In addition to any recs you wish to post at any time, the comm has monthly rec challenges issued by the mods!
Challenge 152:
Category: Tumblr Fics
Deadline: December 1
Challenge: This month, we're taking a dive into the fandom free-for-all that is Tumblr by sharing the awesome fics to be found on that site. Bring us your "forever reblogs," your favorite tag explosions, and your top fic tennis matches-and rec away!
To post a rec on Tumblr, follow the simple directions on our
submit page.
To post a rec on LiveJournal, you don’t need to ask for posting rights-just become a community member, copy/paste the text below, and post it as a new entry!
Fandom Category:Pairing:Fic Title:Author:Link:Rating/Warning(s):Word Count/WIP?:Recced on LiveJournal By: Why This Must Be Read: