Title: Tomatoes
Characters: Spain, Romano
Challenge: August 2012: Cooperate
Bonus Words: willing, stubborn, friend, peace
Rating: PG13 for hints of yaoi & Romano’s potty mouth
Summary: Romano and Spain spend a day in the fields, picking tomatoes…
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2. Ah, Japan, I rove you. And Greece, too. XD This was a nice, reflective piece, and I love those types of fics. :D Very nice!
3. Italy, shut up. Let your brother do what he wants. The least you could do is help. ^-^ I love them! I love the 6 in general. :D Now, he gets to face Spain's football wrath, in miniature size! Love this.
These are all very lovely. <3
2) he's very sweet, ne? I Love how those two'll get together like 2 lil old ladies over tea & talk about cats and the latest gossip. ;p
3) *laughs* tThe one Romano's actuallygood at... pulling Victory out of his butt at the last possible minute! ;p Well, only with foosball, but still... ;p
Thanks! <3
That's what makes them adorable. Especially when they sit in a grassy field. XD
Ahahaha, so true! This reminded me of the EuroCup this past June, or July, and Spain beat Italy in the finals. ^-^ Glad to see it was the reverse here!
Yup! :D
Yeah! :D Thanks!
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