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“What are you doing here?” Wyoming asked as Arizona squeezed him tight.
“Matt flew me in,” the northernmost state rumbled, ruffling Arizona’s hair. The slightest Russian accent could be heard as he spoke. “From Juneau to Vancouver, and then to Toronto. We left two days ago and only just now got here.” Matthew smiled bashfully as the full force of Alfred’s children was turned on him, and he soon found himself the recipient of so many hugs and questions that he lost count.
“I thought the border was sealed off, Matt,” New York asked, once the din had died down and the Canadian shown to an empty seat.
“It was,” he replied, adjusting his glasses as he sat down. “But being the representation of a whole country gets you places, you know. Plus…” He sighed heavily. “I couldn’t miss this. Alfred and I didn’t see eye-to-eye on a lot of things, but in the end was my brother.” He took a deep breath and shuddered, running a hand through his blonde hair as the hearse pulled up.
Oklahoma, Nevada, Oregon, Louisiana, Iowa and Maine bore the casket forward into place, the mahogany wood covered with an American flag. Quiet weeping was the only sound to be heard as the minister began the eulogy. It was as simple as could be without revealing his true identity; his help in numerous military skirmishes, working with charities and aiding the President, as well as his love of country, were the main topics. The content of Alfred’s character, too, was brought up - loyal, generous, good-natured, child-like to a fault, but dependable. Courage he had in spades, although he could’ve used more patience. Quiet laughter rippled through the crowd at this.
After the minister stepped down, those who were able or willing stood and shared their fondest memories about their dearest friend. Hiking in Colorado. Skiing in Utah. Ice-fishing in Michigan. Sailing in Chesapeake Bay. Late night burger runs. It’s all peaceful and cathartic, even as their eyes shine with tears as the casket is slowly lowered into the ground. A lone bagpiper played sorrowfully as they say goodbye to their father, brother, friend.
It’s easy for them to forget that beyond the mist of the Virginia woods, the country is beginning to tear itself apart.
Baw. Not happy with this, but there it is, anyway. Why does Alaska have a slight Russian accent? Because according to my headcanon he's half-Russian, I think the Russian language is sexy, and Ivan is sexy. Virginia's nickname is from Betsy Ross, New Jersey is named after a Loyalist who was reportedly killed by Indian allies of the British, and New York is named after King George III because NYC was a Loyalist hotbed during the Revolution.
I'm so glad he could make it!
I cant wait for the next part anon! Keep up the good work! XD
Poor states; they're now orphans!
You are me, you made Alaska half-Russian *squeals*
Though I'm disappointed that my state didn't show (California)
Ah, but I loved the state-tans (Pen-tan is my state, btw; I couldn't tell ya since the counter maxed out), and there affection toward Uncle Mattie (who I'm glad arrived at the funeral ;_;) and I totally agree that Alaska has Russian in his veins~
But that last line! Guh, it's such a painful thought... :clings to her country:
Ah, had I known Pennsylvania was your homestate I would've given him a bigger part. But now I know, so I'll give him some dialogue later on. <3 And I had tp put Matt in. He's going to have a big part in this story, so I felt I should include him early. *loves Matt like crazy now* And hee, I have a soft spot for my headcanon Alaska.
Glad you enjoyed, OP <3
“We are here,” Ludwig said imperiously, “to discuss the situation in the United States.” The room went quiet. Arthur shifted uncomfortably as all the eyes in the room focused on him. He wished they would stop. Stop looking at him with pity, atop asking him if he was doing alright. Of course he wasn’t doing alright, but he had too much pride to tell any of them that.
He hated these world meeting. The first meeting after Alfred’s death had been disastrous; Veneziano couldn’t stop hugging him and crying, Francis had tried cheering him up with distasteful jokes, and in the end it ended with Arthur grabbing Francis in a headlock and Ludwig yelling for order. Matthew, God bless him, had been the only thing keeping the Englishman from punching Francis into oblivion.
