Cater to the Hollow, by Asher Monroe (E)

Sep 06, 2015 18:10

[special rec 4/20]

Fandom: Pretty Little Liars
Pairing: Mona Vanderwaal/Caleb Rivers
Title: Cater to the Hollow
Author: Asher Monroe (OneHundredSuns)
Rating/Warning(s): Explicit; Dubious Consent
Word Count/WIP?: 5,069
Recced on LiveJournal By: eevilalice

Why This Must Be Read: I'm a hardcore Hanna/Caleb shipper, but I also like fics that tread on the "bad, dirty, wrong" side (in the words of the A/N). Mona is her crazy, brilliant, manipulative self, and Caleb is being his protective and therefore angry self, caught and really, really not wanting to like fulfilling Mona's indecent proposal, but unable to help it.

...and I need another new tag, for the ship. Thanks!

ship: mona vanderwaal/caleb rivers, special reccer: eevilalice, fandom: pretty little liars

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