm laughter, something Arthur hadn’t heard in so long, filled his kitchen.

Alfred smiled, “I’m going. Without my awesomeness to accompany you, you’d be in a hole somewhere, anyway.”

Arthur’s cheeks flared as a pout took over his features. “Never knew you were intelligent enough to add ’accompany’ to your vocabulary,” he grumbled. “Don’t push your luck. I don’t have to stay with you, twit.”

What am I doing, getting this attached to him? I feel like a love-struck school girl.

Arthur let his eyes wander back to Alfred trying to comb his hair in the window’s reflection. The younger nation had his tongue stuck out in concentration, running his fingers through his blonde locks over and over again, trying to get one wayward strand to lay flat.

He’s still as beautiful as the day I found him.

“Come on, old man!” Alfred called from the open front door, smirking. “I’m still taking you up on that burger offer, though. So be ready to have lunch at McDonalds.” He slid out the door and called shotgun loudly, making sure the neighbors heard him.

Arthur stood where he was and took a long moment to process everything.

He’s still an idiot.

Arthur let the door slam behind him.


What is this, a short chapter? I'm slacking big time! No, I actually just got back from vacation and it's been a rough couple of weeks. I've only written four chapters total in the past two weeks and I have over ten stories to update. xP

Thanks to whomever's actually reading this. The couple comments I got so far are really wonderful and are keeping me going.


Re: Economic Crisis [7/?] anonymous August 3 2009, 08:49:31 UTC
luker!anon here i just wanted to say keep up the good work writeranon. i love this story.


Anon effed up big time... anonymous August 11 2009, 10:03:17 UTC
I was done the next two chapters of this story...and my computer froze. I never saved or anything. And I had such a good thing going! *headdeskheaddeskheaddesk* Anon will try not to eff up the chapter again. But I don't think I can get it as good as it was before.

Sorry. ;~;


Economic Crisis [8 part 1/?] anonymous August 11 2009, 12:04:57 UTC
After getting lunch from the McDonald’s dollar menu, as promised, the American’s Monte Carlo (Arthur insisted on driving it for obvious reasons) was headed further into Alfred’s lands, in the exact opposite direction of Germany’s house.

Arthur was content munching on a few fries, or chips, as he called them, while driving. Everything was peaceful. Then, he remembered Alfred was only quiet while he was eating.

“Where are ya going?” The American asked around a mouth full of burger. He figured that if Arthur hadn’t heard him the first fifteen times, he should try to ask fifteen times more until it got through.

Before the Brit exploded from aggravation, half an hour later, they arrived at a beautiful clay house covered in flowers, vines, and vibrant paint. There was a garden that took up a good bit of the backyard and it was gathering so many monarch butterflies as well as other fascinating insects.

In the front yard, there was a man wearing a very wide-brimmed hat. He was watering the roses that lined his walkway with a very long hose that must have been quite useful in the gigantic backyard garden.

When the two men got out of the American’s car, Alfred noticed that the hat on the man’s head was actually a sombrero. There were only two people he knew that wore a sombrero while company was over:

Spain (when he has a little to much to drink that day) and Mexico.

Ramón Jimenez had caused Alfred some trouble, sneaking into his backyard without permission from time to time, but nothing too serious. Alfred had been a big jackass in return to the man. They were still best friends and neighbors, though. People get over stupid shit.

“Ah. ¡Inglaterra y América! ¿Cómo son usted dos? I‘ve been expecting you.” The tan man lifted the brim of his sombrero, revealing warm brown eyes. He shut off the hose and wrapped a strong tan arm around the American’s shoulders, not noticing the slight cringe Alfred gave when he was touched.

“I’m glad you’re alright. I heard what happened last night and I am glad. Hearing what was happening to someone who is like a brother to me and not being able to do anything about it is muy terrible. It’s good to see that you’re back to your old self, Alfred.” He chuckled and ruffled the American’s hair a bit. “Come on in, then.”


