Chuck, 2 recs, Sarah Walker/Chuck Bartowski, by ndnickerson (Explicit)

Oct 17, 2015 12:20

Fandom: Chuck
Pairing: Sarah Walker/Chuck Bartowski
Title: the secret you don't know how to tell
Author: ndnickerson
Link: LJ | AO3
Rating/Warning(s): Explicit / no warnings
Word Count: 3038
Recced on LiveJournal By: tinnny

Trope: First Time & Screwing the Chain of Command (all s1-2 Chuck fic qualifies for that :) )

Why This Must Be Read: Sarah and Chuck have to share an apartment for a mission, and their sexual frustration is palpable. Like all of ndnickerson's fic, this is really well written. Heartbreaking but still optimistic, and just a little bit kinky. "If you talk, it's over." She said it so faintly, but he had never expected anything else. Not really.

Fandom: Chuck
Pairing: Sarah Walker/Chuck Bartowski
Title: to keep the sky from falling
Author: ndnickerson
Link: LJ | AO3
Rating/Warning(s): Explicit / no warnings
Word Count: 5311
Spoilers: explicit spoilers for all of Chuck season 2
Recced on LiveJournal By: tinnny

Trope: Mind Games (it would have fit a few other tropes as well, but not all is as it seems in this story, so I chose the best-fitting one)

Why This Must Be Read: Chuck and Sarah are ordered to announce their fake engagement, and they're not happy with that at all, for several reasons. Beautiful depictions of both Chuck's and Sarah's conflicting thoughts, as per usual in ndnickerson's fic, plus hot sex. Everyone's keeping secrets from everyone else, and the story holds a few surprises on the way - for the characters and the reader.

(actually, both stories belong to ndnickerson's Chuck S3 AU, but I hope it's okay to count them as two tropes)

fandom: chuck, ship: sarah walker/chuck bartowski

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