Challenge 13- Spook- Four Drabbles

Oct 20, 2012 17:29

Title: I'll Protect You
Characters: Molossia, America
Challenge: 13- Spook
Bonus Words:
Rating: PG
Summary: When Jason is teased at school, Alfred sees fit to stop that teasing.

“Jason!” Alfred called, running over to his best friend. “Hey, are you okay?”

“I'm fine,” Jason muttered, trying not to glance over his shoulder at the group of boys laughing at him. “I'm just ignoring them.” And he certainly was taking great lengths to ignore his tormenters. Normally he would have started a fight, but he had been outnumbered one too many times for that to ever happen again.

Alfred narrowed his eyes over at the bullies. “How long have they been bothering you like this?” he asked, his voice deadly quiet.

Jason blinked, growing nervous around this new, angry Alfred. “Si-Since school started,” he stammered. “But don't you do anything, Alfred. I can take care of myself.”

However, Alfred didn't listen. Instead, he stalked right over to the boys, who were now growing silent that the school's quarterback was towering over them. “You think he's funny?” Alfred snapped. “You think he's to be considered a laughing stock?” When they didn't answer, Alfred's eyes flashed. “All you've done this year is bully him. But when I'm around, you guys are nothing but cowards. Giant cowards.”

By now, even Jason was growing a bit spooked by Alfred's quiet anger. “Al-Alfred, let's just go,” he said, hiding behind his sunglasses and not even daring to look over at the other boys. “They're not worth our time.”

Luckily, Alfred complied, taking Jason's hand and walking down the hallway with him. “If they ever mess with you again,” he growled. “Tell me.”

“So you can get all creepy again?” Jason asked. “Hell no. I can look after myself.”

Besides, he could tell the boys would stay far away from him now.

Title: Safe Place
Characters: England, France
Challenge: 13- Spook
Bonus Words:
Rating: G
Summary: France forgot how much England was afraid of storms.

France, for the life of him, couldn't find England.

He had been hoping to grace the island nation with his presence. He even brought over an expensive bottle of wine to drink with his friend (if he could even call England such). However, after letting himself into England's house (as he always did), he realized he couldn't find England anywhere. It would have been more intriguing if it wasn't so spooky, what with the heavy rain, lightning, and thunder outside.


Well. He forgot England was terrified of storms. He gently set his keys and wine down on the table and began walking down one of the hallways, finding England's “safe place”.

Under his bed.

Sure enough, he peered below the master bed and was relieved to find England sitting there, hunched over and shaking pitifully. “G-Go away, France,” he hissed, though it had no malicious note to it as it normally did. “I, I don't wa-want you to see me like this.”

“I already have once before, mon ami,” Francis pointed out. Rather than leave, he also crawled under the bed, sitting beside the younger nation and wrapping his arms around his shoulders. In response, England buried his head in France's chest.

“I'll stay here with you, England,” France whispered, earning himself a quiet snort.

“You'd better.”

Title: Monster in the Closet
Characters: Prussia, Romano
Challenge: 13- Spook
Bonus Words:
Rating: PG
Summary: Lovino is certain there's a monster in his closet.

It wasn't that Gilbert didn't enjoy helping out his friends. On the contrary, he enjoyed it very much so. However, when Antonio asked him to watch after little Lovino, Gilbert couldn't help but internally groan.

Lovino was the most stubborn, rude, annoying brat that Gilbert had the pleasure of knowing. He much preferred his own younger brother, or Francis' son. Hell, even Alfred was better than Lovino.

He wasn't going to refuse his friend, though, not when Antonio wanted to propose to Bella tonight. Nope, he was going to make sure Lovino as well looked after. Antonio would be so pleased of him, everyone would recognize his awesome babysitting skills and-

“Gilbert!” a small, panicked voice cried out loudly. “Gilbert, help me!”

Without any hesitation, Gilbert dropped the dishes he was cleaning and ran into Lovino's room, red eyes wide with alarm as he flipped on the light switch. “What?” he asked breathlessly. “What is it, Lovino?”

And the Italian child, bless him, was staring fearfully at his closet door, little fists clutched tightly around his blankets. “Ki-Kill the monster in my closet, you bastard,” he whispered. “It's trying to-to get me.”

Gilbert blinked, head swiveling towards the open closet door. Huh. He was sure he closed it. He cautiously stepped forward and peeked in, visibly relaxing when he saw it was just a cat. “No monster here!” he exclaimed. “Just Tomato.” He turned back to Lovino, a soft smile on his face. “Go back to sleep, kid. You're just fine.”

Lovino blushed. “I-I knew it was a cat!” he pouted. “I was just testing you!” And before Gilbert could respond, he pulled the covers over his head, grumbling ever so slightly.

Title: Nicholas Cage
Characters: America, England
Challenge: 13- Spook
Bonus Words:
Rating: PG
Summary: America has some fun with pictures of Nicholas Cage.


Right on cue. America smirked as England ran from the bathroom, a balled-up sheet of paper in his hands. And, boy, was he looking absolutely livid or what?

“Can I help ya with anything, Iggy?” he asked, his smirk growing even bigger when England didn't even bother correcting the nickname. Yep, England certainly was pissed.

“What the bloody hell is this?” the island nation snapped, straightening out the sheet of paper to show to America. “What the bloody hell is this and why was it on the bathroom door?”

America didn't even have to glance at the picture to know what England was referring to. “That would be the actor known as Nicholas Cage,” America explained helpfully. “He's in a lot of movies, some of which you might have-”

“I know it's Nicholas Cage!” England growled. “I want to know why he has such a creepy expression and why is it on your door?”

The superpower laughed. “Dude, I was just trying to scare you. Cage is fun to scare people with.” He snatched the picture from England's hand, smiling down proudly at it. “Don't you think?”

“Whatever,” England muttered, rubbing his forehead. “Just...stop doing stupid stuff like this.” He walked back to the bathroom as America set the paper down, smiling widely and waiting for.

“Ahh! What the- America, you fucking idiot!”

“Oh, yeah, I forgot to tell you there's one in the toilet!” America called back, standing up and more than ready to hide himself from England's coming fury.
[I'll Protect You]: We always need more AmeMol. Seriously, guys, Molossia is amazingly awesome. Anyway, I wrote this when I learned that some of my tormenters from middle school went to jail a few times because they're idiots. Bitches. Got what they deserved.

[Safe Place]: One of my best buddies has a headcanon that England is scared of storms and the darkness because of the bombings during WW2 and stuff. Decided to put it into play.

[Monster in the Closet]: I kid you not, my cats open the closet doors and play with my dresses that are in bags. In fact, they're doing it right now. You know how creepy it is to wake up in the middle of the night and hear noises in your closet? Pretty damn freaky.

[Nicholas Cage]: How could I not?

character: molossia, character: romano (s. italy), character: america, team allies, challenge 13: spook, character: france, character: prussia, character: england, drabble/doodle challenge, author: bobness1

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