When they walked into the Mexican man’s house, Ramón smiled at Alfred and brought him to the main room. The three men had a few laughs for awhile, until it was time for business.

“I have to talk to Arthur for a few moments, but, you may watch television to pass the time. We’ll only be a few minutes.” With that, the two men disappeared into what seemed to be the Hispanic man’s study. When the door was shut and locked, Alfred picked up the remote that was sitting on his friend’s coffee table and flopped onto the couch, flipping though the channels on the television.


When they walked into the study, the tan man shut and locked the door with a sad smile on his face.

“No matter what, Alfred and I have been very good friends. I will do what I can to help him get through this.” He turned his back to the Brit and walked towards one of his bureaus. Sitting atop it was a small, hand carved chest.

Opening the box, he pulled out what looked like a plain white handkerchief. Turning around, he shut the chest and handed the cloth to Arthur, gently placing it into his hands.

Once he was holding the handkerchief, the blonde knew exactly what was wrapped inside it, tucked safely away in the clean folds. He smiled and looked up to show the other man how grateful he was.

“When the crisis hits, I’ll be hit too. I’ll have possible support from Brazil, Puerto Rico, and Cuba. If they get over themselves and everything. But, that has a very small change of happening. If I wind up alone in this, there won’t be much else I can do to help, anyway. So, right now, this is the best I can do for him. I hope it is enough.” The Mexican sighed and let a frown show.


Economic Crisis [8 part 2/?] anonymous August 11 2009, 12:09:36 UTC
“Spain told me to tell you that if you ever found yourself in trouble, especially from this, that you can go to him. He really misses you. But he wants you to decide when you’re ready to be friends with him again. I would repay you myself…” Arthur laughed nervously and stared down at the floor. “But I have my hands full at the moment.”

The younger nation shook his head and let his usual lazy smile appear again. “No. You have Al to take care of. He really needs you right now and I’d be a fool to ask for more than what I am now.” Ramón put his hands on the Brit’s shoulders.

“I wish I could do more for him. I really do. But you, mi amigo, are keeping him happy all on your own. I don’t know how you’re doing it. I don’t care. I just want you to make sure that this whole economy business doesn’t change him. ¿Entiende usted?”

The older nation let a big grin grow on his face as he stared at the locked door. Just behind it was the little boy he raised. The teenager he fought with and learned with. The man that was now sitting on the couch, watching the tele, and possibly smiling. The person that needed him.

“I’ll do that and more, Ramón. I promise.” Arthur let a laugh pass his lips and gave the man in front of him a hug as a sign of his thanks.

The Hispanic man chuckled as his grin widened. He let his arms wrap around the Brit and gave him a slight squeeze in gratitude. “Gracias.”

“No,” The sandy blond broke away from the embrace and turned toward the door. In one swift motion, he unlocked it at flung it open. “Thank you.”


When the two men walked into the main room, Alfred was rolling around the couch in hysterics. His laughter bounced off the walls and made them smile.

“Cartoons, Alfred? Do you enjoy watching Bob Esponja?” Ramón chuckled and leaned back against the wall behind him. They had discussed in the study that the Englishman would be the one to talk to the American.

After a few failed tries at communication, Arthur switched off the tv and sat his brother back down onto the couch. He let a small smile show, even though he should be angry at Alfred’s short attention span letting him watch children shows.

“Ramón got something for you. Alright, Alfred? So you will thank him as soon as you see what it is he got for you. Understood?” The Brit started pulling the handkerchief out of his pocket.

When Alfred saw what the thing in his friend’s hand was, the mock reply of ‘Sir, yes, sir.’ died on his lips. He held his hands out, palms up.

The cloth was placed in his hands and sat there for a few seconds, being admired. When the Hispanic man against the wall cleared his throat, it brought the American back to the real world. Shaking hands and twitching fingers started unfolding the snow-white handkerchief and revealed what was inside.

What Alfred saw made a whimper and tears started clinging to the man’s eyelashes, sparkling and threatening to send warm salty water down to stain his cheeks.

