Mad Max: Fury Road, 2 recs, Furiosa/Max Rockatansky

Jun 01, 2015 14:12

Fandom Category: Mad Max: Fury Road
Pairing: Furiosa/Max Rockatansky
Fic Title: Orbit
Author: ArwenLune
Rating/Warning(s): PG
Word Count/WIP?: ~9k so far, WIP
Recced By: blithers

Why This Must Be Read: I’m reccing this as a WIP because it’s a wonderfully developed slow burn after the movie, with Furiosa and Max’s relationship carefully and achingly changing and becoming deeper. This story does a lot with Max’s succinct and terse mode of communication, with the world building of the Citadel after the events of the movie, and especially with Furiosa and Max together. Also, there is sharing a bed without having sex - I can't wait for the next update.

Fandom Category: Mad Max: Fury Road
Pairing: Furiosa/Max Rockatansky
Fic Title: Witnessed
Rating/Warning(s): NC-17, warnings for discussion of past rape and non-consensual voyeurism
Word Count/WIP?: ~4k, complete
Recced By: blithers

Why This Must Be Read: This fic is told from the POV of the Wives, who watch Furiosa and Max having sex for the first time, and makes amazing use of a third person POV to illuminate characters, relationships, and the world the Wives (and Furiosa, and Max) have lived in. It’s fascinating and gorgeously written and surprisingly, wonderfully tender.

ship: furiosa/max rockatansky, fandom: mad max

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