After that the Nations gave him a wide berth, and Arthur was glad for it, but even now, surrounded by people, he had never felt more alone. In Alfred’s place was Washington, D.C., tall and thin with a pale complexion and sandy brown hair. Sitting next to Matthew he cleared his throat and stood up.
“Thank you, Ludwig,” he said, shuffling his notes. “No doubt from what scant news reports you’ve heard, the situation in my country is bleak. But it is much more severe than that. Without leadership, the country is slipping into anarchy. The rebels are still active in pockets across the country, mostly in the cities that were bombed, as well as the capital. The military is still powerful and is working on destroying the resistance, but it is strong.
And…with Alfred gone, the people are foundering. This is unlike anything we’ve ever seen before. State governments are barely functioning. Trade is non-existent, and the economy has ground to a halt. People have stopped going to work, and with no workers we have a country that ceases to function.” He paused for breath and a heavy silence fell upon the assembled crowd. Arthur watched him with tired green eyes. He could feel a headache brewing between them.
“In addition,” Washington continues slowly, staring down at his notes, “we have reason to believe that Mexico is planning an invasion.” A chorus of murmurs rippled through the crowd as the nations turned in their seats to speak to each other. Arthur looked uncertainly over at Matthew, who gave him a worried look in return before addressing the speaker.
“California, Arizona and New Mexico’s border patrol agents have reported an increase of armed personnel in the land just south of the border, and Texas found a large cache of weapons and ammunition in a series of underground tunnels. Immigration over the border has stopped as well.”
“Maybe it is just their response to the military?” Francis asked, leaning back in his chair. “Los Angeles is not so far from the Mexican border, non? The American military is trying to destroy the rebels there.”
“We don’t believe so,” Washington said, placing his hands palm-down on the table in front of him and shifting his weight. “Chatter is quiet, but out intelligence reports hint that something big is going to happen. Where and when, we don’t know.” Arthur leaned forward and looked down the table, at the empty seat where Mexico should’ve been. His absence only heightened his, and Washington’s, fears. “If Mexico attacks, we’ll need help fighting them off. Our military is strong, yes, but not strong enough to repel an invading army and quash the separatists at the same time.”
“You are asking us to aid a country that is in the middle of open, armed rebellion,” Ludwig spoke quietly, folding his hands in front of him on the table. “To aid a country that no longer exists.” Again Arthur felt eyes on him, and he scowled down at his notes, willing his eyes to stop watering. The atmosphere was tense in the resulting silence, the temperature suddenly stifling. Arthur took a deep breath and cleared his throat, looking up at Ludwig with a steady gaze.
“Alfred may not be here anymore, Ludwig, but his people are, and they need help. They need all of our help to prevent the total collapse of their country.”
“Such a request is monumental, Arthur - the political and economic system would have to be completely rebuilt, as well as the infrastructure, not to mention the-“
“So we’re essentially asking you to help us the way Alfred helped you after world war two. Correct?” Washington asked evenly, and Ludwig sighed heavily, rubbing his temple. Kiku’s expression next to Lovino was unreadable as always. Arthur bit back a groan and closed his eyes. The headache that had been brewing was now a full-blown throb pulsing between his eyes. They were getting nowhere fast, and he could tell from the set in Washington’s jaw that he wasn’t going to back down.
“Look,” he said quietly. “It’s late, we’ve been here all day. I suggest we adjourn for the day and discuss this tomorrow.” Washington startled and opened his mouth to object, but Arthur held up a hand. “Tomorrow.”
Now, I feel I need to say something: I have nothing against Mexico or its citizens, but in a situation like this I think Mexico would at least try and take back the land it used to hold, especially since Al's not there to defend himself. I mean no offense, honest! :c
Oh, Germany! You meanie! Help America! We helped you! ;A;
Good as always anon! Still anxious to meet the new america X3
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