He pulled out a completely undamaged, looks-brand-new, pristine Texas from the white folds and placed them on the bride of his nose immediately. Blinking and freeing a few droplets of tears, Alfred realized that he could see everything again. His second largest state was back on the map and better than ever.

When he looked up, he saw Ramón’s arms stretched out and ready to embrace him. Alfred ran to them, wrapping his own shaking arms around the man’s torso. His laughter could be heard through the hiccups and the streams of tears.

“Thank you so much.” The blonde nation said, almost giggling out of happiness. “How did you…”

The Mexican smiled and gave his fried a tight squeeze around the waist. “You should thank Arthur. He called the day wee saw you without them. Told me to be on the lookout for clogging in the pipes. I’m glad he did. If it weren’t for that phone call, you wouldn’t have your Texas and my shower pipes would have exploded.”

“Some things had to be replaced. I had to clean them pretty well, too. But, I got them to look better than new. So now, I think we’re even…with the whole sneaking into your house thing, right?” the tan man smirked and ran his hand up and down the crying nation’s back, trying to calm him down.


Economic Crisis [8 part 3/?] anonymous August 11 2009, 12:12:40 UTC
That’s when Arthur noticed that Alfred and Ramón, both, had one arm held out, inviting him into the hug as well. Unable to resist, he walked over to them and laid his head between both of their shoulders.

“Thank you so much. Both of you.” Alfred sniffed and, between the tears and hiccups, you could see the hint of a genuine All-American smile.


Ramón had walked the two men to the door and stood on his patio, watching them get settled and into the car. Arthur started the car, letting it warm up a few seconds before really getting it going, and both the men waved goodbye to their helpful friend. This time, they were really heading for Ludwig’s house.

As soon as they got on the road, Arthur noticed that the younger nation was very quiet. He was smiling, a few leftover tears making more tracks of stains on his flushed cheeks. But, the thing that made the Brit’s heart speed up was that smile. It was still there.

Covered by the loud roar of the engine, the sandy blonde whispered, “You should smile like that more often, Alfred. You look beautiful.” Content, he gave a warm smile of his own and focused on the road again.

“What was that? Did you say something?” Alfred asked over the radio and the car. From the faraway look he had in his eyes a few minutes ago, there as no way in heaven or hell that he could have heard that.

“Nothing.” Arthur laughed, changing the radio station again. “Just can’t stand listening to that Lady GaGa of yours. Her songs remind me too much of that frog, France.” They both laughed and settled on listening to Bob Dylan instead.

The American rested his right arm on the edge of the rolled down window and watched the array of colors -houses, cars, trees, people, animals- rush by. While on the highway, he whispered out to the darkening sky, “You should look in the mirror more. You’re beautiful when you smile, too.” He chuckled.

“What was that?” Arthur asked the younger nation, hoping nothing was wrong. His eyes were still on the road..

Alfred only laughed some more, “Don’t worry. It was just something passing in the wind.”


¡Inglaterra y América! ¿Cómo son usted dos? - England and America! How are you two?
muy terrible - very terrible
mi amigo - my friend
¿Entiende usted? - Do you understand?
Bob Esponja - Bob Sponge (SpongeBob SquarePants in Mexico) (It was probably the Texas episode, too…)
The second largest state in America is Texas. The first is Alaska.

Yay, I wrote out this chapter again. :3

Well, this story is going to wind up being longer than I had imagined. I'm sorry for the slow update, but I've been having some ex troubles and they've really been weighing this anon down.

I hope this is getting better instead of worse. And yes, this long chappie is to make up for the last horrible short one.

If there's something I'm doing wrong or something you don't like, tell me, I'll fix it up for you.


Re: Economic Crisis [8 part 3/?] anonymous August 12 2009, 02:20:42 UTC
Mmmm. (cuddles the happy chapter) Texas!anon is quite happy, thank you. I love the fact that you had Mexico giving him Texas back. This is a great chapter, I can't wait to see the next part.

Oh, Alfred, I'm so glad he got that hug. I wanted to give him one, too.


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