Title: I Love You
Characters: England, America
Challenge: 16- Affection
Bonus Words: love, smile
Rating: PG
Summary: Sometimes Arthur just needs to be assured that he is loved.
“Alfred?” Arthur called out one day from his spot on the couch, looking up from his book to stare at the American currently in the kitchen. “Am I a good boyfriend?”
Alfred poked his head out from the doorway, looking more than just a tad bit confused. “What brought this on?” he asked curiously.
“Well,” Arthur started, giving a shrug. “I just sometimes feel as if I'm not all that good to you. I mean, you do so much, and, well, I'm-”
“Perfect,” Alfred cut in with a large snort, stepping closer into view. “You're absolutely perfect.” Ignoring Arthur's blush, he continued. “Seriously, Artie, I'm not an idiot. I do have good judgment of character. I wouldn't date anyone who's any less than perfect, 'cause you know, with my ego, I can only handle the very best.” He smiled fondly. “Sure, you can't cook and you get pissy easily and you're short and sometimes real boring, but that's what makes you special, and special is what makes you perfect.”
He stepped back into the kitchen and Arthur sat on the couch, speechless, barely catching the last thing Alfred had to say. “I love you, Arthur Kirkland, and only you.”
Title: Didn't Understand
Characters: Prussia, Romano
Challenge: 16- Affection
Bonus Words: love
Rating: PG
Summary: Lovino is breaking up with him and Gilbert doesn't know why.
Gilbert felt like he couldn't breathe.
“It's just not working out,” Lovino muttered.Gilbert felt like he was going to faint.
“I-I mean, it's...this isn't personal, dammit. I'm just confused right now.”
He was choking, choking, oh god, he couldn't stop choking.
“An-And don't you think it's you fu-fucking fault. It isn't.”
There was no other person to blame. It had to be his fault. It had to be.
“I'm just not in love with you anymore. I can't- I don't want...I don't love you.”
Oh, but he did, Gilbert still loved himself, and that was alright, but he just loved Lovino even more, and why was this even happening? It couldn't be happening. He had tried so hard, so hard, so very hard to keep the two of them together, and it had all been for nothing.
“You-You understand, si?” Lovino asked, looking concerned, and Gilbert realized that Lovino, his Lovi, didn't know that Gilbert still had feelings for him.
He didn't understand. He didn't understand at all.
“I understand,” he whispered.
[I Love You]: Duh, I'd start with a USUK first. ^_^
[Didn't Understand]: So...affection. Or, rather, lack thereof. Because I suck and sometimes write sad drabbles.