Dogs: Bullets & Carnage, 3 recs, Naoto/Heine

Sep 15, 2015 13:26

[special recs 8-10/20]

Fandom: Dogs: Bullets & Carnage
Pairing: Fuyumine Naoto/Heine Rammsteiner
Title: A Rare Sight
Author: Cornerofmadness
Rating/Warning(s): Mature; canon typical violence
Word Count/WIP?: 2,359
Recced on LiveJournal By: eevilalice

Why This Must Be Read: An interesting exploration of gynophobic Heine's complex and developing feelings towards Naoto--from grudging respect to something new, surprising...and dangerous.

Fandom: Dogs: Bullets & Carnage
Pairing: Fyumine Naoto/Heine Rammsteiner
Title: If you're an explosion, I won't search for shelter
Author: jactehsniper
Rating/Warning(s): K
Word Count/WIP?: 441
Recced on LiveJournal By: eevilalice

Why This Must Be Read: This one's from Heine's pov and captures a moment from canon from the inside--a huge moment where Naoto recognizes how she and Heine are alike and expresses understanding.

Fandom: Dogs: Bullets & Carnage
Pairing: Fuyumine Naoto/Heine Rammsteiner
Title: so much potential
Author: smartalker
Rating/Warning(s): K+
Word Count/WIP?: 261
Recced on LiveJournal By: eevilalice

Why This Must Be Read: A funny ficlet, courtesy of Badou's observation skills, perfectly voicing the thoughts of many a Naoto/Heine shipper (the few of us out there).

*Tags for fandom and ship, please and thank you!

ship: fuyumine naoto/heine rammsteiner, special reccer: eevilalice, fandom: dogs: bullets & carnage

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