[Winter Challenge Days 1-4]

Dec 12, 2012 20:47

Title: Snow Days
Characters: England, America
Challenge: Holiday Winter Challenge - 31 Fics in 31 Days (Snow)
Rating: G
Summary: America wants to go out and play, but England thinks otherwise.

“I hate the snow,” England grumbled, glancing outside as the white precipitation fell in great haste, hurrying to cover the ground before the young children in Boston decided to play. The frost-covered window panes taunted the island nation, and his eyes narrowed as he completely ignored the book he held in his hands. “Blast it all, couldn't we have gone one winter without snow?”

America looked up from his textbooks, eyes glowing in wonder and amazement. “Can I go outside for a little while?” he asked hopefully, turning a pleading face to England. “Please?”

The elder scoffed, turning his face away from the white outdoors to face his young colony. “It's not can,” he chided. “Honestly, have you not listened to a word of your studies?”

A pout came to America's lips. “May I go outside, then?” he asked once more, pushing his book aside. “I've learned much already today, and I think that I deserve a break.”

“I think otherwise,” England murmured with obvious boredom. “After all, you already messed up on your vocabulary.” he gestured towards the textbook. “Continue reading, please. I'll give you ten more minutes before I quiz you on the subject at hand. If I do not find your answers sufficient, you'll stay inside and recite poetry to me.” He brushed off America's loud groan. “However, if you answer my questions correctly, I will allow you an hour- no more- to play in the snow.”

The young boy gasped in excitement. “Really, England?” he asked, jumping up and down slightly in his seat. “You mean that?”

England rolled his eyes. It seemed the colony would never speak as eloquently as the courts in his own country demanded. He had, after all, grown up with the savages that were native to the land, and several other cultures were implemented into the rest of America. No doubt France had something to do with it, as well as Spain. He would just have to try harder to guide America on the right path, on the English path.

“Yes, you ridiculous boy,” he replied. “I don't say things for the joy of hearing myself talk. That's more of your thing, is it not?”

America giggled, which brought an involuntary smile to England's face. He loved seeing America so happy, so ecstatic, about something as little as snow. Actually, he just liked seeing America happy, period. “I say meanings.”

“Really, now.” England couldn't help but laugh. “You say meaningful things.”

“Sorry.” America blushed. “I do say meaningful things.”

England, on the other hand, shook his head. “Not particularly, no,” he responded. “You're the silliest lad I've ever come across.” With that, he reached over the table and mussed America's hair, earning himself a bright grin.

“Do you want to come out with me?” the colony suddenly asked, looking very hopeful. “It might be fun for you! You could get a break from working so hard!”

“And how do you know just how hard I work?” Now England's book was completely forgotten, laying flat on the table as it's owner regarded America with something akin to amusement, something England would readily refuse.

America smiled sheepishly. “You're gone away often,” he stated, rubbing at his cheek. “You told me in your letters that it's all the work you have to do. I don't like it when you do work, because then I have to play on my own.”

That's when England's heart plummeted. He knew his frequent absences were hard on the boy, but it was his duty as a nation to attend to the responsibilities in his own country. Not everything could be fun and games. Still, he wasn't going to fuss at America. He understood the reasoning to his younger brother's distress.

“If you do very well when I quiz you in ten minutes,” the island nation said. “Then I shall come and play with you for possibly half an hour.”

He would never deny the joy it brought to his heart when America's face lit up brighter than the blinding white of the snow itself.

Title: Thomas Edison
Characters: England, America
Challenge: Holiday Winter Challenge - 31 Fics in 31 Days (Lights)
Rating: PG
Summary: There's a reason America and England never share a room.

America and England hardly ever shared rooms when it came to accommodations for the World Conferences. America always chose to stay with Canada, and England was usually left with either Japan or France (the latter typically meant less sleep, so that wasn't really much of a bonus). The first time they did share a room, all hell broke loose, and the other nations tried splitting them up from then on.

It had started with a light bulb.

“Will you turn that bloody thing off?” England asked, burying his head into his pillow. “I can't sleep with the lights on.”

“Yeah, well I can't sleep with them off,” America snapped, huffing to show his irritation. “You've asked five times already, and my answer has been the same each time.”

England groaned, looking up from his bed. “Oh, for God's sakes,” he hissed. “Don't you care about anyone other than yourself?”

The question took America a few seconds to ponder. “No,” he finally answered.

That was the case, but England didn't know that America would come out and admit it so firmly like that. “Listen, America. It doesn't matter to me how selfish and rotten you are, but for once, can you please think about someone else?”


“What about being the hero?” England asked, nearly about to lose his temper. He sat up to make sure his glare was set firmly on the younger country, who was staring defiantly back. “If you were as great of a hero as you proclaim to be, you'd turn that lamp off!”

America snorted. “I don't compromise with villains,” he retorted.

England's eyes flashed. “Oh, that does it!” he exclaimed, tossing the covers from his legs and standing up. America didn't even look a tad bit nervous, something that England found surprising, considering how angry he was at the moment. “I'm not a villain, and I cannot sleep with that damn light on! Just turn it off, or I'll turn it off for you!”

“You're British, and that's why you don't appreciate my light!” America said, also standing up. He towered over England (and England realized then why America wasn't afraid of him).

“What on earth are you going on about?”

America thrust a finger towards the lamp, his eyes never once leaving England's face. “Thomas Edison created the light bulb!” he replied, looking both proud and angry at the same time. “He's American! Light is an American concept, and that's why you're getting upset.”

“I never-”

“You're jealous!” America hissed with a gleeful chuckle. “You're just jealous of me and my awesome light and Edison and you wish you still owned me so that you could take credit for inventing the light bulb!”

England gaped at his former colony, confused beyond belief. He wasn't sure if America was playing around or if the boy just really was that stupid. “Jealous of light?” he repeated. “Honestly, where do you get such ridiculous ideas? The day I'll be jealous of something American-” and he spat the words with so much venom that America's smile was lost. “-is the day that I'll kill myself.”

America narrowed his eyes. “I'll bet you're jealous of me being stronger than you,” he boasted. “You've been jealous since 1776, and I-”

He never finished that sentence, for England took a step forward, his nose nearly touching America's nose. “You'll never be stronger than me,” he growled.

“Oh yeah?” America rolled his eyes. “Prove it, limey.”

And try as he might, England was unable to prove his statement. In the process of the attempt, though, the room suffered a severe beating and England got a black eye.

America came off unscathed and still managed to save the light bulb that England threw at him.

Title: Christmas List
Characters: France
Challenge: Holiday Winter Challenge - 31 Fics in 31 Days (Shop)
Rating: G
Summary: Francis doesn't exactly know how to shop for his son.

Francis stared at the list with a sigh, running his slim fingers through his blonde hair. He never knew how to shop for his young son, Matthew. Every Christmas, he would come to the mall and stand there for at least half an hour before deciding on one of the gifts on Matthew's wish-list.

It wasn't as if the boy put down very much. It wasn't that his desires were expensive or rare or far too mature for a boy of seven. Quite the opposite, in fact; everything was just so simple. It really was. “'Real pancake syrup',” Francis read in a murmur. “'A new hockey stick. A Harry Potter book. A Star Wars action fig-'” Francis narrowed his eyes in suspicion before taking out a pen from his breast pocket and firmly crossing that one off. “Alfred has been tampering with his list again,” the Frenchman said out loud, shaking his head with a fond smile.

Well, now wasn't the time for memories. He had two days until Christmas, and while his friend, Arthur, had long since stockpiled on Alfred's gifts (that young boy would be spoiled if he didn't have such a generous, giving attitude), Francis had yet to buy Matthew a thing.

He stuck his tongue out in concentration, glancing around the busy front opening of the mall. He could shop later at the sporting good's area for a hockey stick. The syrup was sure to be in part of the food section, and the book was, of course, at the book store. But that couldn't be it. Those simple gifts might please his son, but Francis wasn't going to be happy until Matthew had more than he could handle.

Francis wanted someone to spoil. Even if Matthew didn't want spoiling, Francis sure did. That was on his Christmas list, and he could easily fill that himself.

“Okay,” he muttered, taking a deep breath. “A new wardrobe it is.”

After, of course, he finished crossing off every item on the list. All three of them.

Title: Pretty Darn Adorable
Characters: America/Romano
Challenge: Holiday Winter Challenge - 31 Fics in 31 Days (Attract)
Rating: PG
Summary: America and Romano were quite happy together.

The saying “opposites attract” seemed to be true for a certain American and a certain Italian. No one knew why it had happened, how it had happened, or what would become of their new relationship. All they knew was that America and Romano actually looked pretty darn adorable together. Even Spain, Romano's best friend, couldn't bring on that look of pure joy (despite the frown that always lingered on his face) that America could. Truth be told, most of the nations were pleased that both America and Southern Italy had found someone to lean on, to trust, and to love.

America and Romano were pretty darn pleased with themselves.

For America, he had never been with anyone so difficult. England was harsh, yes, but he would smile and relax, and he did try his best to act polite around most nations. Romano was a completely new story, a completely new thing. It was almost like a mystery, this guy, and America was excited to figure him out. He was excited to form the strongest relationship possible, to cross the boundaries of differences and focus on his love for the Italian.

On the other hand, Romano had never been with anyone so ridiculous. Spain was up there in this list, of course, but America was his own list all together. While Spain was happy-go-lucky and cheerful and tried to act carefree, America was just joyful. He let his worries show every so often. He would drop his guard and focus on bigger matters. He would do whatever he could to help other people, the less fortunate, and he took insults (the very many that other nations threw at him on a daily basis, and left Romano wondering how in the world America could still grin after hearing such nasty words directed his way) with stride, never once returning any mean comments he received.

Both men were glad with their relationship. Both men couldn't wait to get more of a chance to figure each other out, to explore every nook and cranny the other had to offer. And if it should take a hundred years for their relationship to finally become one where no secrets were kept, where no mysteries floated about, so be it.

They could wait.

[[A/N: Sorry for posting them all at once like this. >.< I'm falling behind, what with a sudden increase in schoolwork, so I've been hurrying (as you can see, since they get shorter as they go on- I'll work on it, promise).]]

challenge: holiday winter 2012, character: romano (s. italy), character: france, character: england, character: america, author: bobness1

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