[Mod!Post] Table Challenge Rules

Aug 30, 2011 20:50

So you want to join the HetaChallenge Table Challenge? Read the rules below to find out how to participate! Note: This challenge is separate from the Drabble/Doodle Challenge.


1. No flaming. Feedback is encouraged but make sure that it is constructive.

2. Claims can be a character/pairing/threesome/group. If claim is a character that character can be used in any combination with other characters. If a pairing/threesome is claimed all members of claim must be present/mentioned in every story. Groups can be claimed as well (ex. Allies - France, England, America, Russia and China) and any characters can be used within the group, not all have to be present/mentioned. Note: groups must be established groups like Axis, Allies, Nordics, Asians, etc. and characters must be declared when claimed.

3. You may only claim two table challenges at a time.

5. You must be active in your claims! If you feel you will be unable to finish your claim please drop it at the sign up post.

6. All stories/art must be new, however, they can be used in other challenges. Stories for the table challenge can not be used as part of the HetaChallenge Drabble/Doodle Challenge. Stories can be canon or AU.

7. All posts with mature content must be locked!

8. Stories for the Table Challenge can be as long as you want, but must be at least 100 words long. You can post them in any order you would like (ex. you can post prompt 8 before prompt 1, etc.) Artists must use their best judgement on what is equal to a drabble length fic for the minimum, however, the sky is the limit!

9. Try to post a story/art piece at least once a month, but you can post as often as you like!

10. Posting format: (to see an example - click here)

Subject - [Table Challenge] - Claim - Table/Prompt

Word Count: - don't need to include this for art

Word Count:

If you understand the rules, go check out the tables and sign up there!

Also if you have any suggestion for prompt tables I would love to hear them since variety is awesome! Send me a pm if you have any table suggestions and I'll be sure to credit you!

table challenge, mod!post, rules

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