Title: Theme of the Evening
Characters: Germany, Russia
Challenge: 5: Love/Hate
Bonus Words: Sour, Dark
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 300
Warnings: Country names, implied BDSM
Summary: Sometimes their dates had a theme to follow.
The smell of leather always brought memories, both good and bad. A lot of it tended to reside in the box in the back of his closet and the dust on it was only ever disturbed when particular company came over. It was always so earthy and a bit sour, but not entirely unpleasant of a smell itself. Germany pulled out the box and set it on his bed, one hand opening the top to go through it as he thought of which items from within he'd actually need. The theme today was going to be a bit different than usual, if he'd read the e-mail correctly. Hopefully he had what he needed considering he had confirmed the theme in the e-mail when he responded: control.
It was already dark out, so he knew his guest would be arriving before too terribly long. That meant he didn't have a whole bunch of time to prepare, but at least they would have the entire evening to themselves since Prussia was having a movie night with Spain and France. His guest would certainly help him organize everything, especially since besides the main event, they were going to have an in-house date of sorts with dinner and some television. They could never spend time together when Prussia was around though; his older brother would have an absolute fit at having "that fucking bear" in the house.
The doorbell rang, jarring Germany out of the thoughts he'd allowed to swallow his preparation time. On the steps, when he opened the door, stood exactly who'd he expected.
Russia held out a small, wrapped bundle of what seemed to be chain, much like one would present a bouquet of flowers. "I brought chain this time, the nylon was really... too itchy last time. Is that okey?"