Northanger Abbey, 2 Recs, Catherine Morland/Henry Tilney

Apr 18, 2015 11:55

Fandom: Northanger Abbey
Pairing: Catherine Morland/Henry Tilney
Title: A Clandestine Correspondence
Author: Mags
Rating/Warning(s): G
Word Count/WIP?: 20k-ish, complete
Recced By: blithers

Why This Must Be Read: This is an epistolary fic, consisting of the letters that Catherine and Henry exchange while they are separated during their engagement, and it's delightful. The language and characters ring true in a light, easy way, and their conversation and courtship via words is subtle and practical and romantic and wholehearted all at once. It feels like a missing piece of canon, and is one of those so-right-it'll-become-your-headcanon type of stories.

(One navigational note - the link at the bottom of the first part to the second part is broken, but the link at the top works - or you can just go here for the second part of the story.)

Fandom: Northanger Abbey
Pairing: Catherine Morland/Henry Tilney
Title: Matrimony and Dancing
Author: tree
Rating/Warning(s): R
Word Count/WIP?: 2734, complete
Recced By: blithers

Why This Must Be Read: This is Catherine and Henry on their wedding night, and it is everything you'd want for these two characters: sweet and sexy and joyful. I especially love Henry's simmering nervousness underneath everything, with two adult virgins figuring things out for the first time, turning their wedding night into a meeting of equals in a way that fundamentally resets their relationship for the future - into a marriage.

ship: catherine morland/henry tilney, fandom: northanger abbey

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