In addition to any recs you wish to post at any time, the comm has monthly rec challenges issued by the mods.
Challenge 151:
Category: Anniversary Trope Bingo
Deadline: November 1
Challenge: To celebrate het-reccers’s anniversary, we’re kicking off a month of TROPE BINGO! Comment on this post (on LJ) or send us an
ask (on Tumblr) to receive your bingo card, then post tropey recs based on your squares-five in a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal row gets you bingo, and each bingo (up to five) gets you an entry into our prize drawing. Any and all pairings are welcome; your bingo squares can be from as many or as few fandoms as you like. Reccing more than one fic rec per bingo square is allowed (and encouraged!), and you can complete your bingo row in just one post or a series of them. As always, be sure to
check the tags for your fandom and ship and try to avoid reccing any fics that have been previously posted to the comm.
At the end of the month, 5 winners will receive a podfic of their choice, and the whole community will get to enjoy awesome recs with all your favorite fanfiction tropes, from sharing-a-bed to road-tripping to your-OTP-in-the-apocalypse!
As always, to post a rec on Tumblr, follow the simple directions on our
submit page.
To post a rec on LiveJournal, you don’t need to ask for posting rights-just become a community member, copy/paste the text below, and post it as a new entry!
Fandom:Pairing:Title:Author:Link:Rating/Warning(s):Word Count/WIP?:Recced on LiveJournal By: Why This Must Be Read: