A Thousand Other Faces by anr (T)

Sep 04, 2015 16:26

[rec 2/20]

Fandom: Dredd
Pairing: Cassandra Anderson/Joseph Dredd
Title: A Thousand Other Faces
Author: anr
Link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/1096486
Rating/Warning(s): T
Word Count/WIP?: 1,182
Recced on LiveJournal By: eevilalice

Why This Must Be Read: I love the hell out of this movie, and this is my favorite fic I've come across for this ship. I think the request the fic was fulfilling speaks for it best: Dredd and Anderson working together; sexual tension, a mentor/mentee dynamic, and equal footing between the two.

fandom: dredd, special reccer: eevilalice, ship: cassandra anderson/judge dredd

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