They need to start killing some of these bitches, I'd love if both Ava and Winona were killed but I'd settle for one. So Winona got her panties in a bunch about the new girl and went to piss on her property cute. I hope she doesn't get knocked up because then she's going to be way more unbearable. And don't get me started on Ava, why doesn't Daddy Crowder just kill her? Like seriously, it's not that hard.
If it wasn't for Boyd, his dad, Raylan's dad and step mom, this would be a show I used to watch. Raylan is a dumbass his dad should be ashamed.
OMG! This show just got great! I am so mad about what happened to Zoe but damn! I so did not see that coming with his friend. Next eppy looks good.
Unites States of Tara
Umm, wat happened to the creep that was obsessed with the daughter? he just dropped off the face of the earth? I loved Neil going off on Charmaine about the pregnancy. People are too nice to her. And I love Pammy and Buck, there better be more of them in the future.
Had a good time yesterday evening, went to dinner with friends at a new Chinese place. The food was good esp this cheese stuffed seafood appetizer, we had it twice, :) I really missed going out to eat with friends.