New Girl, 3 recs, Jess/Nick and Cece/Schmidt

Mar 08, 2015 12:17

I did not realize how many sitcom recs I had wanted to make before this challenge. But now you can call me Butter, because I am on a ROLL!

Fandom Category: New Girl
Pairing: Jessica Day/Nick Miller
Fic Title: Chemical Reactions
Author: TheWrongKindofPC
Rating/Warning(s): General Audiences
Word Count/WIP?: 3,002 (complete)
Recced By: stars-inthe-sky

Why This Must Be Read: High school AU! The author does a great job of merging what the characters were actually like in high school (as shown in flashbacks) with what the characters’ current selves might be like in high school, and the results are sweet and funny and totally perfect.


Fandom Category: New Girl
Pairing: Jessica Day/Nick Miller
Fic Title: when you breathe in you’ll lift like a balloon
Author: torigates
Rating/Warning(s): Mature
Word Count/WIP?: 5,566 (complete)
Recced By: stars-inthe-sky

Why This Must Be Read: This is not what happened after “Elaine’s Big Day,” but it’s what probably should have happened. The characters are so spot-on here-you can see all the layers of why Nick and Jess make a great couple and why they make a terrible one, too. With bonus Schmidt freakouts, natch!


Fandom Category: New Girl
Pairing: Cece Parekh/Schmidt
Fic Title: Of Things Not Yet Known
Author: Laura
Rating/Warning(s): General Audiences
Word Count/WIP?: 3,648
Recced By: stars-inthe-sky

Why This Must Be Read: Instead of hoping for the kinds of miracles that only happen on TV, Schmidt actually makes an honest effort to fix things with Cece, and it’s so much better than the push-and-pull of canon, let me tell you.

fandom: new girl, ship: cece parekh/schmidt, ship: jess day/nick miller

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