Title: Movie Night at the Beilschmidt’s
Characters: Prussia, Germany
Challenge: January 2013: Apocalypse
Bonus Words: pandemic, shelter, alliance, disaster, pickle
Rating: G
Summary: The brothers Beilschmidt sit around, watching movies…
Prussia lounged on the sofa, eating popcorn, while Germany sat on the opposite end. The two of them were watching Apocalypse Now. Germany winced at a particularly violent scene.
“You okay, West?”
His brother nodded in reply.
“No wonder America doesn’t talk about this era…” Prussia mused.
“Neither does Viet Nam.”
“Yeah… What a disaster of a war. All those lives lost and for what?” He reached for the remote and turned it off.
“Yeah…” Germany agreed. “We’re not doing too good with our movie night, are we?”
Prussia snorted. “No, although, I thought Outbreak was pretty good.”
“If you like movies about pandemics…” Germany shrugged.
“They can’t all be The Andromeda Strain, you know.”
“Yeah… Want to watch the movie about the Rebel Alliance?”
Prussia got up to look at their DVD collection. “The Empire Strikes Back? I thought we were only up to A New Hope.”
“Nope, we watched it last time Italy was here.”
“You sure? Didn’t we watch that cutesy one about the vegetables? You know, they were pirates or something…? I seem to remember a pickle being a pirate and a broccoli.” Prussia shrugged.
Germany laughed. “Yeah. It was a cucumber and it was the ‘Veggie Tale’ movie. I forget if there’s a broccoli in it, Brüder.”
Prussia also laughed. “It was very cute whatever was in it.”
Prussia nodded.
“Want me to make more popcorn, Brüder?”
“Please… How about that funny one about the bomb shelter?”
“Blast from the Past?” Germany went to go make more popcorn.
“Yeah! That’s it!”
“It’s there next to-” Germany called out from the kitchen.
“Found it!” Prussia popped it in the player. “Hurry, West, the movie’s starting!”
Germany quickly returned with the popcorn. Taking his place on the sofa, the brothers sat back to enjoy the movie…