30 Rock, 4 Recs, Liz Lemon/Wesley Snipes

Mar 14, 2015 21:18

Fandom Category: 30 Rock
Pairing: Liz Lemon/Wesley Snipes
Fic Title: Settlingly Ever After (Or: Blame Brendan Fraser For Inconvenient Soulmatehood)
Author: dollsome
Link: http://dollsome.livejournal.com/1395730.html
Rating/Warning(s): PG
Word Count/WIP?: 5331 words, complete
Recced By: blithers

Why This Must Be Read: Because Liz and Wesley are THE GREATEST ROMANCE OF OUR TIME, am I right? Or, as the summary of this story says, on the other side of attraction lies repulsion. Dollsome wrote this, the Liz/Wesley fic, where the two of them just keep bumping into each other (first accidentally, then on purpose) and disgust turns into grudging acceptance and it’s hilarious and off-the-wall and ridiculously good. I ship Liz and Wesley an unreasonable amount for being a fairly short-term-on-the-actual-show crack ship, and dollsome’s fics (and this one in particular) are a big reason for that.

Fandom Category: 30 Rock
Pairing: Liz Lemon/Wesley Snipes
Fic Title: Kippers and Whistles
Author: ijemanja
Link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/302550
Rating/Warning(s): PG-13
Word Count/WIP?: 1663 words, complete
Recced By: blithers

Why This Must Be Read: This is a delightful fic where Liz and Wesley are newly wed spouses-of-convenience and end up sharing a bed while visiting the in-laws; Wesley’s off the wall British-isms and bickering abound. There’s a thread of strange but real, legitimate attraction in this fic that pairs perfectly with the humor and the trope-iness of the situation.

Fandom Category: 30 Rock
Pairing: Liz Lemon/Wesley Snipes
Fic Title: Almost Enjoyable
Author: winninghearts
Link: http://oxoniensis.livejournal.com/472424.html?thread=29223784#t29223784
Rating/Warning(s): not rated, but I’d put it at PG-13 or R-ish
Word Count/WIP?: ~300 words, complete
Recced By: blithers

Why This Must Be Read: This little ficlet was written for one of the porn battles, and I love how it plays things mostly straight while still being very Liz Lemon-ish about sex and relationships and one Wesley Snipes in particular.

Fandom Category: 30 Rock
Pairing: Liz Lemon/Wesley Snipes
Fic Title: burn, pine, perish (whatever)
Author: dollsome
Link: http://archiveofourown.org/orks/247366
Rating/Warning(s): PG
Word Count/WIP?: 532 words, complete
Recced By: blithers

Why This Must Be Read: Because I couldn’t let this pairing go without reccing another fic from dollsome (because everything she writes for these two is gold). This is another short and sweet and hilarious little snippet, where Liz finds herself missing Wesley more than she might have guessed, after the fact.

ship: liz lemon/wesley snipes, fandom: 30 rock

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