Thirdsies or Whatever the Fuck Hobbits Do (teen)

Jul 24, 2015 05:57

Fandom: Spy
Pairing: Susan Cooper/Rick Ford
Title: Thirdsies or Whatever the Fuck Hobbits Do
Author: Barkour
Rating/Warning(s): Teen
Word Count/WIP?: 1.2K, complete
Recced on Tumblr By: diaphenia

Why This Must Be Read: If the movie Spy left you with a hankering for a sequel (or twelve) and a desire to know just how (spoiler!) Rick and Susan woke up spooning, this is the fic for you! It’s hysterical, with pitch-perfect voices and affection between colleagues. 
“In the film adaptation of my life-Fording the Riches-”

“Oh, my God,” said Susan.

“The only man even remotely tough enough to play me, Rick Ford, is Viggo Mortenson.”

This writer nails everything about these two. A real delightful fic.

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ship: susan cooper/rick ford, fandom: spy

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