Title: If Only You’d Love Me
Characters: Prussia, Germany, mention of Hungary and Austria
Challenge: August 2012: Cooperate
Bonus Words: willing, stubborn, friends
Rating: G
Summary: Prussia tries to get over his feelings for Hungary, by writing in his diary…
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This is really sad and aw, poor Prussia! He does not deserve to be sad, but he's such an asshole, so I see why Hungary doesn't really like him, in a sense. XD But I think Hungary should attempt to at least try and let Prussia be the one. I mean, she's not with Austria anymore. I'm rambling, I'm sorry.
This was awesome! *doing a cheap imitation of Prussia*
Awe... *hands you a box of tissue for your awesome eyes*
*nods* Yeah... Prussia like to get angsty on me, especially when Hungary's involved, unless I bring Italy into the fic, then he's his usual awesome self. ;p Although, I haven't written that as a 3-some. XD
Yeah... I have a longer one that's Pru/Hun that I wrote for the lightening challenge, but it's pretty much Hungary not giving poor Prussia the time of day.
Your "cheep" imitation was awesome too! *doing a very BAD Gilbird imitation*
Thanks, I appreciate that. *blows nose*
I can see why he'd get depressed. :( Hm, I wounder how that would turn out. Write it, maybe? ;)
Aww, Hungary will do that to the poor guy. He was raised by apes...so yeah. XD
Thankies!! Your Gilbird imitation was adorbs.
You're welcome! XD
*nods* ohh... maybe I will. ;p
XD But look at hot Tarzan turned out to be. ;p http://www.storyfanatic.com/images/2006/07/tarzan3.jpg Jane certainly thinks he is . ;p http://images2.fanpop.com/images/photos/6000000/Tarzan-and-Jane-disney-couples-6011090-672-474.jpg ;p
You're welcome! :D Awe... *blushes* thanks. XD
But that's Tarzan and Jane. This is Hungary, who really thinks he's stupid, and Prussia, who thinks Hungary is confused with her gender. XD
Okay... but Tarzan was raised by the apes. ;p
XD I think they were both confused about her gender, when they were younger, until he actually saw her boobs & she grew them. ;p
I bet he and Prussia shared the same parents. XD
It takes one moment to determine a person's gender and it was not the XX chromosome. XD
I just realized that was a nerd joke. XD You see what school does to me? XD
You did? XD See what not going to school does to me? XD
Aw, sorry! :D
It's okay. *huggles*
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